After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 811 The World View Is Cracked, Face Slap [2 More]

It is said that bamboo hates that iron cannot be made into steel.

Every actor has his own acting skills, especially an international actress like Xiang Yunlan.

This skill has never been copied by others.

As Yunlan's queen director, Qu Lingyun should have understood this characteristic better.

Qu Lingyun looked around wonderingly, and reminded: "Teacher, April Fool's Day has passed, and there is no one else here except the three of us."

These words made Gu Wenzhu's anger reach its peak.

He squeezed Qu Lingyun's ear, and slid him to Si Fuqing: "Open your eyes and see clearly, this is Alan!"

Si Fuqing greeted with a smile: "Director Qu."

Qu Lingyun: "..."

Qu Lingyun's brain started to freeze.

Not long after, there was a "dong dong dong" sound of stopping the dishes.

He stared blankly at Si Fuqing's face, and found that his thoughts were completely insufficient.

Who is he and where is he?

Qu Lingyun stammered: "Fu, Fu Qinghe, and Ah Lan are the same person?"

"That's right." Si Fu tilted his chin and blinked, "Director Qu must have discovered that I use the same skills in acting, right?"

"Yes, it's the same." Qu Lingyun's expression became dazed, "Ke Keke and A Lan should also...should be 29 years old this year!"

He actually found some doubts, but his age was completely wrong, so he didn't think about it deeply.

Si Fuqing pondered for a moment, with a serious expression on his face: "Actually, I have learned the magic technique of rejuvenating a child prodigy, and when the magic technique is completed, I will be many years younger."

Qu Lingyun again: "..."

As a director, he didn't know how to accept this fantasy.

"Alan, ignore him and let him squat in the corner alone." Gu Wenzhu pushed his glasses, "There is no doubt that you will win the Glenn Award this time, and I am more worried about the international art competition you participated in. That Melanie is coming in menacing."

Si Fuqing smiled: "Teacher, don't worry about me, she is fierce, and I am more fierce than her. I just didn't have time to participate in singing and dancing competitions before."

"That's good." Gu Wenzhu nodded, "Talk to the teacher about everything, you are not fighting alone."

Si Fuqing's heart trembled slightly, she smiled: "Yes, teacher."


The next day, Eternal Academy.

Inner courtyard, dean's office.

"Ruohua, why are you looking at me like that?" Dean Dongfang raised his hand, "I really didn't beat the students late at night."

"Hmph." Mrs. Huo glanced at him, "If you dare to bully Qingqin, I will fight you to the death even if I take away my old life."

"Grandma, teacher, stop." Si Fuqing gestured, "I'm looking for you for something very important."

The two old men immediately sat upright.

"Grandma, I already have an idea of ​​where Mom and Dad are now." Si Fuqing paused, "But after you listen, you must calm down."

Mrs. Huo's expression froze: "Qingqing, tell me."

Si Fuqing said softly: "Grandma, do you think the Eternal Continent is too real?"

"I have this feeling." Mrs. Huo nodded and smiled, "Those NPCs also once made me think they were real people."

Dean Dongfang also nodded: "Not bad."

"Because the Eternal Continent is a real world." Si Fu said slowly, "Some of the NPCs there are also the people behind the revenge organization."


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Mrs. Huo and Dean Dongfang changed drastically.

Si Fuqing recounted the time when he met the NPC in "Eternity" and came to reality.

Dean Dongfang stood up suddenly: "Oops, if this is the case, then I should immediately stop the students from going to the Eternal Continent."

"No, teacher, I can be sure that the game "Eternal" will be of great help to us." Si Fuqing shook his head slightly, "This matter is not easy to say, otherwise it will cause great panic."

Dean Dongfang calmed down: "You are right, but..."

Who would have thought that a holographic game would suddenly become a real world?

His expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly asked: "Then your sister and Qing Ning..."

Si Fuqing clenched her fingers tightly, and said in a low voice: "My sister and the others have passed away for ten years. If the time ratio is really one hundred to one, it has been a thousand years..."

She will not have any hope.

Dean Dongfang fell silent.

Si Fuqing asked: "Teacher, you have taken over the post of dean of Eternal Academy, and you haven't heard the previous dean mention this matter?"

"No." Dean Dongfang sighed and smiled wryly, "Even I don't know when this game appeared."

He has lived for a long time, but "Eternity" is even longer, more than two or three centuries ago.

Many doubts can now be answered.

Why did a holographic game appear out of thin air when the technology was not yet developed.

