In the corner, Lu Cheng and the others looked at Wei Yuxian being so humiliated, their eyes turned red with anxiety!

If they hadn't been tied up now, they would have really wanted to rush up and beat these people up so hard that they would end up in the hospital!

But they can't do anything now, they can only watch the madam being bullied!

It was another round of slaps, and the slap marks on Wei Yuxian's face overlapped. She couldn't count how many times she had been slapped. Her face was swollen and red, which looked very scary.

Qin Zimu was tired from beating. He walked back to the sofa and sat down on the sofa with his hands on his hips. He said, "Let's rest for a while before beating. Let's have a cigarette."

She slumped down on the comfortable sofa like a boss and stretched out her index and middle fingers. Xiaoyu immediately put a cigarette on it for her, took out a lighter and lit it, saying, "Okay, Sister Mu."

Qin Zimu took a lazy breath, and after a while he blew out a few smoke rings and chatted with Xiaoyu and others around him.

After only a few minutes of chatting, the basement door was suddenly opened hastily! There was a bit of movement.

Qin Zimu frowned and turned around impatiently to see who was disturbing him at this time. The curse words came to his lips, but he stopped when he saw the person coming.

Because the person who came was her sister.

She stood up and saw her sister's dark face, and the cigarette in her hand fell to the ground.

She has never seen her sister look so ugly!

Qin Junling strode in. When he saw what was going on inside, he really wanted to pry open this stupid sister's brain! See what was inside her brain!

She already said she couldn't do anything to Wei Yuxian! She was going to beat him up like this! What was going on in her head? !

Also, when did she learn to smoke? Looking at this familiar posture, I am afraid that I have learned it long ago, but I didn’t realize it!

She walked up to Qin Zimu, grabbed her hand, and asked: "When did you learn to smoke? Who taught you!"

The sound was so loud that it echoed throughout the basement!

After the words fell, the basement fell silent, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

When Wei Yuxian saw the person coming and the expression on her face, she knew that she was fine and had survived. Next, she was waiting to see Fu Xuanyi.

Qin Zimu was frightened by his sister's attitude. He looked at her blankly, unable to say anything.

Qin Junling looked at Qin Zimu with hatred, shook her hand away, walked past her, and said, "I'll deal with you later!"

Before she reached Wei Yuxian, she gave the bodyguards a look and asked them to quickly untie Wei Yuxian.

The bodyguards also saw that something was wrong with the situation. Even Mr. Qin came in person. It seemed that Wei Yuxian was a master who could not be offended.

Qin Junling tried hard to force out a smile, but this smile was uglier than crying. He took a deep breath and said, "Miss Wei, everything is a misunderstanding. It's my sister who is ignorant and makes you suffer."

Ever since Fu Xuanyi stopped cooperating with the Qin family for Wei Yuxian, she had thought clearly about Wei Yuxian's irreplaceable position in Fu Xuanyi's heart. She also tried her best to stop thinking about that man and put her mind on the company. The company has moved to the next level.

At first she could still put on a show in front of Wei Yuxian, but not anymore. Fu Xuanyi was standing behind Wei Yuxian. She was no longer the Wei Yuxian who allowed others to bully her.

Before anyone wants to bully her, they must look at Fu Xuanyi behind her and decide whether to become her enemy.

It was also after that time that Qin Junling decided to avoid dealing with Wei Yuxian in the future, but he never expected that her stupid sister would rush to die!

Qin Junling asked someone to bring the towel up again and put it in Wei Yuxian's hands personally, saying, "Miss Wei, wipe it first. We'll go change clothes later. Mr. Fu is waiting for you."

When she saw the swelling on Wei Yuxian's face, her heart couldn't help but ache, not because she felt sorry for Wei Yuxian, but because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear Fu Xuanyi's anger!

With how much Fu Xuanyi cherishes Wei Yuxian, if he sees Wei Yuxian's face look like this, he doesn't know how angry he will be!

Wei Yuxian took the towel, wiped the water on her face and hands, and then wiped her hair. She glanced at Qin Junling without saying a word, without the slightest fear in her heart.

Qin Junling's heart skipped a beat at her look, and he almost got goosebumps.

Here, Lu Cheng and the other three were also released. The bodyguards were very quick in their movements and had quick minds. After releasing Wei Yuxian, they came here to release them.

As soon as the three of them were untied, they hurriedly came to Wei Yuxian and protected her behind them. Akong said: "Mr. Qin, please don't get close to our wife."

Qin Junling looked a little confused when a bodyguard said this. After all, she was also the president of the Qin Group. But at this moment, she couldn't care about that anymore. She only wanted to pack up Wei Yuxian and send it back to Fu Xuanyi.

Behind her, Qin Zimu, who had been in a daze just now, finally came to his senses. Seeing his sister's kneeling attitude towards Wei Yuxian, he felt angry in his heart.

She walked up to Qin Junling angrily and asked, "Sister, what are you doing! Why are you afraid of this bitch? What if Fu Xuanyi knows that I captured him? We Qin..."

"Shut up!" Qin Junling covered Qin Zimu's mouth, his face so black that it could kill someone!

This idiot! She still can’t see the situation clearly, and she’s still talking nonsense here! It’s all because they pampered her so much that she became like this!

"Take the second young lady out!" Qin Junling was afraid that she would say something outrageous to anger Wei Yuxian, so he quickly ordered the bodyguards he brought to take her out.

The bodyguards looked at Qin Zimu hesitantly and did not take action immediately. Qin Junling became even more angry and scolded: "Why are you still standing there? My words have no effect, right?"

OK! She didn't even listen to her employer!

Her Qin Zimu's words are more effective than her Qin Junling's, right?

Have these people forgotten who paid them their wages? !

When the bodyguard saw her getting angry, he said "yes" without hesitation and went forward to pull the person away.

Qin Zimu was still restless after being taken away, and asked Qin Junling: "Sister, what happened to you? When did you become like this? You were not like this before..."

"Stop her mouth!" Qin Junling said upset, not wanting to hear Qin Zimu say another word!

When Xiaoyu saw that her boss was being treated like this, she became aware and took a few girls away, fearing that Mr. Qin would take action on them.

After all, she planned this plan! She also caught Wei Yuxian herself!

Qin Junling watched them leave, with a hint of viciousness flashing in his eyes. She knew that Qin Zimu couldn't catch Wei Yuxian's brain, and the group of girls around her...

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