After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 825 Take action, destroy! 【2 more】


As soon as these words were uttered, there was a moment of silence at the dinner table.

Even Yin Yaonian felt his scalp tingling.

Nian Yi'an jumped up suddenly, his face was a little pale: "Sister Qingqing, don't, don't scare me."

"It's not your life to scare you into doing something." Si Fuqing glanced at him, "Didn't you just say that this number is strange?"

"I, I... I didn't expect it to be so strange!" Nian Yi'an hugged Ye Zhenmian, who was also pale, "Then... that life was taken away, what should mother do? How could it be a borrowed life?" ?”

"A little trick." Si Fu touched his chin, "Everyone should know about the contract, right?"

Nian Yi'an nodded.

"That person asked my aunt to borrow money, and my aunt agreed, which is equivalent to signing a contract." Si Fuqing raised a finger, "Although we know, it's not money at all."

"The contract is equivalent to the establishment of this transaction, aunt, do you still remember how that person asked you to borrow money at that time?"

Ye Zhenmian recalled it for a while, and recounted the events at that time.

When the old man borrowed money, he thanked her very much, and carefully asked her again and again whether she was willing to lend him the thirteen yuan with all her heart.

Asked her three times.

Seeing that the old man was pitiful, she wanted to give him a hundred yuan directly, but he refused anyway.

"Of course he disagreed." Si Fuqing said flatly, "If you give Auntie a hundred yuan, it will be different from the number written in the contract."

"If the contract can't be reached, I can't borrow your life."

Ye Zhenmian's body trembled: "It turned out to be like this, then I..."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I'm here, and Ninth Brother is here too. He can't borrow your life at all." Si Fuqing comforted her, "If he can borrow it, he has to see if he can afford it."

"It's just that auntie must be more vigilant in the future. Once you find that the other party's words and deeds are strange, you must immediately stop communicating with the other party."

Hearing this sentence, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've completely remembered it now." Ye Zhenmian patted his chest, his expression suddenly changed again, "Qingqing, I remembered, he didn't just ask me to borrow money."

"He also asked a few passers-by to borrow them, all of which were three yuan or thirteen yuan."

Si Fuqing narrowed his eyes: "It seems that he has a big appetite. Everyone borrows a little, and the accumulation is a huge number."

"Qingqing, we must expose this person's sinister intentions." Ye Zhenmian was very angry, "It is this kind of person who prevents those who really need help from being helped."

"Yeah." Si Fu tilted his head up, "Ninth Brother."

Yu Xiheng always knew what she was going to do, she nodded slightly: "Qianjunmeng has already sent someone to look for it."

"The 80% possibility is also related to them." Si Fuqing said, "Now that the Dragon Vessel Protecting Mountain formation has been built, and the five formations are integrated into one, even an army of 100,000 undead can't get in."

Yu Xiheng closed her eyes: "Well, they are using this small method to infiltrate."

"I'll go to Guanghua Temple." Si Fuqing stood up, "Auntie, I just waited for Yi'an to pick up Huanhuan, and we'll have dinner together."

Ye Zhenmian smiled: "Okay."

The phone lights up at this moment.

Yu Xiheng took a look: "I found it, I'll go there."


Guanghua Temple.

The monk just came back from outside and brought a jug of wine.

Seeing that there was no one around, he happily took a sip and enjoyed it.

Just then, a lazy voice sounded.

"Hey, monk, why are you hiding and drinking alone again? Buddhist holy land, aren't you afraid that the Buddha will cut your head off?"

The monk was startled, and almost dropped the candied haws he bought for the little monk to the ground.

He hid the wine gourd first, then turned around.

When he found a head protruding from the wall, the monk let out a long sigh of relief: "The benefactor, you scared the poor monk to death."

Si Fuqing sat on the wall: "I'm looking for you to do a fortune telling, don't be bitter, I'll give you the money first."

The monk immediately took out the payment QR code.

Seeing his skillful movements, Si Fuqing fell into silence.

She scanned the code.

The monk coughed a few times: "The female benefactor and the benefactor who has the crape myrtle luck and the emperor's fate have already cultivated a positive result. It is really not easy."

"Oh?" Si Fuqing narrowed his eyes, "You know that he is Ziwei's luck and emperor's destiny."

