After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 193 Fu Xuanyi’s voice was cold: “Where is Madam?”

Almost immediately, Lu Chengxiao clicked the call, suppressing his anger and asked: "Where is the person!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was neither salty nor cool, still wearing the voice changer, and said: "Mr. Lu, don't worry, I just made a little joke with you."

"Play, laugh!" Lu Chengxiao almost broke his teeth!

He had better pray that he would never be found by him in this life, otherwise he would let him know how unfunny this joke is!

Then the person over there reported Lu Chengxiao's address and said, "Mr. Lu, please come over quickly."

Lu Chengxiao clenched his free hand into a fist and asked, "What if I still don't see anyone this time? What is your purpose? How much money do you want?"

If it's for me, let her go, she's just an innocent person. "

The person over there just smiled and hung up the phone without saying anything.

Lu Chengxiao was so angry that he threw away his cell phone! He cursed a few dirty words!

But now was not the time for him to curse. He quickly ordered his men to drive to the place where the man just said, and then waited anxiously.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became!

In this life, no one has dared to play with him like this, Lu Chengxiao!

Everyone knew that he, Lu Chengxiao, was working under Master Xuan. Others didn't care about his face, and for Master Xuan's sake, they didn't dare to play with him like this.

Now this group of people, their courage is not ordinary!

It just so happened that Lu Chengxiao hadn't seen blood for a long time. This time, he would never let these people go easily!

The car drove for about an hour and finally reached its destination, which was another abandoned factory.

Lu Chengxiao was upset when he saw this thing, so he sent someone to check the situation to see if it was a cover-up.

Soon, his subordinates came back and reported: "Second Master, there are two people in the factory, both tied to chairs."

Being tied to a chair, who else could be there but his Tiantian? As for the other person who was kidnapped together, he should be Tiantian's friend.

He asked: "Didn't you find anyone else?"

The subordinate shook his head and said: "No one was found in ambush."

Now, it was Lu Chengxiao's turn to be confused. What did this group of people mean by bringing him here, but there was no one there?

Is it just to play with him?

Without any time to think about it, Lu Chengxiao got out of the car and decided to rescue the person first.

Tiantian must have been frightened after being kidnapped for so long.

His subordinates walked ahead, opened the door of the factory, and led him inside.

Soon, Lu Chengxiao saw the person he had been worrying about.

You Wantian and her friend were tightly tied to the chairs, and their mouths were sealed with tape.

At this moment, the men were untying them.

You Wantian and her friends were frightened, their faces were full of tears, and their faces were extremely pale.

The moment she saw Lu Chengxiao, You Wantian's tears fell even harder. As soon as the rope was loosened, she stumbled and ran towards Lu Chengxiao.

Lu Chengxiao also quickened his pace, hugged her into his arms, patted her back gently and comforted her: "It's okay, Tiantian, don't be afraid, I'm here."

How could You Wantian not be afraid? Her body was trembling and she shouted: "Lu Chengxiao... Lu Chengxiao..."

"I'm here, I'm here." Lu Chengxiao increased his strength and hugged the person in his arms more tightly.

Over there, the friend finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Chengxiao's appearance. He stood up weakly and walked over with the help of his men.

She said "thank you" to her men, and had them release her so that she could hold on.

She said: "Lu Chengxiao, you have to investigate this matter."

Lu Chengxiao looked at her and said, "I know, I will find out. Thank you for staying with Tiantian, and I am really sorry for making you suffer this."

The friend shook his head and said: "It's okay, they didn't do anything to us, we were just scared. Tiantian is more timid, so you can coax her."

"Yeah." Lu Chengxiao said, "I still want to thank you."

Lu Chengxiao was completely relieved when his friends said that those people didn't do anything to them.

As long as they were okay, otherwise, he really couldn't imagine what he would do!

He lowered his head to look at the person in his arms. The person in his arms was still crying hard and was very frightened.

It's not a good place to stay here for a long time. He picked up the person and said, "Let's go out first, and then you can tell me what happened. I will never let those people go!"

The friend said "Okay" and followed Lu Chengxiao out.

In the car, Lu Chengxiao was still holding You Wantian, his big hands gently comforting her on her back, and said, "Okay, tell me."

My friend recalled the situation and told it from beginning to end.

"Have you seen what they look like?"

The friend shook his head and said: "They attacked from behind. Neither Tiantian nor I saw their appearance. When we woke up, we were tied up in the factory, and there was no one around."

It can be said that there are no clues at all.

Lu Chengxiao cursed the cunningness of those people in his heart, but no matter how perfect things were, there would always be a breakthrough. It was only a matter of time before this matter was found out.

He said: "I understand, and I won't let you suffer anything like this again in the future."

In her arms, You Wantian finally came out of her fear. She looked up at Lu Chengxiao and asked, "A Cheng, do you know who they are? Why do they want to arrest us?"

Lu Chengxiao lowered his head and touched her head, shook his head and said, "I don't know yet, I have to check, maybe it's my enemy... I'm sorry, Tiantian, for causing trouble to you."

You Wantian shook her head slightly and said, "Fortunately, they didn't do anything. Do you have many enemies?"

Lu Chengxiao said "hmm" and said, "A lot, but it's not convenient to tell you right now."

He did not tell You Wantian his true identity, because You Wantian was just an ordinary person and would not be exposed to such things on weekdays. He probably had never heard of his name, Lu Chengxiao.

He thought that he would tell her later when he found a suitable opportunity.

At least, not now.

You Wantian now knew that Lu Chengxiao's identity was not simple, but she consciously did not ask any more questions, and just said: "In the future, you must pay attention to safety."

"I understand." Lu Chengxiao said, "Tiantian, I will definitely tell you in the future."

"It's okay Cheng, you can tell me anytime you want."

Lu Chengxiao looked at his little girlfriend's still pale face, and he hated those people in his heart!

He won't let any of these people go! One by one, wait for him!

Just when he was thinking about what to do with those people he caught, he received a call from Fu Xuanyi.

He just dropped the phone and the screen was shattered, but it was still usable.

He answered the phone: "Master Xuan."

Over there, Fu Xuanyi's cold voice came: "Where is Madam?"

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