Today is a very beautiful day. The weather is very good and the sun is not very bright. Autumn in Kyoto has quietly come to an end and winter is coming.

You Wantian was walking on the school road, followed by her good friend. The two of them had just finished class and there was no class for the next class. They were about to go to the cafeteria to buy something and go back to the dormitory.

She was holding a mobile phone in her hand, her head lowered, texting and chatting with someone.

The friends around me couldn't help but feel a little sour when they saw their friend like this. They lowered their heads and ignored their own.

"Tiantian, are you chatting with your dear husband again?" she joked.

Ever since You Wantian fell in love, she called Lu Chengxiao "You Wantian's dear husband". Every time she called him, You Wantian would blush.

No, it's the same now. After You Wantian sent the message to Lu Chengxiao, she immediately raised her head, her face turned red, and she punched the person next to her.

"I told you not to call him that!" She said shyly and quietly.

She has the same personality as her name, she is elegant and quiet, and she looks like the kind of good student who makes people want to bully her just by looking at her.

Even her friends couldn't help but tease her a little more: "Oh, Tiantian, your dear husband has sent you a message again, please take a look and see what he has sent."

The friend covered his mouth and laughed, looking at You Wantian teasingly.

You Wantian was even more shy. She chased her friend and beat her up, saying, "Don't call him that! Don't call him that! Call him Lu Chengxiao!"

She didn't use any force, and her fist landed on her friend's body without any pain or itch.

Seeing that she was really blushing, her friend stopped teasing her and begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, I won't scream anymore. Tiantian, please stop hitting her."

You Wantian stopped her fists, took her friend's hand again, and walked to the cafeteria with her.

"You take me away, and I'll reply to his message." She said.

There was still a smile on her friend's face. To compensate, she could only say: "Okay, sweet lady, I will take you away well, and you can return your kiss with peace of mind... Lu Chengxiao's news."

Just as she was about to say that title, You Wantian looked up with a frown and quickly changed the title.

You Wantian was extremely satisfied, lowered her head again, and safely handed herself over to her friend.

The friend glanced at her and saw that she was concentrating on typing, with a sweet smile on her face, feeling a little helpless.

Their family Tiantian finally fell in love. As a friend, she was very happy, and Lu Chengxiao looked very handsome and a nice person.

"Let's take the trail." said the friend.

You Wantian said "hmm" without even raising her head.

So the friend took the person into the trail.

They discovered this trail accidentally. In order to save time, they often take the trail.

Who made this school so big? If they walked on just two legs, their legs would be broken.

The cafeteria is not very far from the teaching building, so it is not cost-effective to use bicycles, so they all walk.

They didn't notice that after they walked into the path, several people followed quietly behind them.

In other words, these people have been following them.

These people were the girls who were following Qin Zimu. Not only that, they were also followed by two strong men.

These two men were the Qin family's bodyguards. They had received special training and were sent by Qin Junling to protect Qin Zimu's safety.

Unexpectedly, she would be used to do such a thing.

Xiaoyu was not among these people. She could just leave such small things to the people below, but she herself had more important things to do.

Wei Yuxian needs her to do it herself.

This side is the big head!

There is a certain distance on this path, and few people usually walk on it. It is the most suitable place for them to choose to take action.

When the two of them were almost in the middle of the path, a girl glanced at the others. In an instant, the two bodyguards and several girls walked up quickly.

With them behind them, it was easier to succeed. Almost immediately, they covered the mouths of You Wantian and her friend and separated them.

You Wantian and her friends were shocked. They didn't know what was going on, and they instinctively began to struggle!

The two of them twisted their bodies, trying to break free from the restraints of the person behind them, while trying to make a sound with their mouths.

But the people who caught them were two tall bodyguards. Their strength was not worth mentioning in front of the two bodyguards.

Her mouth was also covered tightly, and she could only make a "Uh-huh" sound, which was not loud, but better than nothing.

In this deserted alley, no one would notice what they were going through at this moment, and no one could save them.

You Wantian and her friends were thinking crazily about who they had offended to deserve such revenge.

But after thinking about it carefully, I didn't realize that I had any enemies.

They are very ordinary people in school, living their own lives and never offending others, so they can't think of who they have offended at this moment.

The girls didn't want to waste too much time. After all, there wasn't much time left for them. They gave the two bodyguards a look, and the latter immediately understood. With a knife in hand, You Wantian and her friends fainted.

With her body slumped in the bodyguard's hands and unconscious, You Wantian's last thought was: send a message to Lu Chengxiao.

Soon, a van drove over and several girls got on. Two bodyguards also dragged You Wantian and her friends into the van. The van started and they quickly left the school.

In the classroom, it was time for the second period. Lu Chengxiao lowered his head and looked at his phone. The page showed the chat box with You Wantian.

He stared at the last message You Wantian sent five minutes ago.

Just when he said "Want to go see a movie tonight?" ] After that, You Wantian didn’t reply.

He thought his girlfriend was too shy to reply to his message, so he waited patiently.

But after waiting for five minutes, no one responded to the message.

Normally, even if she was shy, she wouldn't go so long without replying to a message.

Could it be that she has something to do?

But she won’t have class next class either.

Lu Chengxiao couldn't help but send a few more messages to ask her what she was doing and if she had anything to do.

But no reply was received until class time.

He turned off his phone in frustration, thinking: Tiantian might really be busy with something.

Tiantian is her nickname. Her friends and family all call her that. After Lu Chengxiao learned about it, he also called her that.

She is just like her name, sweet.

When Lu Chengxiao thought of his little girlfriend, a sweet smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Miss her, miss her, still miss her.

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