After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 812 Support, Ye Wanlan and Si Fuqing [1 more]

Visible to the naked eye, the expressions of Lu Qingyu and Ye Zelan changed suddenly.

The young master of the Huo family? !

Thank you?

"If you two really think so, the college really can't decide on this matter." The deputy dean looked kindly, and picked up the landline phone beside him, "I'll invite Mrs. Huo here, please discuss it together discuss."

"No!" Ye Zelan hurriedly said, with a forced smile, "No, no, no! We misunderstood!"

At the same time, she couldn't turn her thoughts around.

Xie Yu's surname is Xie, why did he become the young master of the Huo family?

How could the Huo family tolerate members of their own family with other people's surnames?

What's more, before this, apart from Huo Yanxing, she had never heard of the Huo family having a second young master.

How is this going?

Before coming, both Ye Zelan and Lu Qingyu had read Xie Yu's information.

Transcendent A Grade, who passed the assessment of the inner court this year and directly entered the inner court, is the most powerful group of freshmen this year.

"If it's a misunderstanding, then we have to make it clearer." The vice president smiled, "This is already a matter of the four major families, and the academy doesn't have that much power yet."

Ye Zelan failed to prevent the vice president from making a phone call, and could only watch him tell Mrs. Huo the truth about the purpose of their trip to Eternal Academy.

"Please go back first." The vice president still said kindly, "Mrs. Huo said that she will come to visit in person in a while."

He asked his assistant to invite Lu Qingyu and Ye Zelan out.

Ye Zelan looked a little flustered: "Qingyu, what should we do now? Xie Yu, how could he be from the Huo family? Is there any news about your Lu family?"

"No." Lu Qingyu's expression darkened a bit, "Your Ye family doesn't have any, and it's even more impossible for our Lu family to have one."

"This is terrible!" Ye Zelan pursed her lower lip, "My grandfather said that the old lady of the Huo family was the most protective, with a violent personality. If this really came after her, we..."

As she said that, she wanted to cry: "Qingyu, it's all my fault, if it wasn't for me, I wouldn't..."

"It has nothing to do with you." Lu Qingyu shook his head, "Go back and clean up Lu Yusheng's fuss."

Ye Zelan was still a little worried.

She nodded, followed Lu Qingyu and left.


At this moment, Mrs. Huo is still in the dean's office.

With the new information provided by Si Fuqing, the two began to formulate a new type of combat and student training plan.

Dean Dongfang listened to the whole process, and joked: "Ruohua, it's incredible, these two juniors have such great power, they can make your precious grandson drop out of school."

Mrs. Huo's expression was indifferent: "I don't have much skill, but my hands are long."

"I think you are an elder, so you won't make a big fuss." Dean Dongfang nodded, "Aren't you going to visit Ye's house?"

"No hurry." Mrs. Huo frowned tightly, "Wait for Qingqing to come out of the Eternal Continent first."

Ever since she knew that the Eternal Continent was a real world, she had been worried.

At this time, Si Fuqing was pinching the shoulders of the Lord of Ghost Valley.

"Master, if your old man can go to another world." She asked, "Will you invade with your extraordinary strength?"

"Invade other worlds?" The Lord of Ghost Valley was very surprised, "I've lived well in this Ghost Valley, and at most I'll wander around in other worlds, who is free to play invasion?"

He is not bored and can fish by the pond for a month.

"Don't think about these unrealistic things all day long." The Lord of Ghost Valley slapped her on the head, "Get up, let me test your current strength."

Si Fuqing held his head: "Master, you will make me stupid."

The Lord of Ghost Valley snorted and said, "Don't worry, I'm controlling the strength for the teacher, and I won't kill the brain cells you said."

Si Fuqing worked tirelessly to let the Lord of Ghost Valley test her cultivation in the Eternal Continent.

"Disciple, the recovery is really good." The Lord of Ghost Valley nodded with satisfaction, "You are now in the spiritual state, and you are worthy of being the old man's apprentice. Your talent is extraordinary."

Ling disciple, inspiration, psychic energy, lingdong, lingwu, lingzun, lingdi, lingpo, lingsheng, lingshen.

This is the power system division of the Eternal Continent.

As for the spiritual state, no one has been able to break through it so far.

The top ten vicious NPCs are all strong in the Holy Spirit Realm.

Si Fuqing shook his fingers and said in a low voice, "It's still too slow."

