After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 824 Emperor Yin is still alive! Borrow your life【1 update】

It was still a very calm tone with a slight smile.

It’s as if you’re just inviting others to have tea.

However, just such a sentence made the man in black's scalp almost explode.

He only felt that the hairs all over his body stood up, his pores felt cold, and the Tianling Cap was filled with a slight chill.

The man in black's eyes widened suddenly.

Emperor Yin? !


Emperor Yin has long been dead.

But he heard that today’s Daxia Empire still regards Emperor Yin as a god-like figure.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Now that he was discovered, the man in black no longer hid.

This is just a high-tech world with some supernatural elements. How can it be compared with the aura-rich Eternal Continent?

He can easily crush people here to death.

The man in black sneered: "Originally I just wanted to destroy this sword, but since you insist on coming over, don't blame me for being rude!"

"People from the Eternal Continent?" Yu Xiheng walked in slowly, nodded and smiled, "What kind of cultivation?"

"Well, it shouldn't be high. It shouldn't be higher than the Spirit Master Realm. But even if a spiritual cultivator who has cultivated in the Spirit Master Realm comes here, his cultivation will be restricted."

These words made the man in black's scalp explode again!

This time even the heart was severely affected.

His expression was completely broken: "You know? Who are you?!"

Of course they know that people here can travel to the Eternal Continent through a holographic game called "Eternal".

It is also this game that conceals the fact that Eternal Continent is a real world.

How could anyone know? !

Yu Xiheng gently stroked the Dragon Bird Sword, which was already getting excited: "You already know, don't you?"


The dragon bird sword suddenly roared.

With a "swish" sound, it came through the air and directly pinned the man in black to the wall.

The blade of the sword turned bloody red.

Dragon Bird Sword is thirsty for blood.

"Ah——!!!" The man in black yelled in pain.

He wanted to turn around and run, but he was horrified to find that he couldn't escape.

Under the pressure of the Dragon Bird Sword, it seemed that all his cultivation and spells were unable to be used.

The Dragon Bird Sword was nailed to his right shoulder, constantly absorbing the blood in his body, making it difficult for him to breathe.

There is only one person in this world who can make Dragon Bird Sword so obedient.

And if that person is not here, Longque Baojian would rather seal himself than recognize anyone else as his master.

"No...impossible!" Under the mask, the man in black turned pale and shouted uncontrollably, "You're dead, you'll be dead a long time ago!"

There is no reincarnation in this world, and even in the Eternal Continent there is no such thing as the Palace of Hell.

The man in black remembers clearly that Emperor Yin died of exhaustion at the age of twenty-seven.

But it is a pity that Emperor Yin was still allowed to complete the great cause of unifying Daxia before his death.

I thought that after Emperor Yin passed away, Daxia would still be separated and disintegrated.

Who knows, there is also Ji Chunyuan, a powerful Onmyoji.

With his own strength, he blocked the army of 100,000 undead coming from the Gate of the Undead.

A few years later, another Jiang Zhaoyue appeared.

The woman did not give in to the men, and once again used her daughter's body to kill the remaining barbarians.

The man in black could not understand at all why there were so many geniuses in the land of Daxia that even the Eternal Continent could only encounter once in a hundred years.

It seems that even God is protecting this ancient and huge empire.

But how could Emperor Yin still be alive? !

Report it!

Be sure to report it!

This is more important than any other thing!


The Dragon Bird Sword went deeper at this time.

Severe pain interrupted the man in black's thoughts, and he screamed again.

Yu Xiheng also saw what the man in black was thinking.

He held the Dragon Bird Sword, drew it out, and slowly slid it to the man in black's head: "Next time, don't think too highly of yourself or underestimate the enemy."

The man in black stared and suddenly kicked his legs.

His body fell softly and made no sound.

Yu Xiheng looked indifferent: "Feng San, take care of it."

The shivering Feng San suddenly stopped shaking: "Yes, it's Brother Ninth, no, no, your majesty, your majesty!"

Yu Xiheng glanced at him lightly: "You can continue to scream like before."

Feng San: "..."

He deeply realized what it means to accompany a king like a tiger.

No, Miss Si may still be able to get involved with the character tiger.

