It's just that it's not the time to deal with these people yet. Only after Wei Yuxian has finished dealing with them can she have her hands free to take care of these people.

The fact that Xiao Mu is like this now probably has something to do with these people!

Qin Junling turned his attention to Wei Yuxian again and saw that she had half-dried her hair, put a big towel on her shoulders, and looked at everything in front of her quietly.

Qin Junling felt that Wei Yuxian had become even more different. He thought that when they first met, Wei Yuxian was still a little girl who didn't understand anything. But how long has passed now, she has transformed into the calm demeanor she is now. The speed of growth... is really terrifying.

She once again tried her best to force out a smile and said: "Miss Wei, let's go change clothes, don't get sick."

Wei Yuxian said an emotionless "Yeah", stood up and walked in front, saying: "Lead the way."

Although she was in a state of embarrassment, she still couldn't stop her aura. It was an aura that was very similar to Fu Xuanyi!

Unknowingly, she slowly became the same person as Fu Xuanyi, which was a good thing for Wei Yuxian, but not a good thing for others.

Qin Junling led the way out of the basement. Someone had been waiting at the door with clothes. Not only that, but a close friend also contacted a doctor to rush over!

The injury on Wei Yuxian's face made people's hearts tremble just by looking at it.

If Master Xuan sees it, they will have no good fruit to eat!

So before sending the person back to Master Xuan, they had to make Wei Yuxian's face look as good as possible, at least not so scary.

The confidant put the clothes on A Kong's hands and said: "Miss Wei, please go into the room to change clothes." He made an inviting gesture and invited the person into the nearest room.

Wei Yuxian didn't say anything. She took the clothes from Ah Kong and looked at them. They were casual clothes, nothing wrong with them, and she entered the room.

Outside, the confidants looked at Wei Yuxian's expressionless face. She was sweating in layers, and her heart had never let go.

Seeing him like this, Akong couldn't help but laugh mockingly.

Are you afraid now? What did you do early?

Dare to kidnap their wife? Don't even look at the person behind the lady!

Wei Yuxian moved quickly and came out of the room in three minutes. She changed into dry clothes and felt much more comfortable. However, she was still a little cold and wanted to put on some extra clothes.

She looked at Qin Junling with no expression and no fluctuation in her tone, and asked: "Miss Qin, do you have a coat?"

Qin Junling still had that forced smile on his face and said, "Yes, Miss Wei, wait a moment."

After saying that, she gave her confidant a look, and the latter quickly led someone to find the coat.

After a while, the confidant came back with the servant in the villa, holding a brand new coat in his hand, and there was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead because of the hurry.

But their pace did not dare to slow down the next step.

The confidant had a flattering smile on his face and said, "Miss Wei, this is a new coat. Please put it on quickly."

Wei Yuxian said lightly "Hmm" and showed off Fu Xuanyi's energy to the fullest.

When the confidant heard her cold reply, his heart trembled a few times.

He wanted to wipe the sweat from his forehead, but he didn't dare to act rashly in front of Wei Yuxian, so he could only endure the discomfort.

Wei Yuxian put on her coat, her body felt much warmer, and she slowly said two words: "Let's go."

Qin Junling said "Okay" and led the way. As he walked, he whispered to his confidants: "Send the second young lady to another car, follow me, and ask the old man to come out as well."

She knew the seriousness of this matter. Fu Xuanyi would go crazy if he saw the swelling on Wei Yuxian's face!

And the crazy Fu Xuanyi can make the entire Kyoto tremble!

She alone can't save Xiao Mu, so she has to invite grandpa out to save this silly sister.

Although her sister is stupid, she is still the sister she has doted on for so many years and has a blood relationship with her. She will not let her go.

After getting in the car, Wei Yuxian remembered one thing, that is, since her mobile phone was not in her hand, she could not report to Fu Xuanyi that she was safe.

She went to ask Lu Cheng and the others, but their mobile phones were also missing. She didn't know where they were thrown by Qin Zimu's people.

Helpless, Wei Yuxian could only ask Qin Junling to borrow her cell phone: "Miss Qin, can you borrow your cell phone? I'll give Ah Xuan a call."

Qin Junling took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Fu Xuanyi's number himself.

Wei Yuxian put the phone to her ear, listened to the ringing sound, and waited for a while before the call was connected.

"Say." A cold word came from the other side, which chilled Wei Yuxian.

Only then did she realize that there was such a big difference between Fu Xuanyi talking to others and talking to himself.

How could Fu Xuanyi speak so coldly in front of him? Even when he was jealous, his voice was not so cold.

"Axuan." She called out first, her voice soft and soft, completely different from the cold tone just now.

She could clearly feel that Fu Xuanyi paused there, and even his breathing changed.

Then, the cold voice disappeared and was replaced by a gentle voice that belonged to her alone: ​​"Be good."

When Wei Yuxian heard the familiar voice, she couldn't help but have a smile on her face and said "hmm".

The two of them stopped talking and listened to each other's breathing. After a while, Wei Yuxian spoke first. She said in a soft voice: "Axuan, I will be there in a minute."

On the other side of the phone, Fu Xuanyi paused for a while and then said softly "Yeah".

With so many outsiders around her across the phone, Wei Yuxian had nothing to say to Fu Xuanyi, so she could just tell him that he was safe.

She looked at the scenery outside the window and said, "Then I'll hang up first."

Fu Xuanyi's Adam's apple rolled and he said, "Don't hang up."

Wei Yuxian guessed what he was thinking, and the smile between her eyebrows became more obvious. She said "Okay" and just held the phone without hanging up.

Qin Junling watched Wei Yuxian holding her cell phone and not returning it. She didn't dare to urge her, so she could only try to divert her attention.

After driving for more than ten minutes, the car suddenly stopped. Then, the door was opened, and a doctor in a white coat got into the car with a medical kit and an ice pack in his hands.

This was the doctor invited by his confidant. He hurried slowly and hurriedly, and finally met the car Wei Yuxian was riding in.

As soon as they got in the car, the doctor knew who he was going to see this time without asking, because the injuries on Wei Yuxian's face were too obvious.

He saw Wei Yuxian talking on the phone and waited for a while, but did not see Wei Yuxian speak. There seemed to be no sound coming from the other end of the phone, so he couldn't figure out what the operation was.

After taking a look at Qin Junling, he asked quietly: "Miss, can I see your face?"

Wei Yuxian didn't put down the phone and said, "Sorry to trouble you."

She knew that the doctor was innocent and was only responsible for showing her face, so her attitude toward the doctor was normal.

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