"Teacher, the academy must redo the training plan." Si Fuqing said in a low voice, "If one day, all the spiritual practitioners from the Eternal Continent come to us, the consequences will be disastrous."

Even if the power of all the evolutionaries is gathered, there is no ability to fight.

Dean Dongfang's expression froze slightly: "Okay, I understand, I will contact the teaching and research team to plan a new task."

This matter is really going to make a big fuss!


On the other side, the Lu family.

Lu Yusheng was sent flying by Si Fuqing's palm, and several ribs on his body were broken.

Fortunately, with Free State's medical technology, this injury can be repaired soon.

"Brother, you must make the decision for me." Lu Yusheng was still lying on the bed, crying with snot and tears, "That Xie Yu, he not only beat me hard in "Eternity", but also put the How can I tolerate this after I beat myself up like this?"

Hearing this, Lu Qingyu raised his eyebrows: "Thank you Yu?"

"He was only admitted to the hospital this year, super A-level." Lu Yusheng said, "He is very arrogant, but there are quite a few girls in the inner courtyard who like him, he is simply blind!"

Apart from having a face, what else does Xie Yu have?

Ye Zelan put down the teacup slowly: "Qing Yu, this Xie Yu did too much, Yu Sheng is your own younger brother after all, so you can't let him be bullied in the academy."

Lu Yusheng was overjoyed: "Thank you sister-in-law!"

Ye Zelan covered her mouth with a fan, pursed her lips and smiled: "It's just engaged, you don't have to call it that."

Lu Qingyu followed Ye Zelan in everything, and also liked his fiancée very much.

Not to mention the Yelu family's marriage is naturally a strong alliance.

When Ye Zelan opened his mouth, he nodded, "Let's go, go to Eternal Academy."

Lu Qingyu and Ye Zelan have already graduated from the Eternal Academy, but they also left their names on the Eternal List.

Coupled with their identities as direct descendants of the four major families, there are quite a few people who know them.

"That's Senior Lu and Senior Sister Ye!"

"The two are really a match, both are S rank, I don't know how strong the offspring will be."

"Hey, but have you heard? According to the gossip, the Ye family and the Lu family have already decided on an heir, but something happened to the heirs of both families, so it's the other people's turn to take over."

With the ears of Lu Qingyu and Ye Zelan, they naturally heard these words clearly.

Lu Qingyu's face sank slightly.

Ye Zelan sensed that there was something wrong with his expression, and held his hand instead: "Qingyu, it's just a dead person, if we can't argue with us, let them say whatever they want."

Can you still tell Ye Wanlan and Lu Qingning whether they can survive?

Only then did Lu Qingyu's expression soften.

The smooth engagement between him and Ye Zelan was also due to the vivid experiences of the two of them.

We all lived in someone's shadow.

Thankfully those shadows are gone.

Lu Qingyu held Ye Zelan's hand: "Let's go."

The two went to the vice president's office.

"So it's Mr. Lu and Ms. Ye." The vice president was a little surprised, "I don't know what's up with you two?"

The four major families and the Eternal Academy complement each other.

Many family disciples would choose to stay in the law enforcement team of the inner courtyard after graduation.

In addition to the children who are designated as heirs, such as Lu Qingyu, there are also brothers and sisters such as Ye Baiqing and Ye Zelan.

"It's a very small thing." Ye Zelan spoke first, "My younger brother was seriously injured. Qing Yu and I are both protecting our weaknesses, and we don't want to see him being bullied just like that."

"As long as the person named Xie Yu is fired from the academy award, the Lu family and the Ye family can ignore the rest of the matter."

The vice president paused, and the smile on his face disappeared: "You mean Xie Yu?"

Ye Zelan smiled: "That's right, that's the name."

"That's right, Mr. Lu, and Ms. Ye, I don't quite understand your two requests." The deputy dean pushed his glasses and said kindly, "You mean because Lu Yusheng passed the monthly exam. If the skills are not as good as others and lose, shall we fire the young master of the Huo family?"

The sky is bright and bright, why do you start to have a big dream of spring and autumn?

Still haven’t stood up (:3_ヽ)_It started yesterday afternoon, and it’s getting worse today. I’m a little uncomfortable with the fever. I really don’t understand why I got tricked by TvT after staying at home all the time.

Today I drank a bowl of porridge and vomited it all up. It was difficult. The watch reminds me that my heart rate has been too high (? I feel fat burning faster than my exercise

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