After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 836 Si Fuqing: Sorry, I’m not dead [1 update]


There was still silence in the office, not even the sound of the wind.

"Don't even think about running away." Si Fuqing said calmly, "I can see you."


With a sound, both the front and back doors were closed.

"Didi didi——"

At the same time, the protection system was also activated.

It was quiet for another five seconds, and finally, a space began to fluctuate slightly.

A woman in a white lab coat appears.

She also held a tablet in her hand, looking serious and cold.

It is Professor Katharina, an S-level researcher at the Intercontinental Research Institute who enjoys high honor and popularity.

He is as famous as Lu Xingci’s teacher Professor Honatan.

Although she did not serve as the dean of the branch, her importance was no less important than that of Dean Xu.

Katharina's eyes were cold: "How did you find me?"

"It seems that there are indeed many branches of the revenge organization, and your tasks are not the same or even completely incompatible with each other." Si Fuqing leaned on the chair with a casual expression, "You don't know any other information about me."

Some people in the Revenge Organization know that she is the daughter of Luck, while others know that she is Yin Beichen's daughter.

But unfortunately, because these people belong to different departments, and because they are undercover with different forces, they have not communicated with each other.

This creates a serious information gap.

"What information do you have?" Katsalina frowned and her voice became colder. "I remember you. You were really lucky last time. You were fine after going deep into the poisonous mist."

Her impression of Si Fuqing only existed because he ranked first in the international joint examination and was recruited into the research team by Lu Xingci.

It seems that he is still some kind of star outside the continent, a great game master.

But what's the use of this in a free continent?

It couldn't catch her eye at all.

"Yes, you can find me, and I recognize your ability." Katharina said lightly, "I will give you two ways. The first is to sign a life and death contract and join the revenge organization."

Si Fuqing was very interested: "You only said one thing, what about the second one?"

"The second option?" Katharina sneered, revealing her true face, "The second option is a dead end. If you refuse, you will die quietly the next day."

She glanced at her watch impatiently: "I'll give you five seconds to choose."

"Sorry, I don't choose your path." Si Fuqing stood up, "But you must go my way."


The space suddenly became certain.

The pressure of the huge evolutionary bloodline suddenly rose, overwhelming.

With a "plop", Katsalina knelt down on the ground and threw the tablet in her hand.

Si Fuqing bent down to pick it up and cracked the code easily.

She glanced at the screen: "What, you want to continue making anti-gravity armor?"

Katsalina was shocked, and her calm expression shattered: "S-class evolved person?!"

Not to mention S-level evolvers, even A-level evolvers would choose the latter between Intercontinental Research Institute and Eternal Academy.

For the evolver, improving the evolver's strength is the top priority.

Unless you are an evolver without combat capabilities, you will choose the next best option to study this path.

"Professor, you have a very high IQ. Why didn't you think that I could find you? Because I also have spatial abilities." Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows, "But this is not your ability, right? It's because of the medicine. Possess the ability to become invisible for a short period of time.”

The tone paused for a moment, and then he suddenly said with a chilling tone: "The Invisible Man has indeed joined you. He has a good relationship with the Memory One, so I guess the Memory One can't escape either."

Katharina finally panicked: "Who are you? What are you going to do?!"

This girl seems to know everything!

"Don't worry, I won't hand you over to the Holy Light Judgment Office." Si Fuqing grabbed Katharina's throat, lifted her up, and said slowly, "It's more fun to avenge yourself."


On the other side, the Huo family.

Dean Xu couldn't wait, and under the leadership of Butler Huo, he met Lang Xuan.

"Dean Xu." Lang Xuan nodded, "I'm glad to be able to work with you."

"Hello." Dean Xu shook hands with him, looked around, and exclaimed, "I didn't expect there to be such a big laboratory here in the Huo family."

Butler Huo smiled: "This is a place specially reserved for the young lady. Dean Xu, you can rest assured that you are safe here."

