Xiaoyu also smiled at Qin Zimu and asked, "Sister Mu, do you want to bring these three people with you?"

She was referring to Lu Cheng and others.

Qin Zimu thought for a while, looked at Wei Yuxian and others as if they were looking at garbage, and said, "Take it with you."

"Okay, Sister Mu." Xiaoyu said with a smile, and then directed people to carry Wei Yuxian and others into the commercial vehicle.

The capacity of the commercial vehicle was limited. After Xiao Yu, Wei Yuxian and others got on the bus, there was no space left, so the bodyguards had to sit in the car at the back.

In the car, Qin Zimu looked at Wei Yuxian right in front of him, the expression on his face was full of disgust.

Xiaoyu told the driver to drive to the destination quickly and leave the school early.

Then, she looked at Qin Zimu flatteringly and said, "Sister Mu, this time we finally caught someone."

Qin Zimu was still in a good mood. He said "hmm" and said, "Xiaoyu, what reward do you want?"

Xiaoyu is thoughtful and smart, otherwise he wouldn't be so comfortable around Qin Zimu.

She smiled and said: "Sister Mu, I don't want anything. As long as it makes Sister Mu happy, I don't ask for anything."

Qin Zimu became even happier after hearing her words, and the look in her eyes became different. After thinking about it, she said: "No, you are a great hero, how can you not give me any reward? I, Qin Zimu, am not like that. A stingy person.

Xiaoyu, if you want anything, just say it. I will definitely give it to you. "

If Xiaoyu hadn't made suggestions this time, she might not have been able to catch Wei Yuxian so smoothly.

Xiaoyu resisted and said: "Sister Mu, I really don't want anything. If you really feel sorry for me, you can just treat me to a meal. I'll be satisfied."

When several other girls saw Xiaoyu's reaction, they secretly praised her for being able to speak.

In fact, there is nothing Xiaoyu doesn’t want? She was greedy, just waiting for Sister Mu to tell her what to give her!

With Sister Mu's character, it is impossible not to give her anything.

Xiaoyu just knew Qin Zimu's personality, so she said such words in a coquettish manner.

In this way, she will gain Qin Zimu's trust even more. From now on, no one will have a chance to surpass her!

The position of the first person beside Qin Zimu must be her Xiaoyu!

Sure enough, Qin Zimu then said: "Since you don't have anything you want, let me decide what to give you."

Then she thought about it, and after a few minutes, she said, "The apartment outside the school will be yours from now on."

As soon as you sell it, it’s a house!

Very proud!

Xiao Yu was so overwhelmed by the happiness!

She never expected that Sister Mu would directly give her a house!

She thought that Sister Mu would only give her tens of thousands of dollars at most. Who would have thought that it would be such a big surprise!

The apartment outside the school is not cheap, it costs several million!

She was flattered and asked in disbelief: "Really, really, Sister Mu? Are you serious?"

Qin Zimu patted her shoulder and said, "Of course it's true. When did I ever tell a lie?"

The corners of Xiaoyu's mouth were almost as big as the sun, but soon, she stopped her smile and pretended to say: "Forget it, Sister Mu, this is too expensive, you'd better treat me to a meal.

I stay by your side, Sister Mu, not for these reasons, but because I really think about you and do things for you willingly. "

Qin Zimu leaned on the chair and said: "You can take it if I give it to you. I have several houses like this. I don't lack this one. As long as you follow me well, you will be indispensable for your prosperity and wealth in the future."

She is a young lady of the Qin family, and her sister is the president of the Qin Group. The family dotes on her. It is just a house, and it is up to her to give it away.

Xiaoyu pretended to shirk for a few more times, and finally made Qin Zimu a little impatient, so he "reluctantly" said: "In that case, I will accept it, Sister Mu. Thank you Sister Mu, from now on, Xiaoyu, I, will be Sister Mu." Yours!"

She thanked Qin Zimu and expressed her sincerity to Qin Zimu.

Qin Zimu nodded "Yeah" and said to the other girls: "You all should learn from Xiaoyu and stay with me. It will be of great benefit to you. If anyone can help me so much next time, I will do the same." Give her a house!"

Several girls were jealous when they heard her talk about giving away a house. Now when they heard Qin Zimu say this, they nodded quickly and said, "Now that we know Sister Mu, we will definitely learn from Sister Xiaoyu!"


On Lu Chengxiao's side, ever since he received the call, he rushed towards his destination non-stop. The one-hour journey was shortened to forty minutes!

On the way there, he also met with his men, and several cars arrived at the destination together.

In front of me, there is an abandoned factory building, which is so dilapidated in the suburbs.

After arriving at the destination, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called You Wantian's mobile phone, trying to contact those people.

But he called three times and couldn't get through.

He really couldn't wait any longer and gave his two men a look. The two tough men immediately understood and went forward to open the door of the factory.

He walked in front, his face still gloomy, his right hand in his pocket, with a Swiss Army knife inside.

His men walked in behind him and looked at the surrounding environment warily.

The factory building was full of dust. I don’t know how long it had been left there, and the air was stuffy.

There were also a lot of discarded debris inside, piled high in piles, blocking the view.

Lu Chengxiao walked in based on his feeling, walked around the debris, walked for a while, and came to an open place.

"Search separately." He ordered.

The subordinates took the order, divided into several teams, and started searching in the factory.

After a while, several teams came back and said, "Second Master, I didn't see anyone."

Lu Chengxiao narrowed his eyes and realized that he had been tricked. Tiantian was not even here!

This is just a cover for those people!

He angrily kicked the debris around him, and with a bang, the tall debris fell down, raising dust all over the room.

He led people out of the abandoned factory, gritted his teeth, and his eyes turned red, and said, "Check it for me!"


After getting back into the car, Lu Chengxiao pounded the car several times and gritted his back molars.

He wants to know where his sweetness is!

One of his men came over to drive a car for him and asked him, "Second Master, where are you going now?"

Lu Chengxiao took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down and think, and then said: "Go back to school."

The subordinate said "yes" and quickly started the car and drove as fast as possible.

On the way back, Lu Chengxiao received another WeChat call from You Wantian.

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