After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 186 Something is wrong with Lu Chengxiao recently

Lu Chengxiao was gossiping about what kind of person Fu Xuanyi was in normal times, and wanted to know what the aloof Master Xuan was like in front of Wei Yuxian.

Wei Yuxian had nothing to hide, so she told him everything about this man's usual behavior in front of her.

After she said it, Lu Chengxiao and others showed expressions of disbelief.

The corner of Lu Chengxiao's mouth twitched and asked: "Madam, are you sure we are talking about the same person? Is Mr. Xuan really a person who loves to laugh?"

Wei Yuxian nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes, Ah Xuan loves to laugh. He smiles from time to time. He looks good when he smiles. I quite like to see him smile."

Lu Chengxiao looked at Lu Cheng and asked him with his eyes: Do you think the Master Xuan mentioned by his wife is the Master Xuan he knows?

Lu Cheng turned his head to the side silently and said nothing.

Then, Lu Chengxiao turned his eyes to A Kong and A Li, who were already sitting and resting, and asked them with the same look.

Akong received his look and said, "I think Master Xuan must be different in front of Madam, so what Madam said is true."

A Li: "Although I don't know what Master Xuan is like to Madam, I believe what Madam says."

Wei Yuxian added: "I don't need to lie to you. Ah Xuan is really not as scary as you say. Even if he sometimes has a cold face, it's just that he doesn't want to laugh. It's nothing. He is a pretty good person."

At this time, even A Kong and A Li stopped talking and looked here and there, but did not look at Wei Yuxian.

Well, they really can't believe this.

They really couldn't believe that Master Xuan was a very good person!

Madam, that's because you haven't seen how Mr. Xuan is cruel, so you think that Mr. Xuan is a very good person.

Master Xuan can scare many people with just his cold face!

It seems that Master Xuan is really different in front of his wife. At least his attitude is a hundred times a thousand times more friendly!

Lu Chengxiao planned to skip this topic, but just when he was racking his brains to think of what to talk about with Wei Yuxian, suddenly, a girl walked up to him with a shy look on her face.

"H-Hello, classmate... Could you please add your... WeChat account?"

The girl was so shy that there were two blushes on her face, which was even worse than the shy Wei Yuxian.

Not only was she shy, she was also nervous. She spoke intermittently, lowered her head, and did not dare to look up at Lu Chengxiao.

In an instant, Wei Yuxian and others turned their attention to the girl.

Wei Yuxian looked like she was watching a show, wanting to see how Lu Chengxiao would respond to this girl.

The news she knew was that Lu Chengxiao was a single man!

As for whether he had a girlfriend before, she didn't know.

But these are not important anymore, the important thing is that he is single now!

After all, Lu Chengxiao is already in his twenties and will be running for his third year in a few years. It's time to find someone to settle down with.

If he could meet true love in school, Wei Yuxian would sincerely bless him.

Under everyone's gaze, Lu Chengxiao tilted his head and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, classmate, but I don't add strangers to WeChat."

It means, reject this girl.

When the girl was rejected by him, her face turned even redder and her fever was severe. She hurriedly said "I'm sorry to bother you" and left quickly.

Wei Yuxian looked at the little girl leaving and felt a little pity, because the little girl was quite good-looking and seemed to be a serious person.

She sighed and said, "You just reject people like that?"

Lu Chengxiao: "Yes, I don't like her, so don't give her hope."

Wei Yuxian thought about it and thought it was true, and then agreed with his approach and said, "That's true."

She asked curiously: "Do you have someone you like? Have you ever liked someone before?"

Lu Chengxiao was very honest, and he would answer whatever Wei Yuxian asked: "I used to have people I liked, but they were not suitable, so we broke up, but now I don't."

Wei Yuxian turned her attention to Lu Cheng and the others. Her bright eyes immediately made it clear what she wanted to ask.

Lu Cheng quickly said: "Madam, I have a girlfriend."

A Kong and A Li said: "We are still young, don't be in a hurry, madam."

Wei Yuxian was a little surprised that Lu Cheng actually had a girlfriend, and said, "I really can't tell."

After this girl passed by, I don’t know if she opened up the courage of those girls. After that, several people came to Lu Chengxiao to ask about WeChat. Without exception, Lu Chengxiao did not agree.

In his eyes, these girls are just a bunch of kids, without the urge or feeling to like them.

Wei Yuxian saw him rejecting so many people and teased him: "Second Master Lu is very lucky."

Lu Chengxiao flipped his hair and said, "Madam, please stop teasing me. If Master Xuan were here, more than just this number of people would ask him for WeChat."

Wei Yuxian then thought of this man again. It was the last class now, and she would be able to see this man soon.

Not seeing you for a day makes me miss you so much.

She was looking forward to the end of school.

Obviously before, she was eager for the class to be longer, but now, the situation has become the opposite, and she is looking forward to the end of get out of class.

There are still about ten minutes until get out of class ends, but Wei Yuxian feels that these ten minutes are a bit difficult, and her desire to see someone is getting stronger and stronger!

After an arduous wait, Wei Yuxian finally received the teacher's roll call again. After the roll call, get out of class was over.

She couldn't wait to rush out of the arena and got into Lu Chengxiao's car first, looking expectantly at the scenery outside the car window.

When the familiar vehicle came into view, the smile on her face became more obvious.

As soon as the car stopped, she immediately opened the door and got out of the car, and got into Fu Xuanyi's car.

As soon as I got in the car, I said "Ah Xuan" with nostalgia again.

"Good boy." Fu Xuanyi also called her, all he saw in his eyes was her, and he only pretended to be her.

The feeling of being cared for wholeheartedly by someone is so beautiful that Wei Yuxian's heart feels as sweet as honey.

Fu Xuanyi started the car and returned home.

Afterwards, the days at school passed day by day. Wei Yuxian went to class on time every day and rarely asked for leave.

Fu Xuanyi wanted to ask for leave for her so that he could do something like this, but Wei Yuxian explicitly prohibited him from doing this or that on nights when there were classes. If he didn't comply, she would go to the baby's room to sleep with the baby.

In order to be able to sleep with his wife, Mr. Xuan could only endure it, but when the weekend came, he couldn't help it anymore and made Wei Yuxian burst into tears every time.

The relationship between the two is getting better day by day, no different from an ordinary couple.

On this day, Wei Yuxian went to class as usual, but found that something was wrong with Lu Chengxiao's recent situation.

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