But Ninth Brother is even better.


The lights were turned on.

Si Fuqing glanced at the ground and raised an eyebrow: "Dead?"

"Well, little guy." Yu Xiheng put the Dragon Bird Sword back on the sword stand, "But there are some gains. He has seen me before."

Si Fuqing narrowed his eyes: "At the Yu family?"

"No." Yu Xiheng smiled faintly, "Fifteen hundred years ago, during the reign of Emperor Yin."


Si Fuqing's eyes changed slightly: "Sure enough, they have been targeting us since then..."

"There is another thing that I have not understood. Now I can deduce the answer." Yu Xiheng's voice was slow, "The barbarian race should be inseparable from them."

Adult barbarians, both male and female, are two meters tall.

Strong barbarians will also become taller.

He once fought against a barbarian who was 2.8 meters tall.

In terms of height, the barbarians have nothing in common with other races.

It seems that this is not the race that should exist here.

And he also remembered that he had clearly completely wiped out the barbarians in the last war.

But a few years later, some barbarians came back and forced Jiang Zhaoyue to take command and go on an expedition.

Si Fuqing also thought of this.

Her eyes gradually sharpened: "Yes, maybe just like the Gate of the Dead, the barbarians may have been created by them."

"Well, that's what I thought too." Yu Xiheng raised his hand and rubbed her head, "You've been staring at her all day, so take a rest."


at the same time.

Somewhere in the Eternal Continent.

In the darkness, a voice suddenly came, falling lightly and without any emotion: "Ye Qiming is dead."

Below, a woman's expression changed, and she was a little surprised: "Why did he die suddenly?"

"He didn't die in the Eternal Continent." The voice continued, "He died in the New World."

The New World is their name for the high-tech, modern world on Earth.

"Understood." The woman clasped her fists, "Do I need to send someone to check?"

"No need." The voice was noncommittal, and he didn't take the matter to heart. "Death means that your skills are inferior to others. There are many people like him and Zhong Shanwen."

"Prepare with all your heart for the Holy Day. As long as this day comes, nothing else matters."

The woman bowed and said, "I will definitely complete the master's plan."


A few days later, the Daxia Empire.

Nian Yi'an and Si Fuqing both returned to Xia Dajiao for homework today.

"Sister Qingqing, I just happened to go to my mother's place for a meal at this time." Nian Yian looked at the time and complained, "I haven't eaten the sweet and sour pork ribs made by my mother for a long time."

Si Fuqing blinked: "Didn't aunty give you a lunch box this morning?"

Nian Yi'an became dejected when he mentioned this: "That's for my deskmate. My mother said she didn't know I was coming back. Since I'm back, there's no need for Ji Huan to run out and let me bring him in directly."


Si Fuqing had a complicated expression: "It's really hard for you."

The two returned to the restaurant opened by Ye Zhenmian.

Yin Yaonian and Yu Xiheng were playing chess aside.

After a while, Ye Zhenmian came back from outside: "Qingqing is back, hurry up, hurry up, prepare it, we will have dinner later."

Nian Yi'an complained: "Mom, there is still me. I haven't been back for a long time."

"Oh, yes, yes." Ye Zhenmian said as if he had just seen Nian Yi'an, "Go and fetch Huanhuan, I made her the squirrel fish she likes to eat."

Nian Yi'an: "..."

It didn't seem to make any difference whether he was there or not.

He was about to go out when he suddenly heard Si Fuqing asking Ye Zhenmian in a very serious tone.

"Auntie, when you went out today, someone asked you if you borrowed thirteen yuan?"

Ye Zhenmian was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

A few seconds later, she woke up as if from a dream and said: "Ah, yes, it was an old man with a child. He said he had no food, so I lent it to him."

She is kind-hearted and will leave meals in the restaurant for the elderly who are hungry.

Today I met someone in need of help on the road, so she helped.

Ye Zhenmian hesitated for a moment: "Qingqing, you can't be a liar for thirteen yuan, right? You can't deceive me anything."

"Thirteen yuan?" Nian Yian muttered after getting dressed, "That's weird, borrow this number."

"It's not about borrowing money." Si Fuqing looked up and spoke in a calm voice, "It's about borrowing life."

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