The young man looked into his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and continued, "It's bigger than the team that was sent to kill you and your wife, and it's already comparable to the S-level researchers of the Intercontinental Research Institute."

There have been no more than 20 S-level researchers of the Intercontinental Research Institute since the establishment of the research institute.

And these S-level researchers are all targets of revenge organizations.

A few years ago, the plane on which an S-level researcher was traveling suddenly exploded in the air.

All people on board died, and the specific cause of the explosion has not yet been found out.

But the only thing that is certain is that the revenge organization did it.

The revenge organization would rather spend a lot of manpower and material resources to eradicate these researchers who might pose a threat to them.

At the same time, they also released the news very arrogantly.

As long as these researchers join the revenge organization, their lives can be guaranteed.

Yin Beichen wiped his hands, lowered his eyelashes, and said flatly, "It seems that Qingqing has done something they couldn't bear."

The young man was very nervous: "Sir, what should we do now? Both you and your wife are restricted from going out, if Miss Fu Qing can't escape under the 'Death Order'..."

The horror of the kill order is that there will be group after group of members of the revenge organization dispatched.

The pursuit is endless.

Start from the lowest level to test, and adjust according to the strength of the person being hunted down, all the way to the highest level member.

Back then, the revenge organization had already dispatched its most senior members to hunt down Yin Beichen and Ling Hanyi.

After the revenge organization confirmed the death of the two, the killing order was lifted.

"No." Yin Beichen shook his head, his eyes were completely firm, and said, "Not only can she escape, but she can also destroy the opponent."

The young man was a little surprised, and said anxiously: "But sir, miss, she is only twenty years old this year, she..."

Yin Beichen picked up the bamboo basket on the ground: "Try to find a way to send out these fruits and medicinal materials, and hand them over to Dean Xu of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Intercontinental Research Institute."

The young man looked serious: "Yes, sir!"

Yin Beichen watched the young man leave, slowly clenched his fingers, and there was only a coldness in his eyes: "The revenge organization..."

The revenge organization is the chief culprit that caused the tragedy in his life.

He was sorry to the Yin family, he was also sorry to Ling Hanyi, and he was even more sorry to Si Fuqing.

It's just that he has endured for so many years, and there is only one last step left, and he must not fall short.

Yin Beichen let out a breath slowly.

He must not go out at this time, otherwise it will bring troubles to his daughter that cannot be solved at present.

There was no other way to help her.



Signals are still interrupted.

Because the revenge organization controlled the entire city, the rescue team couldn't get in at all.

"This time the commotion is too big, there are many international movie kings and actresses here." A member said, "If they all die, the world will be in chaos."

This year's Glenn Awards Ceremony is full of celebrities.

In addition to the digital actor and actress, there are also world-renowned designers like Gu Wenzhu.

Each can be an international sensation.

"Whether they die or not depends on whether that Si Fuqing will take the initiative to come out." The middle-aged man in the lead sneered, "If she is a shrinking turtle, all these ordinary people will be buried with her. I hope she will be sensible."

Of course he didn't expect an explosion to wipe out Si Fuqing.

Glenn's protection system is also world-class.

When the explosion occurred, the protection system had already been activated.

Spectators have long been evacuated into the underground passage.

He just wanted to use this matter to force Si Fu to come out.

"Send her a message." The middle-aged man glanced at the time and said coldly, "Tell her that if it doesn't come out within five minutes, the poisonous fog will be released."

"She can hold it, let's see if ordinary people can hold it."

"Received." The subordinate nodded and immediately went to action.

In the dark, the underground temporary protective passage.

The phone rang with a beep.

A text message comes in.

Si Fu tilted his head down, his eyes changed slightly.

[Within five minutes, come out immediately, otherwise, everyone will die. 】

This is her work mobile number.

Although the confidentiality is not as high as that of a private mobile phone number, she has also implemented a series of methods such as password reinforcement.

But it was invaded by the revenge organization.

On the side, Qu Lingyun was so cold that he wrapped his clothes: "Are you okay? The rescue team should come in after a while, don't worry."

