After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 829 Glenn awards, mutation! Yin Beichen【2 more】

As soon as this sentence came out, the senior management looked at each other.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but said: "Regardless of all costs? Isn't it a bit too much? Our current important task is to welcome the arrival of the sacred day."

It is true that Si Fuqing is very good, proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and enjoys a very high reputation in the world.

At the age of twenty, she was the only one who could do Si Fuqing's step for so many years.

Not to mention, she is still an evolutionary.

The information they got showed that Si Fuqing was a Transcendent A Grade Evolutionary.

But in these years, there are more than a dozen S-level evolutionists who died at the hands of the revenge organization?

No matter how strong a Transcendent A Grade Evolutionary is, what can it block?

"Issuing a kill order." The young man insisted, "Put the task of chasing and killing Si Fuqing as the first task, anyone can take it."

"Whoever kills her successfully will have the opportunity to meet the adults directly."

The higher-ups were even more surprised.

That's not enough, the young man said calmly: "In my opinion, her priority is at the same level as the deans of the Intercontinental Research Institute and the deans of the Eternal Academy."

"This..." Several elders looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the end, an old man sighed: "Since you think so, it's hard for us to say anything."

"Just using such a large amount of material and manpower to kill Si Fuqing, I'm afraid that the gain will outweigh the loss."

The daughter of murderous luck will also bear the corresponding backlash.

Not everyone can afford this backlash.

"I'm not afraid that the gain outweighs the loss." The young man's eyes were deep, "I'm afraid that I won't be able to kill him, so I will send the order to the Freedom Island Onmyoji Association first."

Immediately there was an escort action, and he responded respectfully: "Yes, my lord."

"Let the people from Eternal Academy go out too." The young man pondered for a moment, then warned, "Tell everyone not to underestimate the enemy."

He expected that Melanie would not live long, but he didn't expect that she would die as soon as she returned to the Eternal Continent.

This means that someone has already learned that the Eternal Continent is real.

In the past, everyone who heard the news had already been purged.

As for now?

The holy day is coming, even if someone knows, it will not help, don't bother.

The young man nodded and said: "This meeting is over. Soon, we will have a big battle. Please prepare yourself."


On the other side, Si Fuqing asked Nian Yi'an to bring a few gold fish back to Yin's house.

He also summoned the brothers and sisters to divide the remaining gold fish.

Yunying was not polite, and directly picked up the chopsticks to wear the golden fish, and took a bite.

He ate quickly, but his movements were graceful, and his hands were not stained with any oil.

Raphael asked curiously: "Can this fish really increase cultivation? It looks so silly."

Si Fuqing thought for a while, and tentatively said: "Otherwise, Sixth Senior Brother, stop eating, it's a waste if you eat, give my boyfriend some more."

Raphael: "???"

Shocked and heartbroken, he made a gesture of Xizi holding his heart: "Junior Junior Sister, you have gone too far."

Si Fuqing took a mouthful of the fish that Yu Xiheng fed her, and hummed twice perfunctorily.

"It tastes good." After Yunying finished eating, she wiped her hands unhurriedly, "It tastes better than the first time I ate it."

Si Fuqing blinked: "First time?"

"Well, when I was still in the Eternal Continent." Yunying said lightly, "I was lucky to get one, but unfortunately there were no tools at that time, so I ate it as sashimi."

After eating, they all felt a warm current flowing slowly in their limbs, their pores relaxed, and their whole body was refreshed.

Si Fuqing stretched his waist: "The matter is over, let's rest for a while."

Yu Xiheng patted her head: "Have a good night's sleep, I will attend the Glenn Awards Ceremony tomorrow."

"Almost forgot about it." Si Fu rubbed his waist and muttered, "I have to get up early in the morning to do styling again, and my neck is about to break."

"Are you going to win the prize again?" Yun Ying raised her eyebrows, "The speed is really fast."

Raphael finished eating the golden fish and was still savoring it.

Hearing this, he was a little confused: "Again? Isn't this the first movie of Junior Sister?"

"Little Junior Sister is right. It's really useless for you to eat fish." Tan Jingmo gave him a cold look, "Only you haven't noticed that Junior Junior Sister is Yun Lan."

Lang Xuan coughed violently.

He didn't see it either.

But he still shut up and just watched the sixth child being set on fire.

