After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 194 Who are you? What's the purpose of kidnapping me?

About ten minutes before this, it was lunch time. Guan Jinyou brought the rice in, and Fu Xuanyi raised his head from work, looked at the time, and started eating.

During the break, he took out his cell phone to see if his wife had sent him a message.

Usually during breaks, his little girl will send him messages, especially during lunch time, she will come to ask if he has eaten on time.

Sometimes, they would make video calls and watch each other eat, which was another sense of eating together.

But today, when he turned on his phone, there was no message. His Guaiguai didn't look for him, nor did he ask him if he had eaten on time.

After calculating the time, Guaiguai had finished class now. Even if he went to the cafeteria to eat, it was time to buy food and return to the apartment.

Did Guaiguai forget to send him a message?

Fu Xuanyi took a bite of rice and sent her a message: [Have you eaten obediently? 】

There was no reply from the other side. After waiting for a while, there was still no reply.

Fu Xuanyi did not send another message, but called WeChat, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered. He called several times in a row, but no one answered.

Then, he changed the method and called her instead of WeChat.

When the phone call came, a voice came saying that Wei Yuxian had turned off her phone.

A strong intuition told Fu Xuanyi that something was wrong! Something was very wrong!

With a sullen face, he called Lu Chengxiao, and the first thing he said after the call was: "Where's Madam?"

On Lu Chengxiao's side, after hearing Master Xuan's words, he first showed a puzzled expression and asked, "Isn't Madam at school?"

As soon as these words came out, Fu Xuanyi knew that he was not beside Wei Yuxian, and his tone became even colder. He put his left hand on the handle of the chair, grabbed it hard, and asked, "Where are you?"

Lu Chengxiao briefly told the story of his girlfriend's kidnapping, and after finishing speaking, he asked: "Master Xuan, did something happen to Madam?"

"You've fallen into a trap." Fu Xuanyi said, "Now, contact the people around Madam immediately. If something happens to Madam..."

Lu Chengxiao also reacted, quickly said "ok" several times, hung up the phone, and turned to contact Lu Cheng and others.

He asked why Tiantian was kidnapped for no reason. It turned out that the real purpose of those people was not Tiantian or Lu Chengxiao, but Madam!

Madam, something is probably going to happen now!

Lu Chengxiao frantically called Lu Cheng several times, but none of the calls were answered!

Lu Cheng couldn't get through, so he tried calling A Kong and A Li, but he still couldn't get through!

He ordered the driver in front of him: "Drive faster! Go back to school quickly!"

You Wantian looked at his anxious face and asked, "What's wrong, Acheng? What happened?"

Lu Chengxiao hugged the person in his arms tightly and said, "Something happened to Madam. I was sent by Master Xuan to protect Madam. You know this."

He had told You Wantian about this. After You Wantian learned the news, he didn't ask any more questions and just said that he knew.

You Wantian and her friend also realized what they were doing at this moment. The former said: "So, those people's goal is not us at all, but Mrs. Fu, right?"

Lu Chengxiao gritted his back molars tightly and said "hmm".

These people are really good at it! It immediately pinched his lifeline, knowing that he would not abandon Tiantian!

It was precisely because of his negligence that something happened to his wife, he acknowledged this.

After finding his wife, he will definitely apologize to Master Xuan personally.


On Wei Yuxian's side, Qin Zimu and others drove to a villa in the suburbs. This was a private area and no one was allowed to enter without the owner's permission.

The owner of this villa is Qin Zimu.

In the basement of the villa, Wei Yuxian was tied to a chair and was still in a coma.

Lu Cheng and the other three were randomly thrown into a corner.

Not far in front of Wei Yuxian, there was a sofa, on which Qin Zimu and Xiao Yu were sitting. Other girls and bodyguards were standing behind the sofa.

Qin Zimu took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, shook one out, and held it in his hand. Xiaoyu next to her very discerningly took out a lighter and lit it for her.

Qin Zimu was very satisfied with Xiaoyu's actions. He put the cigarette into his mouth and took a puff. After a while, he slowly spit it out and said in a lazy voice: "Wake the person up."

The show is about to begin. If this woman faints, she won't be able to sing the show.

A bodyguard said "yes", picked up a bucket of water, and poured it towards Wei Yuxian.

The drug-induced time was almost over, and Wei Yuxian suddenly felt a chill in her body, so cold, and then slowly woke up.

Her mind is still a little unclear and her reaction is a little slow.

She looked at the unfamiliar environment around her. Her body was wet and uncomfortable. She wanted to raise her hand to wipe the water from her face, only to realize that she was tied up.

Under the biting cold, she woke up and saw Qin Zimu sitting directly in front of her.

She twisted a few times, trying to break free from the restraints on her body, but they were tied very tightly, and the more she moved, the more pain she would get.

The memories before she fell into coma suddenly emerged, and Wei Yuxian remembered that she was now kidnapped.

The person who kidnapped him should be the woman in front of him.

Her body was trembling slightly and she was cold. She saw Qin Zimu's appearance clearly and recalled in her mind when she had offended this person.

But after thinking about it, she couldn't find any memory about this woman.

She was very sure and certain that she did not know this person.

Then why did she kidnap herself?

How long has it been since she was kidnapped?

Does Fu Xuanyi know about this?

Wei Yuxian was a little scared, but she was not so scared that she couldn't think. The experience of more than a year had made her stronger, and she was no longer the timid and timid person she was before.

She looked at Qin Zimu and asked, "Who are you? What is the purpose of kidnapping me?"

Qin Zimu then remembered that this woman didn't know him yet, so he gave Xiaoyu beside him a look and asked her to introduce him.

Xiao Yu immediately said: "This is the second young lady of the Qin family, the Qin family who is one of the best in Kyoto!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Yuxian knew who she was.

In Kyoto, there is no other family that can be called the Qin family except the Qin Junling family.

So, this is Qin Junling's sister?

She looked at Qin Zimu's face and found that she did look a bit like Qin Junling. They were undoubtedly sisters.

After learning who the person who kidnapped her was, Wei Yuxian's panic calmed down.

"Second Miss Qin, do you know my identity before kidnapping me?"

Although the Qin family can be considered a powerful presence in Kyoto, compared with her Ah Xuan, they are still far behind!

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