As he spoke, he sighed: "It's just that the award ceremony was a mess this time, and I don't know when it will be postponed. I'm still waiting for you to win the trophy of the best actress!"

"I'm fine." Si Fuqing stood up holding the phone, "I'm going out for a while."

"Get out now?" Qu Lingyun was stunned for a moment, then lowered his voice and said angrily, "No, I suspect that this explosion was aimed at you, or why did the accident happen when you were on stage?"

"If this is the case, you will die if you go out!"

Hearing this, Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows: "It's really good to have a brain at the critical moment. I will tell the teacher to let him stop scolding you."

Qu Lingyun: "..."

Is this scolding him or praising him?

"You also know that their target is me, not you." Si Fuqing said flatly, "It's easy to do things alone, and I will let the rescue come early."

"No, don't..." Qu Lingyun couldn't stop her, and could only watch the girl go out of the cave.

Si Fuqing walked out along the passage.

The phone suddenly vibrated.

She frowned and took a look, but still picked it up: "Hello?"

"Xiao Jiu." Yun Ying paused and said, "I'm with your boyfriend, and I've already seen people from the Vengeance Organization."

"You stay here honestly, and come out when we let you out."

"You are not allowed to come over!" Si Fuqing's expression changed, "They will kill me at most and send middle-level forces, but it is not guaranteed to deal with you. What if they send spiritual practitioners from the Eternal Continent?!"

"Spirit cultivator? It's not like I haven't encountered it in the past five hundred years." Yunying said lightly, "Don't worry, my acting skills are good, so they won't be able to see my relationship with you."

"Well, my boyfriend is looking for you, so I'll go first."

When the phone was in Yu Xiheng's hands, his voice sank: "Qingqing, don't come out."

Si Fuqing was so angry that he called him by his full name: "Yu Xiheng! You follow Yunying's mischief anyway!"

Her palms were sweating, it was because of fear.

She knew that the moment Melanie lost to her, she must be on the revenge organization's hunt list.

But she didn't want the people around her to be targeted too.

I have to admit that they currently have no way to completely eradicate the revenge organization.

"Qingqing." Yu Xiheng spoke again, with a slight smile, "Longque and I will protect you, you go to protect others, okay?"

The call was cut off.

Si Fuqing wiped the sweat off his face, gritted his teeth, and turned back to rescue Qu Lingyun and others.

When she goes back, she will settle accounts with them.


on the ground.

The middle-aged man waited for a full five minutes, but he hadn't seen Si Fuqing yet, and he was already impatient: "Is she really a shrinking turtle and can't come out? Okay, let's release the poisonous mist."

Several members responsible for creating the poisonous mist nodded.

Just when they were about to be released, an accident happened.


Several members actually fell into the machine.

They didn't even have a chance to struggle, and they only had time to make a noise before being completely swallowed by the poisonous mist in the machine.

The middle-aged man snapped: "What's going on?!"

The person is obviously outside, why suddenly got inside the machine?

Could it be...

Space system evolution? !

No...not just the space system, but also...

The wind was so strong that it had reached the point where the sky was shaking.

None of the members of the revenge organization dispatched this time could block the sudden gust of wind.

In the wind, two figures gradually appeared.

"My lord, something has happened." The middle-aged man held the phone, his expression changed wildly, "We are blocked, the strength of the coming person is very powerful, it is estimated to be the ultimate S-level evolution!"

"The god-slaying machine failed and couldn't function, they—"

His voice suddenly broke off.

The phone is already in Yunying's hands.

And the young man on the other end of the phone didn't know what happened, he frowned: "Hello? Hello! Tell me more clearly, who is it?"

The ultimate S-level evolutionists are all recorded by the revenge organization.

Even Yun Jin, the lord of the top of the cloud, and the head of the Holy Light Tribunal have corresponding information.

Surveillance shows that these S-level evolutionists are all in their respective positions and have not left Freedom Island at all.

Where is the new ultimate S-class evolutionary emerging?

"Hello." Yunying said, her voice was flat and quiet, "I said, you really messed with me."

The double monthly pass for q reading is also coming~ everyone votes!

In the last few days of 2022, give Qingqing and His Majesty a perfect ending!

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