"Slow?" The Lord of Ghost Valley glared, "How old are you? Some people can't reach the Spirit Martial Realm after ten thousand years of cultivation. You should re-cultivate after death. Don't force me to beat you."

Si Fuqing sighed: "Master, you don't understand."

"However, being a teacher can indeed allow you to break through another layer in a short period of time." The Lord of Ghost Valley stroked his beard, "Wait, as a teacher, go to the old ghost of Moyuan, let's go to Tianchi to get a medicinal herb, let us You are separated from that kid named Yu."

After practicing for a period of time under the guidance of the Lord of Ghost Valley, Si Fuqing finally opened the game cabin.

"Qingqing, are you awake?" Mrs. Huo hurried forward, "Is nothing wrong?"

"Everything is normal." Si Fuqing made an OK gesture.

"That's good." Mrs. Huo nodded, "I'm going to Ye's house, and I'll come back to pick you up later."

night home...

Si Fuqing's eyes were fixed: "Grandma, I want to go too."

Of course Mrs. Huo would not refuse: "Go, support your brother."


night home.

Ye Zelan deliberately delayed returning to Ye's house until ten o'clock in the evening.

As soon as she entered the hall, her expression froze.

Mrs. Huo is sitting on the left.

Up above, Patriarch Ye is constantly accompanying him.

"It's time to come back." Mrs. Huo didn't look up, and said calmly, "Did you stay outside for so long, why don't you dare to come back to see me?"

Ye Zelan's face turned pale.

Being poked into the mind by Mrs. Huo, she opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

Mrs. Huo slammed the table down: "Why, I haven't come out for a long time, you two think my Huo family is a bully?"

"No, no, old lady, it's really a misunderstanding." A drop of cold sweat broke out on Patriarch Ye's forehead, "We didn't even know that Master Xie Yu belonged to you—"

"Oh, I don't know." Mrs. Huo sneered, "If you don't know, you can be expelled casually? So if you are really an ordinary student, you just lost the right to study so innocently?"

Patriarch Ye was also a generation shorter than Mrs. Huo, so he didn't dare to say anything to refute.

"Mrs. Huo, I, I am also very concerned about my brother." Ye Zelan forced himself to speak, "If Mrs. Huo was in my position, I would definitely not..."

"You are not young, and you have a lot of eyes." Mrs. Huo glanced at Ye Zelan, "When I was your age, I was already the captain of the law enforcement team. What are you? You deserve to interrupt!"

Ye Zelan was also in her thirties, and her face was flushed red by the scolding, and she couldn't speak a word.

"Okay, if you want me to let the past go, then apologize to my grandson in front of everyone in the inner court." Mrs. Huo, "Otherwise, everyone would dare to bully me."

Patriarch Ye just wanted to calm things down, and agreed straight away: "No problem, old lady, I will discipline Zelan well in the future, and I won't let her make such mistakes again."

Mrs. Huo took a sip of her tea and didn't intend to leave.

She was waiting for Si Fu to come out.


Si Fu was relieved.

After she followed Mrs. Huo in, she didn't go to the hall, but to the farthest cemetery.

She found Ye Wanlan's tomb very accurately.

Still so remote.

Si Fuqing slowly bent down, she took out a bouquet of purple irises, placed it in front of the grave, and said in a low voice: "Sister, I haven't been able to see you for five years, don't be angry."

The night wind blows, everything is quiet.

"Sister, I have someone I like." Si Fuqing said again, "He treats me very well, and I have another person who I can hand over my back to."

Her ears moved suddenly, and she clearly caught the slight sound of footsteps.

someone is coming.

Si Fuqing's expression froze.

She put down the purple iris and left quickly.

But she didn't go far, and her figure was hidden behind a big tree.

The footsteps gradually became louder, and the visitor also walked under the streetlight.

Si Fuqing narrowed his eyes slightly.

She knew this man, the night steward.

In the Ye family, the person who has the best relationship with Ye Wanlan is not the group of elders, but this old man in his seventies.

Si Fuqing's eyelashes drooped.

ten years.

The only ones who can remember Ye Wanlan are her and Ye Butler.

Ye Butler came to visit Ye Wanlan's grave as usual.

He was carrying a basket of fruits and snacks, which Ye Wanlan loved to eat during his lifetime.

Looking at the purple irises in front of the tombstone, the butler jumped up suddenly, and said in an excited voice, "Yes... Miss Si Fuqing is here?"

I have a splitting headache...feels like my temples are going to explode

Upper body aches like I just finished a strength training set (?

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