After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 831 The senior brother tortures the scum, Qingqing takes action [2 updates]

There was no ups and downs in the tone of voice.

But if you listen carefully, you can see that it is filled with a bit of bone-chilling coldness and murderous intent.

"The Holy Day has not arrived yet, and you are no match for me." Yun Ying said lightly, "You'd better be calm and don't let me catch you before the Holy Day arrives."

The young man's pupils suddenly shrank: "You...!"

The call was just hung up.

"Hello? Hello!" The young man kept shouting into his cell phone, but found that he couldn't make a call at all.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead for the first time, and he sternly said: "Quickly retreat, let everyone evacuate, never make such a big noise in the future, it is just to scare the snake away!"

"But the plan to eradicate Si Fuqing remains unchanged. If we do it secretly, it's best to blame it on others. Do you understand?"

The secret guards had never seen him in such a panic, so they hurriedly responded: "Yes, sir!"

The young man held his mobile phone and frowned tightly.

Who is the other party?

How can one pronounce the title "Holy Day"?

Could it be that their core plan has been exposed?

As soon as this idea emerged, it was rejected by the young man.

This is absolutely impossible.

He trusts no one, and the core plan will only pass through his hands.

But no matter how the other party knew, he had to keep a low profile first.

As long as the core plan is not destroyed, Si Fuqing can avoid killing him.

The young man called a few more confidants and said coldly: "Those people from Grain don't need to come back. We should immediately cut off the relationship and don't expose the headquarters."

His only reliance now is that no one can find the headquarters of the revenge organization, not even the Holy Light Judgment Office.

He has to wait patiently for the arrival of the Holy Day, and everything else can be put on the back burner.



The strong wind was still roaring, and the members of the revenge organization fell to the ground.

They were easily imprisoned in this small piece of world by Yu Xiheng, with no way to escape.

With a "click", Yun Ying crushed the phone in his hand.

He tilted his head and smiled at the middle-aged man: "What should I do? Your adults have given up on you."

The middle-aged man's pupils shrank violently, and his face was full of fear: "Who are you? Impossible! The ultimate S-level evolvers are all under our surveillance, and there is no such person as you!"

He also met the ultimate S-class evolver.

But they are not as strong as the man in front of them.

Could it be the Lord on the top of the clouds?

Or is it the head of the Holy Light Judgment?

But the looks don't match up at all.

Middle-aged people can no longer think.

He was grabbed by the throat by Yun Ying, and his feet were lifted off the ground.

The thinning air made it difficult for him to breathe and his face turned purple.

He struggled to beg for mercy, but found it difficult to even speak.

"I see you once, and you die once." Yun Ying's brows were filled with anger, "I couldn't get rid of you last time, so don't even think about running away this time."

The middle-aged man opened his mouth, somewhat unable to understand Yun Ying's hatred for them.

But he had absolutely no way of knowing.

Yun Ying loosened his hand and casually threw the silent middle-aged man to the ground.

Yu Xiheng raised his hand and shook it weakly.

The space opened and closed, and all members of the revenge organization were eliminated.

"Awesome." Yun Ying raised an eyebrow, "If I'm not mistaken, you have already touched the threshold of the law in the use of space, right?"

Law, this is a concept that only exists in the Eternal Continent.

Spiritual saint realm powerhouses such as the Lord of Ghost Valley and the Lord of Demonic Abyss have mastered at least two laws.

It was only after he entered the Eternal Continent that he fully understood the law of wind.

Using the game cabin to go to the Eternal Continent has a completely different effect than entering through the passage.

Yu Xiheng nodded slightly: "It's a fluke."

Yun Ying shook his head and gave a rare sigh: "I really can't see through you."

At this moment, two shouts rang out.

"Yu Xiheng!"


They were all called by their full names.

"Ah, I'm going to be scolded." Yun Ying glanced at the angry little lion, "Boyfriend, you have to be responsible for coaxing him well."

Yu Xiheng also raised his eyebrows: "Part of you is irresponsible."

"What are you still whispering?" Si Fuqing was very angry.

She was still wearing the dress she wore when she received the award. The long skirt was torn open by her and tangled around her legs.

Because it was too difficult to walk in high heels, she simply took them off and carried them on her hands.

Yu Xiheng raised her hand and fixed her hair as usual: "My hair is blowing up."

Could it be that you are too angry and have static electricity?

he mused.

Quite cute.

Before the hand even made contact, it was slapped away.

"You are not allowed to touch my head!" Si Fuqing made a cross gesture with his hands, "You have been deprived of this right!"

"Qingqing, it's okay." Yu Xiheng knew what she was worried about. He pointed to the mask on his face, "No one can see my face."

Si Fuqing looked at Yun Ying expressionlessly again.