The monk has not yet noticed the danger: "I know."

Si Fuqing glanced at him: "Well, why didn't you tell me? You can also see his identity, right?"

Monk: "..."

He rubbed his head in embarrassment: "Female benefactor, we pay attention to one fate in this line of work. When the fate is met, everything will become clear. There is no benefit in paying in advance."

Si Fuqing suddenly said: "Monk, I checked you."

The monk was at a loss: "What does the female benefactor mean?"

"You were adopted by your parents." Si Fu rubbed his chin, "They said you suddenly appeared at the door of the house, wrapped in golden swaddling clothes. Don't you think you are extraordinary?"

The monk rubbed his head, a little ashamed: "No, but my math is really bad, this thing is so fucking difficult, I just can't understand it!"

"You can see things that many onmyojis can't see." Si Fuqing blinked, "Monk, don't be modest."

Hearing this sentence, the monk restrained his lazy expression and turned slightly serious: "Female benefactor, you are in a difficult situation."

Si Fuqing's expression turned serious: "Master, please tell me."

"You have a hurdle." The monk pointed at her, "If you can get through it, we can get through it. This hurdle requires many people to help you, and even one person is missing."

"Let me see, well, the two numbers four and nine are very important to the benefactor."

Si Fuqing's eyes were slightly deep: "Master, you—"

The monk rubbed his head, pretending he didn't hear: "I'm drunk, I need to rest."

As he walked, he gnawed on candied haws.

All the way back to his own courtyard.

The little monk finished sweeping the fallen leaves and raised his head: "Master, where is my candied haws?"

"Oh!" The monk quietly hid his sugar-stained left hand, with a serious expression, "My apprentice, I want to test you a riddle."

"Traveling in the wind before the waves again, what is this word?"

The little monk scratched his head: "No?"

"Yes." The monk beamed, "It's just gone."

The little monk burst into tears with a "wow": "Master, you are a big liar! I'm going to sue you."

"Hey, don't dare, don't dare!" The monk hurriedly grabbed the young monk, "I will take you to eat pastries, Master, don't cry."

The little monk laughed through his tears: "Master, I want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake and lotus cake..."

He announced the names of ten pastries in one breath.

Monk: "..."

He wanted to cry but squeezed his purse tightly: "Let's go."


At this time, in an old-fashioned house a few streets away from Imperial University.

An old man with gray hair walked in.

He took off the hood and disguise, revealing his original appearance.

It's a middle-aged man with wicked eyebrows.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man took out a handful of money from his pocket and said flatteredly, "A lot of people have been cheated in the past two days, and they are really stupid. They just borrowed money."

The woman is sitting in front of the bed, looking after a comatose boy.

Hearing this sentence, she was shocked: "You borrowed it again? Other people's life is also life!"

"It's the lives of worthless people." The middle-aged man said nonchalantly, "Anyway, they can live so long, what's the matter with giving some to my son?"

As he spoke, he burned the borrowed money with a candle.

"Borrow it for a few more days, and our son will be fine." The middle-aged man was very happy, "That fairy's words are indeed true."

A few days ago, even the hospital was helpless with their son's illness.

But at this moment, a mysterious man appeared and told him that he could use this method to save his son's life.

He didn't believe it at first, so he tried it with doubts.

It turned out to be really useful.

So in the past few days, he has stepped up his efforts to borrow his life, and at the same time, more greedy thoughts have been born in his heart.

If he borrowed enough, wouldn't he be able to live forever?

The woman opened her mouth and was about to say something when suddenly the boy on the bed coughed violently.

He even started vomiting blood.

"What's going on?" The middle-aged man looked flustered, "What's going on with our son?"

When he borrowed his life a few days ago, his son's illness was also improving.

Why did he vomit blood suddenly today, and it got worse in an instant?

The middle-aged man panicked.

He found that he didn't leave the mysterious person's contact information at all.

His fingers trembled and he wanted to call the emergency number, when a voice rang out faintly.

"Has anyone ever told you that life should not be borrowed casually?"

The next second, the middle-aged man felt his own shoulder being gently patted.

Well, the novel is purely fictional, please don’t take it seriously,

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