Wei Yuxian told Fu Xuanyi about Lu Chengxiao's love affair after getting into his car.

"Axuan, do you know? Lu Chengxiao is also in love, and his girlfriend is from our school!"

Fu Xuanyi didn't care much about Lu Chengxiao's love affairs, and said casually, "Really? He's also old."

"It's a pity that I don't know what his girlfriend looks like. Lu Chengxiao is so handsome, so I guess the person he likes is pretty good."

Such a long sentence, all Fu Xuanyi heard was "Lu Chengxiao is so handsome".

In an instant, Master Xuan's face dropped, he squinted his eyes, turned to look at the people around him, and asked, "Is Lu Chengxiao handsome?"

The tone was a bit cold.

Wei Yuxian, who was immersed in regret, noticed something was wrong with the man's mood. When she turned around, she saw the man's face was dark.

Coupled with what he just said, it is not difficult to see that this man is jealous.

Just because she said "Lu Chengxiao is very handsome", this man became jealous.

If this man is jealous, it means that he values ​​his status in his heart.

Wei Yuxian suddenly felt that this man's jealous look was a bit cute.

Even though he has a cold face, he is really cute in that little way.

But if this man becomes jealous, the consequences will not be good. Maybe she won't be able to go to school tomorrow.

In order to avoid such a thing from happening, Wei Yuxian could only hold back the smile in her heart and comfort the man: "Yes, Lu Chengxiao is quite handsome..."

As soon as she said these words, Fu Xuanyi's face became even more ugly, and he wanted to kill someone.

Wei Yuxian quickly changed her tone: "But, he is not as good-looking as you. In my heart, you are the prettiest and most handsome one."

She was afraid that if she didn't say anything, this man would really go crazy.

Sure enough, after hearing what she said next, Fu Xuanyi felt much better, and even his face was no longer so cold.

Very fond of using Wei Yuxian's words.

However, he still had a little emotion, and he was full of possessiveness when he spoke: "Don't call other men handsome!"

In order to coax him now, Wei Yuxian naturally promised him everything, "Okay, okay, I won't say it again in the future, can I just say you are handsome?"

Fu Xuanyi's mood finally improved, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said "hmm".

Wei Yuxian no longer has to worry about whether she can get up for class tomorrow.

This man just wanted to coax him.


Lu Chengxiao's love affair was quickly noticed by Qin Zimu and others.

They were paying special attention to Wei Yuxian and the people around her these days, so they successfully discovered Lu Chengxiao's relationship.

Several girls felt that this was a breakthrough, a very critical breakthrough!

On this day, the girl told Qin Zimu what she had found out.

"Sister Mu, Lu Chengxiao is in love, guess who his partner is?"

Qin Zimu was not in the mood to play guessing games with her. As long as Wei Yuxian lived a good day, her mood would not get better.

Her sister was not in a good mood these days. She drank every night just because of that bad man Fu Xuanyi.

Just last night, she saw her sister drinking alone and secretly crying.

She stepped forward and asked, and sure enough, her sister was sad for Fu Xuanyi again.

She also persuaded her sister to give up Fu Xuanyi and look for someone better, but her sister was stubborn and only looked at Fu Xuanyi.

But is Fu Xuanyi a man who can be obtained so easily?

No! To get him is as difficult as going to heaven!

She took a deep drag on the cigarette in her hand, threw it to the ground and stamped it out, saying: "Speak quickly, I don't want to guess."

The girl knew her temperament, so she stopped playing riddles and said, "Lu Chengxiao's girlfriend is You Wantian from our class. Sister Mu, do you have any impressions?"

How could Qin Zimu know this person? Apart from the few people around her, she knew few people in the class.

There is no need to know him, nor do he want to know him.

Those people were not from the same world as her, and she was too lazy to talk to them.

The girl found You Wantian's photo, put it in front of Qin Zimu, and said, "Sister Mu, this is You Wantian. Take a look again. This is a photo of her and Lu Chengxiao together."

The girl found a few more photos and showed them to Qin Zimu.

Qin Zimu frowned and looked, and he had some impression of You Wantian. It seemed that he was indeed from his class.

"So? What I want is to teach Wei Yuxian a lesson. Why are you staring at Lu Chengxiao's love affair all day long?"

"Sister Mu, this You Wantian is a very good breakthrough point. Isn't Lu Chengxiao always by Wei Yuxian's side? We have no chance to take action. If Lu Chengxiao leaves, can you send us a few more people to solve this problem? Can it be done?

And recently I discovered that Lu Chengxiao never stays with Wei Yuxian, instead he spends time with You Wantian! "

Qin Zimu soon thought of this, and finally smiled on his face. He patted the girl on the shoulder and said, "Okay! Great! It has to be you, Xiaoyu. I'll pay for Zuihongxuan tonight!"

Several girls had smiles on their faces, and they quickly said flatteringly: "Thank you, Sister Mu!"

The girl named Xiao Yu also showed a smile on her face and said, "Sister Mu, you still teach me well. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Qin Zimu became even happier after hearing this. He took out his mobile phone on the spot, transferred 10,000 yuan to her, and said: "Xiao Yu is the biggest contributor, and she deserves this! You guys should also learn more. ”

Several other girls looked at Xiao Yu with envy and said, "Now that we know Sister Mu, we will learn from Sister Xiao Yu!"

Xiaoyu happily accepted the money and said a few nice words, which made Qin Zimu feel elated!

These days, she has not been in a good mood. Now, there is finally some good news. How can she not be happy?

She could even imagine Wei Yuxian being taught a lesson by her not long after!

At that time, she must be very happy!

Sister, if you wait any longer, I will avenge you soon.

I can't move Fu Xuanyi, but Wei Yuxian can still move. Until then, sister, just wait and be happy!

Qin Zimu is still very good to her sister. The person she likes most at home is also her sister, so she is willing to touch Wei Yuxian for Qin Junling.

Qin Zimu was overjoyed and asked again: "When can we take action?"

Xiaoyu had already made a more complete plan and said: "It will take at most a week to satisfy you, Sister Mu. If it exceeds this time, there is no need for me to appear in front of you."

Seeing that she was so confident, Qin Zimu felt compelled to teach Wei Yuxian a lesson.

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