Lu Chengxiao gritted his teeth and said, "Tiantian was kidnapped!"

Lu Cheng's heart skipped a beat after hearing this, and said, "Second Master, can you handle it yourself?"

Lu Chengxiao said: "It's okay, I can handle it. Madam, don't worry. Just protect her."

"Okay, Second Master, I will tell Madam."

After saying that, Lu Chengxiao hung up the phone, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and raced all the way!

Lu Cheng returned to the classroom and explained the situation to Wei Yuxian truthfully: "Madam, the second master's girlfriend has been kidnapped, and the second master is on his way there now."

Wei Yuxian's eyes widened and she thought she had heard it wrong. Otherwise, how could she have heard such fantastic news? !

She took a deep breath and asked, "You said Tiantian was... kidnapped?"

Lu Cheng nodded firmly and said: "Yes, madam, but you don't have to worry. The second master can handle this matter by himself. The second master also told you not to worry and go to class with peace of mind."

Wei Yuxian was still a little worried and asked, "Is it really okay? Can he handle it by himself?"

After all, he was kidnapped, which is no small matter!

Lu Cheng said with certainty: "Madam, it's really okay. Second Master is very capable. Miss You will be fine."

Wei Yuxian felt a little relieved when she thought that Lu Chengxiao was Fu Xuanyi's subordinate and his second-in-command. If he had no ability, he would not be able to sit in this position.

Lu Chengxiao is also very capable, and he can mobilize many people, so there won't be any problems.

Since he said it can be handled, it can be handled.

But Wei Yuxian was still a little worried, afraid that something would happen to Tiantian.

I don’t know who is so bad and wants to kidnap someone. Does he have a grudge against Lu Chengxiao?

Wei Yuxian prayed in her heart that nothing would happen to Tiantian and Lu Chengxiao.

Wei Yuxian was a little absent-minded in the next class, thinking about You Wantian's kidnapping.

After finally getting through to the end of get out of class, she immediately turned to ask Lu Cheng: "Has your second master sent you a message? How is the matter handled?"

Lu Cheng shook his head and said, "No, the second master didn't send me a message."

Seeing how worried she was, A Kong comforted her and said, "Madam, you don't have to worry. With Second Master's ability, Tiantian will definitely be rescued."

A Li also said: "Yes, madam, everything will be fine. The second master is very capable. He has a group of brothers who will not suffer any loss."

Hearing this, Wei Yuxian also knew to believe their words and try to think of the best.

After walking out of the classroom, taking the elevator downstairs with his classmates, and then walking out of the teaching building, Lu Cheng looked at the parking place and saw that the place was empty. He knew that the car had been driven away by Lu Chengxiao.

He said: "Madam, the second master drove away the car. Let's take the school bus."

He saw a school bus parked in front of the teaching building with several classmates on it.

Wei Yuxian didn't want to walk such a long distance, so she nodded and said, "Okay, it just so happens that I can also experience the feeling of a school bus."

The school bus is actually similar to a sightseeing bus. You just need to pay for getting on the bus.

In the past, when Wei Yuxian was in school, she had to save every penny, so naturally she was reluctant to take the school bus. After going to Fu's house, she couldn't take the school bus even if she had the conditions.

There are exactly four seats left on the school bus, which are enough for them to sit. However, these four seats are somewhat scattered. They are connected two by two and they cannot sit together.

Lu Cheng wanted to discuss it with others to see if he could make room for them and let them sit together.

But Wei Yuxian told him no, it would be fine if they sat separately.

So, Wei Yuxian and A Li sat together, and A Kong and Lu Cheng sat together.

The school bus was full of people, and the driver asked: "Where are the students going?"

Wei Yuxian told the driver that he was going to a certain canteen. The driver said "ok" and started the car.

In the car, other "classmates" were chatting, and Wei Yuxian also chatted with A Li, but in her heart, she couldn't help but worry about Lu Chengxiao and You Wantian.

The driver was driving and suddenly drove the car into a hidden lane. Kong felt something was wrong and asked: "Driver, where is this road going?"

The driver smiled and looked very talkative and said: "There is a classmate who wants to go to the library. I will send him there first. This road is closer and I don't want to waste the students' time."

There is nothing wrong with this rhetoric.

Wei Yuxian, A Kong and others didn't fully understand the school. After all, the school was really too big and they couldn't remember every step, so they didn't think much about it.

Little did they know, what kind of bad news would be waiting for them next!

The trail is getting more and more remote, there is no one around, and there are even fewer cameras.

I didn't know where I was driving, but suddenly, the car braked suddenly and stopped, and everyone leaned forward with inertia.

Lu Cheng was a little angry and asked, "What's going on? Why did you stop so quietly?"

He had been paying attention to the front. There was obviously no movement in front, but the driver just stopped the car.

Before they could react, the "classmates" around them all changed their expressions. They took out towels from nowhere and covered their mouths and noses.

They struggled in panic for a few times and then fainted.

Xiaoyu looked at the fainted people and said, "Okay, call someone to drive over and move quickly."

It turns out that this school bus was specially arranged by Xiao Yu, and the people on the bus were all their people, just to catch Wei Yuxian and others!

This is just one of Xiaoyu's plans. If Wei Yuxian doesn't get on the school bus, she has other options.

Wei Yuxian never imagined that such a thing would happen on campus.

Even before she passed out, she was still thinking that maybe Tiantian's kidnapping was not an accident.

The purpose of these people may not be Tiantian, Tiantian is just a means for them to drive Lu Chengxiao away. The real purpose of these people is themselves!

But why do they do this? When did you offend them?

Her identity is not a secret in the school. Not everyone, at least most of them know her identity.

But these people still did this. Aren't they afraid of Fu Xuanyi's revenge?

Or are they powerful enough to compete with Fu Xuanyi?

Wei Yuxian couldn't understand, her mind became more and more confused, and her struggle became weaker and weaker, until she lost consciousness.

Within two minutes, two black business cars drove over, with Qin Zimu sitting in the car.

She lowered the car window and saw that Xiao Yu and others had succeeded. She raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Xiao Yu, I really saw you right."

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