The two people's voices reached Fu Xuanyi's ears through the phone, and then his voice came from the receiver: "What's wrong?"

Wei Yuxian raised her face to the doctor and said, "There is something wrong with my face. The doctor is looking at it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the air suddenly became terrifyingly quiet. Not only the air on Wei Yuxian's side, but also on Fu Xuanyi's side also became solid.

Qin Junling stared closely at Wei Yuxian's expression, listening hard to what was happening on the phone, wanting to see what Fu Xuanyi would say.

At this moment, her nerves were tense.

Wei Yuxian could also feel that the man's mood was beginning to change, and comforted him: "It's nothing serious, you don't have to worry."

She was just slapped a few times and poured a few buckets of cold water on her, which was relatively light.

It is estimated that Qin Zimu is also afraid of Fu Xuanyi, so he does not dare to use other methods against her, otherwise, she would not be able to sit here so intact now.

After a long time, a man's voice finally came from the phone, a little hoarse and deeper: "Did they touch you?"

"Yeah." Wei Yuxian did not deny it.

Fu Xuanyi will know what happened when he sees her later, and there is no use denying it now.

Wei Yuxian never thought about excusing Qin Zimu. This arrogant second lady had never suffered anything since she was born. It was time to let her know that she would have to pay the price for doing wrong things.

"Where is the injury?" Fu Xuanyi asked. Then he remembered what he just heard and asked again: "On the face?"

Wei Yuxian said "hmm" again and said, "I can't tell you clearly on the phone. We'll talk about it in person later."

Fu Xuanyi crushed the beads hard with his thumb, and clenched his back molars tightly. It took a lot of effort to suppress the restlessness in his heart, and said "Yeah".

Okay, very good, the Qin family is really good!

If you dare to touch his obedience, then there is no need for the Qin family to exist in Kyoto!

"Good boy, come back quickly." He just wanted to see her now.

Wei Yuxian: "I'm very fast."

After the doctor looked at Wei Yuxian's face, he found that there was no big problem. It just looked scary. In fact, it was just some skin trauma. Apply ice to reduce the swelling and apply some ointment, and it would be cured soon.

He took out the prepared ice cubes and said, "Miss, please apply an ice pack on your face first."

"Okay." Wei Yuxian took the ice pack with her free hand and put it aside to apply on her face.

At the end of autumn, the weather gradually became colder. As soon as the ice cube touched her face, Wei Yuxian hissed from the ice.

Fortunately, she was wearing a coat, otherwise she would have been unbearable.

"Be good." Fu Xuanyi's worried voice came from the phone.

Wei Yuxian comforted him and said, "I'm fine, it's just that the ice is a bit cold."

More than twenty minutes later, the car with full power finally parked in the Fu Group's underground parking lot.

Wei Yuxian got out of the car holding the ice cube, and walked to the CEO elevator with ease, where she saw Guan Jinyou waiting for them.

She first spoke to Fu Xuanyi on the phone, hung up the phone, returned the phone to Qin Junling, and then called: "Assistant Guan."

The moment Guan Jinyou saw Wei Yuxian's face, his breathing stopped for a moment, but soon he came back to his senses and called out: "Madam."

He invited Wei Yuxian and others into the elevator. There were too many people to load them all at once, so Qin Zimu had to wait for the second elevator.

The elevator rose, and soon it reached the floor where the president's office was located. When the door was opened, Wei Yuxian walked out first.

She walked into the office with a little haste. As soon as she entered, she saw Fu Xuanyi sitting on the chair, and Fu's father and Fu's mother sitting on the sofa.

When the second elder heard the news that Wei Yuxian had been kidnapped, he didn't care about anything. He rushed to Fu Xuanyi's office and asked about it. After learning that Wei Yuxian was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that I see Wei Yuxian finally coming back, my heart is completely relieved, but the injury on Yuxian's face...

The three of them looked at the door at the same time, and also saw the situation on Wei Yuxian's face.

In an instant, the expressions of the three of them darkened, and nameless anger rose in their hearts.

Especially Fu Xuanyi, his face was as cold as an iceberg!

Wei Yuxian first called Fu's father and Fu's mother: "Dad, Mom."

The second elder said "Hey" and stood up to check on her, but when he saw her walking towards Fu Xuanyi, he sat down again.

At this time, they will no longer compete with their son for their daughter-in-law.

My daughter-in-law has been kidnapped, and the most anxious person is her son.

Wei Yuxian walked straight towards Fu Xuanyi, who also stood up and walked towards her until she hugged her.

"Axuan." Wei Yuxian's voice was full of nostalgia, and she called the man's name in a low voice.

Fu Xuanyi hugged the treasure in his arms tightly, lowered his head, looked at the top of her hair, kissed it lovingly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Be good."

Finally, I saw how obedient he was.

I really don’t know how he survived the torturous waiting just now.

The two hugged each other for a while, and Wei Yuxian felt a little tight in her chest. She struggled in his arms for a while, and then he let go of her, pulled some distance away, and lowered her head to look at her face.

Up close, the injuries on her face seemed more serious.

He reached out his hand and wanted to touch her face, but he was afraid of hurting her. After thinking about it, he still didn't put his hand on it.

There was no room for anyone else in his eyes, only the obedience he longed for. His tone was full of distress as he asked: "Does it hurt?"

Wei Yuxian shook her head gently and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Before applying ice, she felt her face was a little warm and swollen. Now, some of the swelling has gone away and she feels much better.

Fu Xuanyi put his hand on her shoulder and asked, "What did they do to you?"

His tone was a little calm, but there was a fierce look in his eyes.

Wei Yuxian knew that he was far from as calm as he seemed on the surface, and he was enduring it.

She didn't hide anything and said truthfully: "Just slapped me in the face a few times and poured a few buckets of cold water on me."

"What else?" Fu Xuanyi narrowed his eyes and looked at Wei Yuxian with even more distressed eyes.

Wei Yuxian shook her head and said, "No more."

"Who hit me? Did you remember those people?" he asked again.


"Point it out to me later." After Fu Xuanyi said this, he leaned into her ear and said again, "My husband will avenge you."

As soon as the word husband came out, the tips of Wei Yuxian's ears turned red, and she said "hmm" shyly.

The two of them were talking, and no one made a sound to disturb them. Fu's father and Fu's mother didn't want to make a sound, but the others didn't dare to make a sound.

After the two of them finished talking, Qin Junling stood up under great pressure and called out: "Uncle, aunt, A Xuan."

Only then did the second elder turn his attention to her, his face was not very good, and he responded coldly.

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