What is wrong with this method? This starts from the scene Wei Yuxian saw.

This day was a normal day. Wei Yuxian came to the classroom as normal, and several people around her also took out their mobile phones to play with them as normal.

Can't learn anything.

Wei Yuxian hadn't noticed anything wrong at first, but today, Lu Chengxiao's behavior was very hard to take away!

For example, now, Wei Yuxian has seen him more than a dozen times during this class, and every time she sees him, there is a smile on his face.

Although Lu Chengxiao is usually a smiling person, it was different today. His smile was very different from usual!

Wei Yuxian couldn't help but pay more attention.

After class, she punched Kong next to her and asked, "What's going on with your boss lately? He's holding a cell phone and giggling every day."

The fingers were still tapping rapidly on the phone, not knowing who they were chatting with.

Could it be that he started falling in love recently?

Wei Yuxian thought of this possibility when she thought about people coming to him every day asking for WeChat.

Akong shook his head and said that he didn't know either, and whispered: "I don't know either. I don't care whether the boss is in love or not. But looking at the boss's expression, I think it's probably true."

Ah Li quietly stepped back, looked at Lu Chengxiao's phone, and saw the person Lu Chengxiao was chatting with, as well as the content on it.

She immediately reported to Wei Yuxian: "Madam, the boss is chatting with a person named Wan Tian. I am very sure that the boss is in love."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lu Chengxiao differently, especially Wei Yuxian, whose smile was very obvious when she looked at him.

How long has it been? I still remember that last time at the arena, Lu Chengxiao rejected several girls’ requests to add WeChat.

As a result, now, we are in love.

Wei Yuxian covered her mouth and smiled secretly, then asked A Li: "What two words are they?" She was asking for the name of Lu Chengxiao's girlfriend.

A Li glanced at Lu Chengxiao, who was still immersed in chatting with his little girlfriend, and whispered: "It's late at night, so peaceful."

Wei Yuxian immediately realized what the word was, chewed it several times in her mouth, and said, "She sounds like a quiet girl. I don't know how Lu Chengxiao fell in love with her."

She was a little curious about what the person Lu Chengxiao liked would be like.

These days, Lu Chengxiao and others have been by her side to protect her, so her relationship with these people has also improved a lot.

If Lu Chengxiao could meet his true love, Wei Yuxian would sincerely wish him well.

At this moment, Lu Chengxiao, who was chatting with his little girlfriend, finally realized something was wrong, because he noticed that several eyes were on him.

And it’s the same kind of people around you.

He turned off the phone, put it back on, and looked up to find the source of his vision.

He saw that the four friends around him were staring at him.

Instantly, another smile appeared on his face and asked: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me? Madam, do you have anything to say?"

Wei Yuxian also had a slight smile on her face. She shook her head, and while she still had some free time, she quickly asked, "Are you in love?"

Lu Chengxiao didn't hide anything and admitted it generously, "Yes, I'm in love."

This made him feel like he was back in his youth, even though he was not too old now.

Wei Yuxian saw that he was not shy and admitted it generously, and she admired him in her heart.

Then he asked: "What does she look like? How did you meet her? Is she from our school?"

Lu Chengxiao recalled the girl's appearance and said: "She is... very good-looking. She is from school. I know her from last week, when I went to buy water..."

Wei Yuxian and the others listened attentively to him talking about their love experiences. It was not complicated at all, but fate was a wonderful thing.

Lu Chengxiao and You Wantian met in the school supermarket. At that time, You Wantian was buying daily necessities in the supermarket, and her phone suddenly jammed and she couldn't pay. Lu Chengxiao happened to be behind her, so he paid for her.

In this way, the two met, and Lu Chengxiao took a liking to her, almost falling in love at first sight.

And he is a straightforward person, he will tell you what he likes and will not hide it, so within two days, he confessed to You Wantian that he wanted her to be his girlfriend.

You Wantian hesitated for two days and finally agreed to him.

After Wei Yuxian listened, she asked, "So, this is your first day with her?"

Lu Chengxiao nodded: "Yes, it's the first day we are officially together. So madam, I want to take a leave tonight to accompany my girlfriend, is that okay?"

How could Wei Yuxian disagree? This was a life-long event for Lu Chengxiao. She would be so immoral if she didn't approve his leave!

She said happily: "Okay, I approved it. You can spend time with my girl. There's nothing wrong with me."

Lu Chengxiao smiled happily: "Thank you, madam! When I get married, you will be the first one to invite me!"

After saying that, it was almost time for class. During this class, Wei Yuxian didn't see him chatting with others with his head down.

I thought to myself that maybe You Wantian had to go to class, so she didn't have time to chat.

Wei Yuxian guessed correctly. You Wantian was indeed in class. Lu Chengxiao wanted to find someone to chat, but she insisted not to chat during class, so Lu Chengxiao had no choice but to give up.

After class, Lu Chengxiao said something to Wei Yuxian and ran to find his little girlfriend, with a youthful smile on his face.

Sure enough, people who are in love are different.

Wei Yuxian thought about herself and Fu Xuanyi again. She and Fu Xuanyi had never been in love, but now they were both married.

She doesn't know what falling in love is like.

But now that she has this man, and her relationship with him is so good, it doesn't matter whether she is in love or not.

In the evening, it was Lu Cheng who drove Wei Yuxian out of school. Without Lu Chengxiao, it was this young man who drove.

In the car, Wei Yuxian asked, "Lu Cheng, would you like to take a day off to spend some time with your girlfriend?"

She remembered that Lu Cheng also had a girlfriend. He stayed by her side every day. Did he have time to spend time with his girlfriend?

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "No, madam, I will only be with you during class. I still have time to accompany her at other times."

Especially on weekends, he had three full days to spend with his little girlfriend Niwai, which was enough time.

The eldest brother is different. He has just fallen in love and is in the period of passionate love. He hopes to see people all the time.

Wei Yuxian could also understand Lu Chengxiao's feelings. After all, she was thinking about Fu Xuanyi all the time.

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