"I really like this place." Dean Xu couldn't help sighing: "It's true that one person has achieved enlightenment, and chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven."

Langxuan: "..."

Although he doesn't know much about Daxia culture, is there something wrong with this sentence?

The cell phone rang at this moment, breaking the silence.

"Hello?" Lang Xuan picked up, and the other party said a few words, and his expression changed, "Caught? Okay, I'll go over right now, wait for me."

Dean Xu raised his head: "What's wrong?"

"It's a bit urgent. Dean Xu, please sort out the information first." Lang Xuan's face was cold, "I will contact you later if I have anything else."

"Oh, I'm fine, it's fine." Dean Xu waved his hand, "You go and do your work, I'll go around alone."

Lang Xuan pursed his lips tightly and rushed all the way to the location given by Tan Jingmo.

When he arrived, Yunying, Yue Jian and Yuan Mingchi also arrived.

Lang Xuan glanced at Katharina who was tied to the pillar and couldn't help being surprised: "Why is it her?"

He also had experimental contacts with Katharina, and he had the impression that she was a very good person and she carefully guided the students.

"A good undercover agent is one who makes people unexpected." Yue Jian clicked his tongue, "The criminal organizations I took down before would never have thought that I was an undercover agent before they were dismantled."

Yun Ying tapped his chin: "Xiaojiu, let's get started."

Katharina was extremely panicked: "Who are you?!"

Even if Si Fuqing is an S-class evolved person, how could she be quietly abducted to a strange place without alerting the Revenge Organization and the Intercontinental Research Institute?

Under the gazes of several eyes, Katharina felt as if her whole body had been cut open, her scalp was numb, and her blood had run cold.

"Five years ago, you and the Revenge Organization joined forces to create an explosion that killed S009." Si Fuqing said in a slow voice, "Last year, you did the same thing. You wanted to kill Dean Xu, and you didn't hesitate to drag hundreds of researchers. Get in the water.”

"This time you contacted the traitor in the Mechanical Institute and framed Dean Xu, hoping to get rid of him with the help of the Holy Light Judgment Institute."

Katharina said with a sullen face: "Have you also investigated what happened five years ago?"

As one of the masterminds of the explosion, she had been hiding it well and no one suspected her.

It had been so long that she had almost forgotten about it.

"I'm curious as to why S009 offended you." Si Fuqing said calmly, "She is actually more important than Dean Xu?"

Katharina pursed her lips and said nothing.

S009 is the youngest S-class researcher. He is extremely talented and studied under Xu Ce.

There have long been rumors within the InterContinental Research Institute that she will be the future successor to the supreme dean.

Katharina was inevitably jealous.

The mission to assassinate S009 was directly issued by the leader of the revenge organization, requiring that he be killed, and she was responsible for executing it.

After the mission was completed, she was promoted and received more rights.

The death of S009 will have no impact on her.

"Oh." Si Fuqing nodded, "It seems that he is not qualified enough to know."

Katharina was stabbed in the painful foot and glared: "Nonsense, you don't know anything! She just wants to die!"

As soon as she finished saying this, there was a "bang" sound, and Katsalina was kicked by Yun Ying.

With a "click", her ribs were broken, and she couldn't help but let out a scream.

Yun Ying crossed her legs and said calmly: "I can't help it, continue."

Si Fuqing clasped his hands and smiled slightly: "But it's a pity that I disappoint you. I'm not dead."

Katharina's pupils suddenly shrank, and her expression was completely shattered.

"Impossible! You..."

Such a huge explosion left no bones left.

Even the ultimate S-class evolver cannot survive!

"Let's get to know each other again." Si Fuqing slowly stood up, "Si Fuqing, researcher S009, disciple Xingjiu of Top of the Clouds."

I came back to you alive.

Let’s update according to the time of 2023~ Happy New Year, my dears

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Qingqing will continue to accompany you in the new year. If everything goes well, the main text will be completed by the end of the month. If not, the holes will definitely be filled next month.

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