Yun Ying lazily snapped his fingers: "Oh, everyone who saw my face has died, but you can still look at me. Do you feel honored?"

Si Fuqing: "..."

How could there be someone in this world who deserved a beating like her senior brother?

Who can suppress this shameless man?

Her fist hardened.

"Okay, it's really okay." Yu Xiheng touched her face, his palm was warm, and he whispered, "I'm scared, they won't show up for the time being."

"This is not a solution." Si Fuqing's eyes darkened, "They will not give up. I am going to live in Free Continent for a long time. I can't cause any more trouble to the ordinary people here."

Yu Xiheng also had this intention: "Okay, I will move there with you."

"Is this all done?" Yun Ying glanced lightly, "It seems like one thing is coming to another, Yun Jiu, it's rare to see you so obedient."

Si Fuqing: "...I don't want to see you anymore."

"Tsk." Yun Ying waved his hand, "Let's go, don't come to me if you need anything, I will show up on my own initiative."

Si Fuqing pointed at Yun Ying: "Look, sooner or later, I will find someone who can subdue him."

Yu Xiheng's eyes moved slightly and he smiled: "Yeah."


This time Grain was bombed, but no one was killed. Several staff members were injured and were sent to the hospital for prompt treatment.

Driven by Qu Lingyun and Gu Wenzhu, Green's award ceremony was conducted live on the entire network.

The title of Best Actress ultimately fell to Si Fuqing.

In this Gline Award, the film "Light" won three heavyweight awards, including the Best Music Award and the Fine Arts Award.

It can be said that it was fully loaded.

The moussies began to celebrate crazily.

[The 20-year-old actress Grain has a promising future! 】

[Ooooooo, I’m in tears. From the time Qingqing was blackballed by the whole internet to when she won the Best Actress in Grain, it’s been such a difficult journey. 】

[Qingqing, charge! Win a few more awards, try to win a Glenn Lifetime Achievement Award, and blind the eyes of those keyboard warriors! 】

This time, no one said that Si Fuqing was not as good as Yunlan.

Even several of Grain's judges said that her future achievements will be higher than Yunlan's.

The trophy for the best actress was sent to the Huo family.

Mrs. Huo placed the trophy in the most conspicuous place and showed it off to Huo Yanxing several times every day.

In the past few days, the revenge organization has indeed become more peaceful, and there has been no action against other researchers or students in the inner courtyard of Eternal Academy.

But for the sake of safety, Si Fuqing still chose to go to the Intercontinental Research Institute in disguise.

Dean Xu is already waiting in the office.

Seeing her coming, he suppressed his excitement and just nodded calmly: "Come in."

Si Fuqing went in and said, "Dean, this is the document you asked me to print."

Dean Xu took it and tapped his ear.

Si Fuqing understood.

This means eavesdropping.

She walked around the office and quietly destroyed several eavesdropping devices.

The pointer also points to five o'clock.

"Qingqing, sit down quickly." Dean Xu breathed a sigh of relief, "Only at this time, I will not be under surveillance here."

Si Fuqing frowned: "Revenge organization?"

"Not necessarily." Dean Xu shook his head, "It could also be the research institute. In fact, there is no difference."

Si Fuqing nodded: "Teacher, do you have something important to do with me?"

"Yes, someone asked me to give this to you." Dean Xu looked serious, "It is said that it has the absolute ability to change the bloodline of evolvers."

He took out a box.

Inside are weird fruits and vegetables.

Si Fuqing looked at it: "Who?"

"I don't know." Dean Xu still shook his head, "But the other party provided reliable proof."

Si Fuqing nodded: "Okay, I'll go back and study it."

She put the box away and was about to leave.

The office door was knocked open at this time.

He is a cavalry member of the Holy Light Judgment Institute stationed at the Intercontinental Research Institute.

The cavalry commander glanced up and down, his eyes like knives.

"Dean Xu." After a few seconds, the cavalry commander spoke, "We suspect that you are colluding with the revenge organization and intending to betray the institute. Please come with us."

Dean Xu's eyes darkened: "You..."

Si Fuqing put the box down and looked up at the group of cavalry: "He won't leave."

Only then did the cavalry commander notice Si Fuqing's presence.

Ordinary, unremarkable.

"Assistant?" The cavalry commander seemed to sneer, "You have no right to object to this matter, Dean Xu, I'm offended."

"take away!"

Two cavalrymen stepped forward to control Dean Xu.

But their wrists were locked.

Si Fuqing remained calm: "I told you, he won't leave with you."

Keep asking for monthly tickets for Qingqing. One double monthly ticket is worth two votes!

It will be three thousand soon, everyone, rush, rush

See you tomorrow~~

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