How could Wei Yuxian be dissatisfied? The man's attitude just now was so resolute and he didn't give Qin Junling any face. She was extremely satisfied!

This man was very firmly on her side, which made her feel extremely comfortable!

Who doesn’t want the favor of the person they like? Even if you do something wrong, you still want to be favored by the people you care about, and you also want the people you like to be on your side.

Wei Yuxian is no exception.

The man's behavior gave her a full sense of security and made her feel very at ease.

From now on, she will probably never worry that this man will look at anyone else again, because she can see his love for her.

She will always, always love him.

Wei Yuxian nodded and said, "Satisfied."

"As long as Madam is satisfied."

His words were obviously not words of love, but Wei Yuxian thought they sounded better than words of love.

The word "ma'am" has a different flavor when spoken in a man's mouth.

She stared at the man's handsome face, then slowly approached him, closed her eyes, and kissed him on the lips.

Fu Xuanyi smiled even more happily. After she left, he caught up with her and kissed her, leaving many soft kisses on her lips.

Wei Yuxian was a little shy after being kissed. When the man wanted to move again, she quickly tilted her head back, put her hands on the man's chest, and said, "Hurry up and work."

But she saw that there was a thick pile of documents on the man's desk. If she didn't deal with it quickly, she might have to work overtime tonight.

She also didn't want to delay the man's work because of herself.

Fu Xuanyi put his big hand on the back of her head, then brought her back, pressed it against her forehead, with a particularly intimate posture, and said, "There's no rush."

He has his own sense of propriety, and he won't even have this little intimate time with Guaiguai.

Wei Yuxian knew how well a man handled work. She had stayed in his office for a long time, and this man handled work so fast!

But she was also afraid that something would go wrong with his body, and if she handled the work too fast, something would inevitably go wrong.

Fu Xuanyi's projects all start with RMB 100 million, so there must be no mistakes!

Otherwise, she will die of guilt!

Seeing that the man wanted to kiss her again, Wei Yuxian quickly put her hand on her lips and covered her mouth. Fu Xuanyi also kissed the back of her hand.

The back of Guaiguai's hand was also soft and tender. Of course, Fu Xuanyi did not miss this opportunity to eat tofu, and kissed her hand several times.

Wei Yuxian was speechless at this man. How could she block him and still...

She quickly turned her head to the side and said, "Hurry up and work, otherwise, I won't work overtime with you."

As soon as the o'clock arrived, she would get off work on time and go back to see the baby, leaving the man to work overtime here to see if he dared to desert his job.

Fu Xuanyi was threatened by this, fearing that the two little guys at home would compete with him, so he had to let go and start working seriously.

Wei Yuxian wanted to get up from the man's lap, feeling that sitting here would affect the man's work efficiency.

She whispered: "Axuan, let me down, I will disturb your work."

The man put one hand on her lower abdomen and hugged her tightly, saying: "Stay here, obediently, I am full of energy."

It was as if Wei Yuxian was his charging station.

But that's about it.

With Guaiguai in hand, he felt that he could work for ten hours at a stretch!

When Wei Yuxian heard this, she looked at the man's work efficiency. It seemed that it was really not affected, so she stayed in his arms obediently.

He was calm and collected, neither talking nor moving.

She felt bored, so she followed the man and read the documents. However, she couldn't understand the contents of these documents, and she suddenly became bored.

Unable to read the document, she forced herself to read it. As a result, she became more and more sleepy as she read it. She had just woken up and now she wanted to sleep again.

After a while, she leaned her head and fell asleep completely in Fu Xuanyi's arms.

There was no sound when Fu Xuanyi was working, and the environment was very comfortable.

He noticed that the breathing of the person in his arms had become regular and long, and when he lowered his head to look, he saw his obedient and peaceful sleeping face.

Even when sleeping, she looks so beautiful, and those beautiful lips silently exude attraction.

Fu Xuanyi was indeed attracted by those alluring red lips. He slowly leaned over and took in the beauty from them.

Wei Yuxian was disturbed from her sleep, and she made a few uncomfortable noises. Her voice was so sweet that Fu Xuanyi almost couldn't control it!

Fortunately, his strong self-control came into play at this moment, and he was able to hold back.

There's no rush, there's no rush yet, there's still plenty of time tonight.

Let me have a good sleep so that I can have more energy to do other things at night.

Thinking like this, Fu Xuanyi started to deal with the work without any distractions.

He had to finish all these tasks before getting off work so that he could spend time with Guaiguai in the evening.

The sun sets little by little to the west, the shadow is lengthened, the world is dyed with a beautiful yellow halo, and time passes slowly.

Off work time arrived as scheduled.

Wei Yuxian woke up just when Fu Xuanyi had finished his work, which was very timely.

She rubbed her eyes and asked, "What time is it?"

The voice was soft, with the unique charm after waking up from sleep.

"It's time to get off work." The man replied in her ear.

Wei Yuxian said "Ah" and said, "Have I slept for so long?"

"Yeah." The man ruffled her hair, "Go home."

Wei Yuxian stood up in a daze, watching the man turn off the computer, take things, and walk out holding her hand.

She opened her eyes slightly and asked, "Have you finished your work?"

The man said "Hmm" again and raised his eyebrows slightly, as if asking for praise.

The dull Wei Yuxian didn't notice it, her brain was still on, so she said "oh" and followed the man out obediently.

Look like this, be as obedient as possible.

Fu Xuanyi is so good that he wants to transform into a wolf right now and have a hearty meal!

He walked unconsciously faster, wanting to go home early.

Wei Yuxian almost couldn't keep up with him and said, "Slow down, why are you walking in such a hurry? What happened at home?"

Fu Xuanyi then slowed down and said, "It's okay, I just want to go home quickly."

After taking the CEO elevator to the underground parking lot, Fu Xuanyi drove back home himself. He was in a good mood today and wanted to drive by himself.

On the way, he returned home as fast as he could, so fast that Wei Yuxian was startled, thinking that something really hot happened at home.

But when I asked the man, he said nothing happened, which confused Wei Yuxian to death.

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