Soon, Wei Yuxian knew the reason.

After returning home and having dinner, Wei Yuxian took a walk in the yard for a while before being pulled back to the room by the man and pushed into the bathroom.

She stood under the shower head with a confused look on her face, but she didn't hesitate for long before taking a shower.

She wanted to see what this man was going to do tonight, so mysterious.

It didn't take long for her to take a shower and walk out in her bathrobe.

Before he could ask a question, the man got into the bathroom. He didn't know how anxious the monkey was.

Wei Yuxian: "..."

She was stunned for a while, then sat down on the bed and took out her mobile phone to play with it, hoping to use it to kill some time.

Not long after, Fu Xuanyi also came out of the bathroom. The man seemed to be in a hurry. He simply wiped his hair a few times and it came out. The water droplets condensed along the hair to the ends of the hair, and there would be no more drops.

What a picture - a picture of a beautiful man taking a bath!

Even though it was not the first time Wei Yuxian saw a man's body, she was still shocked by the man's good figure.

She swallowed and wanted to turn her head away, but when she thought that they were now a legal couple, she could watch.

I held back and started to seriously appreciate my man's figure.

Fortunately, Fu Xuanyi was not so anxious that he had nothing to lose. He still had a bath towel tied around his waist.

Otherwise, she would not dare to look at it so openly.

There is still a bit of shyness, but men are more attractive, and that shyness is completely useless at this moment.

She probably knew that the man wanted to do that tonight.

Otherwise, why would you be in such a hurry and take a shower at just this hour?

Fu Xuanyi stared at Wei Yuxian and walked over step by step, like a wolf staring at its prey.

There seemed to be a clear fire in his eyes, indicating his current state.

Wei Yuxian unconsciously held the sheets, waited for the man to come to her, and said, "It wasn't just the day before yesterday..."

The man chuckled, his voice a little lower than usual, and seemed more magnetic. He said, "My dear, I have to make up for last night's wedding night."

They received the certificate yesterday, so yesterday was their wedding night. This is correct.

But yesterday he was worried about Guaiguai's health and was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it, so he postponed it for a day.

In addition, if you don’t have to go to school tomorrow, it’s okay even if you don’t sleep tonight.

His abacus was hitting so loudly that the beads on the abacus almost jumped onto Wei Yuxian's face.

Only then did she realize that this was what the man had in mind.

This man is really good at scheming, and he actually wants to make up for it!

Wei Yuxian didn't know what to say. She looked up at the man and tried to negotiate terms with him, saying, "I can make it up, but can it...not take so long?"

"Aren't you happy, dear?" Fu Xuanyi narrowed his eyes and thought of something happy.

Wei Yuxian's face immediately turned red and she said, "Don't change the question!"

Fu Xuanyi then came back to answer the question and said, "This probably won't work."

Wei Yuxian grabbed the sheets harder and said, "Then... don't let me say those shameful words."

Fu Xuanyi thought about it for a while and then said: "Call me husband and I will promise you."

They had received their certificates yesterday, and it had been more than twenty-four hours, and he hadn't heard me call him "husband" yet.

Now, he wants to hear something, isn’t it too much?

Wei Yuxian had just thought of this. If the man hadn't said it, it would have taken a long time for her to react.

When the time comes, you may not be able to call out.

After all, this title is too intimate and embarrassing.

It took her a long time to get used to calling him Ah Xuan at first. If she calls him that name in the future...

Also, the thought of calling me this name in front of my parents makes me feel even more shy.

Fu Xuanyi knew her shy temperament and probably guessed what she was thinking, so he said, "Just scream."

Slowly, coaxing this simple little white rabbit.

Wei Yuxian thought to herself that just calling her was not too much. From now on, she would still be called Ah Xuan in front of her parents.

After all, she still made money.

A certain person doesn't know that what he looks like now is that he has been sold and paid for someone else's money.

She hesitated for a while, then blushed, turned her head to the side, and whispered: "Husband, husband..."

Fu Xuanyi really heard it in his ears, and in an instant, the evil fire in his body was flowing wantonly.

Because of this claim, I became even more excited!

He pressed her under him, gently pulled her waist with his big hands, and the bathrobe spread out, revealing a large area of ​​spring beauty.

That night, Wei Yuxian not only called her husband once, but this man was very bad. He promised her once, but the result was the same again and again.

If she doesn't scream, the man will always find a way to stop her from screaming.

In the end, Wei Yuxian's voice became extremely hoarse and her body became extremely tired, so she fainted.

There was a touch of fish belly white on the horizon, and it was dawn.

Fu Xuanyi didn't sleep for long before he woke up and glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was time to get up at the usual time.

He lowered his head and looked at the sleeping person in his arms for a while. His eyes were closed tightly, and they were still a little dark. He thought he was very tired last night.

He left a sympathetic kiss on the lips, stood up gently, and went to work.

Wei Yuxian, on the other hand, was sleeping so hard that she had no idea about the passage of time.

She was very tired last night, and she had to make up for it today!

Before Fu Xuanyi went out, he specifically told Aunt Fu not to go in and disturb Wei Yuxian's sleep. When the time came, they could just go in and take a look to see if she had woken up.

Fu's father and Fu's mother are elderly people. They go to bed early and get up early every day. When they saw that Fu Xuanyi was the only one who got up today, and he also had some dark circles under his eyes, he immediately understood what was going on.

Father Fu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Take it easy."

Fu Xuanyi nodded and agreed, but he still had to do what he should do.

Fu's mother felt even more sorry for Wei Yuxian and asked, "How is Yuxian? Do you have any sense of propriety?"

Fu Xuanyi nodded again and said, "It's okay, I'm just tired."

He has always been very measured when it comes to dealing with Guaiguai. Guaiguai was just tired last night.

Moreover, Guaiguai was also very happy last night, and he was not the only one enjoying it.

Fu’s mother: “That’s good. Even though you are young, you still have to be careful. Especially you, who is already a junior, take good care of your body and don’t collapse at a young age.”

Fu Xuanyi: "..."

"I know mom."

After breakfast, he went to the baby's room to check on the baby, leaving a kiss on their foreheads respectively. Seeing that the babies were very well-behaved, he went to work.

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