After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 185 It’s not just a few people, what’s there to be afraid of?

Ever since Qin Zimu said she wanted to teach Wei Yuxian a lesson last time, the girls around her started looking for opportunities.

But after searching for a long time, no suitable opportunity was found. For this reason, several girls were particularly distressed, and even Qin Zimu became a little distressed.

On this day, it was still a physical education class. Qin Zimu and others were sitting on the chairs in the gymnasium, staring at Wei Yuxian over there, everyone's eyes were unkind.

Qin Zimu flipped up his hair, leaned against the wall a little irritably, and asked, "You haven't found a chance yet?"

The girl next to her said: "Sister Mu, it's not that we don't want to find opportunities, but Wei Yuxian has been followed by people, just those four people, who have been following her, and we can't find any chance to take action.

It would be okay if she was surrounded by male bodyguards, and we could still do it in the toilet, but now that there are two female bodyguards around her, it is even more inconvenient for us to do it. "

Qin Zimu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is there no way to get these people away?"

Girl: "We tried to push people away, but they were very vigilant and were not fooled so easily."

They had thought of all the ways they should think of, and had used all the previous tricks, but they still couldn't succeed.

This time, it will be a difficult battle.

When Qin Zimu thought of her sister's visit to Fu Xuanyi a few days ago and the loss she suffered from Fu Xuanyi, she felt very unhappy, and her hatred for Wei Yuxian deepened.

If it weren't for this woman, Fu Xuanyi's relationship with his sister wouldn't be like this, at least they would still be friends.

But after having this woman, Fu Xuanyi's attitude towards his sister became much colder, and he even wanted to cancel the cooperation!

That project was a project that my sister got with great difficulty, and she wanted to rely on that project to earn face in front of her family, but who would have thought that Fu Xuanyi would give up cooperation like this!

Although this cooperation will benefit the Qin family more, it will also bring a lot of benefits to the Fu family!

This Fu Xuanyi is really unclear. He doesn't even consider the interests of the company for the sake of a woman.

I don’t know what my sister likes about this man. He is as cold as ice, and his words can kill people.

She said: "It's not just a few people, what are you afraid of?"

The girl told her findings: "Sister Mu, the people around Wei Yuxian are not ordinary people. Just look at that tallest man. He is Lu Chengxiao! Mr. Xuan's second in command, Lu Chengxiao!"

Upon hearing this name, Qin Zimu couldn't help but put his eyes on Lu Chengxiao, and then discovered that this man was a bit handsome.

Lu Chengxiao is Fu Xuanyi's secret chess piece, and he handles things in secret, so not many people know his true appearance.

Everyone only knew that Fu Xuanyi had a second-in-command named Lu Chengxiao, but they didn't know what he looked like.

Qin Zimu also didn't expect that Lu Chengxiao would be so young and a little handsome.

But what's the use of being handsome? This man looks harmless and smiles all day long, but in fact he is cruel and ruthless!

Master Xuan's secret affairs were all handled by this man, and there was only a lot more blood on his hands!

Qin Zimu could only grit his teeth and said, "Then think of another way. I don't believe it, and we can't catch Wei Yuxian! Anyway, I won't let her go."

The girl looked at Wei Yuxian, sighed in her heart, and said, "Now that I know Sister Mu, I'll think of a solution."

Qin Zimu urged again: "Move as quickly as possible, I don't have so much patience!"

"I'll do my best, Sister Mu."

Back here, Wei Yuxian was taking turns playing badminton with Akong Ali like last week, while Lu Chengxiao and Lu Cheng were playing on the other net.

Wei Yuxian was covered in hot sweat. She rested on the sidelines and watched the four people fight.

After watching for a while, Lu Chengxiao and Lu Cheng also stopped, walked to the chairs next to Wei Yuxian, sat down, and drank water while keeping a certain distance from Wei Yuxian.

The two of them raised their heads and drank water, not stopping even when the water flowed from the corners of their mouths.

Soon, the two of them drank a bottle of mineral water each, squeezed the air out of the bottle, threw it into the trash can, and then proudly wiped the water around their mouths with their clothes.

This look, not to mention how youthful and energetic he is.

Especially Lu Chengxiao, he is a handsome boy and looks so young, you really can't tell that he is in his mid-twenties.

More like a real college student.

Due to his outstanding appearance, informal movements and cheerful personality, many girls on the court noticed his presence.

"Look, that classmate over there is so handsome! He's just my type!"

"Yes, yes! He's so handsome! He's so handsome, youthful and wild! I love him so much!"

"He jumped up a few times when he was playing, and I saw his abdominal muscles! They are so obvious! And they are eight pieces!"

"What! You are just saying this good thing now! Why didn't you say it just now!"

"I don't want to share it with you. I want to admire the handsome guy by myself. Who would have thought that you would also notice him."

"Actually, I've noticed him since the last physical education class. This is the first time I've seen him in school. Do you know which class he is in?"

"I don't know about this. It doesn't seem to be our profession, right? Otherwise, how could I not know about such a handsome person?"

"I think so. I didn't see him in the first few PE classes, otherwise my eyes would be on him all the time!"

"Look, isn't the person next to him Wei Yuxian? Wei Yuxian is still talking to him!"

"It's true! I heard that Wei Yuxian just came to class not long ago. As for the physical education class, it should only be the second period. I also heard that Master Xuan sent four bodyguards to her in order to protect her! "

"So, that handsome guy is Wei Yuxian's bodyguard?"

"Nine times out of ten, that's right. Look, plus those two girls, there are exactly four people who have matched up with the rumors."

"Hey, why is this handsome guy the bodyguard of Wei Yuxian?"

"If you like it, go for it! It doesn't matter whether he has a bodyguard or not! Such a handsome man, but there is no store like this across the street!"

"I don't dare. Don't you like it too? Why don't you go after him? Our entire dormitory will serve as your strategist!"

A few girls got together and had a lively chat. Although they were all so talkative, in fact they had zero mobility. They didn't even dare to go up and ask Lu Chengxiao for WeChat.

The abbreviation is two words: social terror.

Here, Lu Chengxiao didn't know that he already had a small group of fans in school and many more admirers.

At this moment, he was chatting with Wei Yuxian.

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