Raphael stammered: "What, what? The genius international actress ten years ago was also a junior sister?!"

Yunlan's movie discs are also specially stored in the study room of his bedroom.

Rafael took a deep breath, and suddenly excitedly clenched his right hand into a fist on the palm of his left hand: "It turns out that my taste has not changed, and I only like to watch movies and TV programs of my junior sister."

Tan Jingmo sneered softly: "Stupid."

Finally, today's dinner ended with Raphael being beaten violently.


the next day.

The much-anticipated Glenn Awards Ceremony kicked off in Glenn.

Si Fuqing is the youngest of the four Best Actress nominees.

He was also the only Daxia native in the past five years.

Westerners have always had deep facial features and taller stature.

On the red carpet of previous film festivals, big summer stars would always be overwhelmed in terms of aura.

But not this time.

At a glance, Si Fuqing is still the most memorable one.

It is worthy of being called the face that unifies Chinese and Western aesthetics.

After the red carpet ended, the actors all left their names on the background board and sat in their seats one after another.

The "Light" crew is at the front seat.

"I'm a little nervous." Qu Lingyun squeezed his tie, his palms were covered with sweat, "Are you nervous?"

Si Fuqing lazily said: "Fortunately, I'm used to it."

Qu Lingyun let out a breath slowly, and complained softly: "I still can't accept that you are Alan, tell me about you, Glenn has won the lifetime achievement award, how can you change the number and start over again?" Woolen cloth?"

Si Fuqing: "...Actually, I don't want to either."

"The following is the announcement of this year's Glenn Best Director Award." On the stage, the host has already begun to read, "The winner of the Best Director Award is—"

"Director Qu Lingyun, congratulations!"

The applause sounded quickly, deafening like thunder.

Qu Lingyun walked onto the stage, gave a simple acceptance speech according to the previous procedure, and then slowly returned to his seat.

[The director of the song is awesome! As expected of being the number one director of Daxia, he can take every one he makes! 】

[It's over, according to Glenn's style, the best director award and the best leading role award are generally not given together. 】

[Don't worry, what if we double kill? 】

"The winner of this year's best film award is—" the host continued to announce the second major award, "Movie, "Light", congratulations to all the main creators!"

There was a burst of cheers from the audience.

[Double kill! Just short of a best actress award! 】

[Even if you don't get the best actress, Qingqing can be included in Daxia's movie history! 】


This is the only big summer film that has been nominated and won an award after seven years since Yunlan and Qu Lingyun teamed up.

Si Fuqing raised his head and looked at the podium in the center.

She fulfilled the vow she once made and once again stood on the podium of Glenn.

The main creative team of the crew of "Light" came to the stage to accept the award together.

Qu Lingyun gave Si Fuqing the chance to hold the trophy.

Si Fuqing took the trophy from the last Glenn best actor, and picked up the microphone with the other hand.

Before she could speak, her eyes suddenly changed, and she immediately pushed down the heads of the two people next to her.

"Get down!"


With a bang, all the lights suddenly went out at this moment, and the entire auditorium was plunged into darkness.

There was a moment of silence in the auditorium.

Three seconds later, screams sounded, and there was chaos in an instant.

The global live broadcast was directly cut off.

Viewers watching online were also stunned.

【what happened? ! 】

[What happened, enemy attack? 】

[This is Glenn's scene! What's the matter with security? 】

【I'm on the scene! The signal is very unstable, the building collapsed! Not good, all the buildings collapsed! 】


#Glenn, attack#

#Glenn, Collapse#

#The life and death of many film kings and queens is uncertain#

All major social forums in the world were blown up by these news.

This time, somewhere.

This is an estate.

The manor was full of all kinds of fruit, and there were a few birds.

It's just that the sky and the earth are dark, and a piece of yellow sand spreads around.

A man is dealing with weeds in a garden.

There was the sound of footsteps, hastily.

"Sir, something happened." The young man looked serious, "Miss Fu Qing has received a death order from the revenge organization, and her priority has been raised to the highest level."

"Glenn was bombed, this is the latest news."

Yin Beichen paused his hand and raised his head.

Xiaoxiang’s double monthly pass starts, babies with monthly passes can vote for Qingqing

I feel that the sequelae are still obvious. I am really short of breath and easily tired. Everyone must take good protection. If you can’t do it, you can’t.

See you tomorrow~~

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