After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 837 Abuse of scum, collapse [2 more]

Katharina's pupils dilated, and her body trembled violently.

However, after more than ten seconds, she calmed down and laughed loudly: "It's really amazing that you can find out what happened five years ago, but do you think I will be scared when you say this? Impossible!"

"The Intercontinental Research Institute does have the technology to resurrect the dead, but the body must be intact, and it must be within ten minutes of death!"

In order to ensure that S009 cannot be rescued, the revenge organization launched the big bang.

How to revive without bones?

Faced with Katharina's mocking expression, Si Fuqing was very indifferent from the beginning to the end.

She raised her eyebrows and said unhurriedly: "In March five years ago, you gave me a document asking me to do an experiment for you, but I refused. The full name of the experiment is a new type of laser sword."

"After I refused, you couldn't find another person to help you, so you had to put this experiment on hold indefinitely. How about it, have you found someone now?"

Katharina's smile completely disappeared, and her fear broke through the limit of what she could bear at this moment.

She hissed sharply: "It's you! It's you!"

S009 is actually still alive!

how can that be? !

But this matter, only she and S009 know about it.

She never even reported to the revenge organization.

Shortly after S009 rejected her, the revenge organization issued an order to kill S009.

So she took over without hesitation.

And because there is no help from S009, this experiment has indeed not been started until now.

"It turned out to be you!" Katharina cried and laughed like crazy, "It turned out to be you! How could it be you! I don't believe it! I won't believe it!"

"It's so noisy." Yunying touched her ears, her eyes were cold, "Don't be so noisy, be quiet."

In the next second, Katharina's voice seemed to be blocked by something, and she could only whine.

"Third Senior Sister." Si Fu tilted his head, "Please check her memory, she is a big fish, and she should be able to gain a lot."

Yue Jian stretched her fingers and said happily, "No problem, leave it to me."

She stepped forward and raised her hand to hold Katharina's head.


A strong sense of dizziness came, and Katharina only felt that her consciousness was lost at this moment, and her body fell into the endless universe.

Never ending drops with no escape at all.

Katharina is not an evolutionary.

Being able to be invisible for a short period of time is indeed the result of using some kind of medicine.

Although her IQ is very high, breaking through 200, she is still unable to resist the tough way of searching for memories by spiritual evolutionists like Yuejian.

Three seconds later, Yue Jian withdrew his hand.


At the same time, Katharina yelled, sweating profusely.

Leaning against a post, she passed out.

"I saw that my junior sister was bombed five years ago, and it was indeed her handwriting." Yue Jian controlled his anger, "At that time, the invisible man and the memory man had already joined the revenge organization, and it was they who teamed up with the shapeshifter. Killed Junior Sister."

Invisible man, S-level evolutionary.

You can make yourself invisible, you can also help others invisible, and you can teleport within a short distance.

Although neither he nor the memoryr is an evolutionary with strong attack power, their evolutionary ability can be called the king of support.

Coupled with the shapeshifter, an evolutionary who can change his appearance at will, the three of them can break through almost all defense systems together.

There is no defense at all.

Yunying's eyelashes drooped, and he gave a low laugh: "Well, invisible people, memory people, shapeshifters, very good."

"I don't know the reason for the time being." Yue Jian frowned, "I can't be sure whether the leader of the revenge organization knows the other identities of the junior sister."

Yunying said flatly: "I kill people, regardless of the reason, they will all die."

Si Fuqing opened a can of Coke with a happy expression, and took a sip comfortably: "Facts have proved that Coke is innocent!"

She knew that it was definitely not because she drank coke during the experiment that it caused the explosion.

For the first time, Yunying pressed the center of her eyebrows: "You are not allowed to drink, but you like to drink Coke."

"This is happy water for a fat mansion." Si Fu glanced at him, and poured tons and tons of water, "You monster who has lived for five hundred years, you don't understand anything."

Yunying shrugged, and he stood up: "You all watch her, I'll go out for a while."

Tan Jingmo asked, "Where are you going?"

Yunying said flatly: "Go and arrest people."

A gust of wind hit, and the person had disappeared.

"Finally caught one." Yuan Mingchi let out a sigh of relief, "Killing Junior Sister, it will be better for her if she dies."

Tan Jingmo smiled, and said coldly, "Not bad, let's play together?"

One of the murderers he had been looking for for five full years was right in front of him.

"Wake up first." Yuejian's hand pressed on Katharina's head again.


"Ah!" Katharina screamed.

She woke up profusely sweating, and saw Tan Jingmo and others surrounded her: "You, what did you do to me? You... What else do you want to do?"

How come no one from the revenge organization came to rescue her?

"Just for fun, don't be afraid." Yuan Mingchi smiled slightly, "Old rules, give me the soul, and give you the rest."


the next day.

The various researchers of the Intercontinental Research Institute are still in their respective positions, carrying out various experimental projects.

No one noticed that Katharina was not there.

After all, on weekdays, Katharina has always been an image of an experimental madman, and she often locks herself up.

But vengeance organizations are not included.

Katharina would report news to the revenge organization at a fixed point every day, but not today.

"My lord, something has happened!" The head of the dark guard hurried over and said anxiously, "Professor Katharina is missing."

"Missing?" The young man paused, and then changed his expression, "What's going on?"

"I can't find any trace." The dark guard shook his head and spoke with great difficulty, "It just disappeared out of thin air. We can't connect to the chip on her body, so we can't determine whether she is alive or dead, and where she is."

"Ridiculous!" The young man slammed the document on the table and laughed angrily, "A big living person, or an S-level researcher, you said she disappeared out of thin air?"

Katharina is an extremely important pawn arranged by the Vengeance Organization at the Intercontinental Research Institute.

In order to prevent her from being exposed, unless it is an urgent large-scale task, she will not be allowed to participate.

Over the years, they also obtained a lot of internal information from the Intercontinental Research Institute through Katharina, and successfully eliminated several researchers who threatened the revenge organization.

At the same time, Katharina also mastered some core information.

It's not time for Katharina to be exposed!

"Look for it! Find it for me as quickly as possible." The young man's emotions were rarely out of control, and he said angrily, "If you want to see a person, you want to see a dead body!"

The head of the dark guard wiped his sweat: "Yes, my lord, this subordinate will do it now."


For a whole day and night, Katharina was enduring inhuman torture.

From spirit to soul to body, she completely collapsed.

But these few people didn't give her the chance to seek death at all.

Even when she can't bear it, let her rest and give her medicine.

Si Fuqing sat at the side holding the watermelon, watching quietly.

After recovering again, Katharina stared at the girl, and suddenly sneered: "Unfortunately, you tried your best to protect Dean Xu, but he is still useless!"

"You died long ago in the eyes of everyone in the Intercontinental Research Institute, you can't recover your identity at all!"

Even if Si Fuqing really has some way to restore the identity of S009 researcher, then he will fall into the worst situation——

The infinite pursuit of the revenge organization.

If it is not killed, it will only be hunted down at the highest level.

It is absolutely taboo to be resurrected after death, and it is not allowed.

The revenge organization will desperately arrest Si Fuqing and conduct various slice experiments.

Katharina's smile became more and more weird, with a bit of joy.

Dean Xu knocked on the melon seeds, and walked out slowly: "Who is crazy? I'm in good spirits, and I just ate a catty of edamame."

I'm not crazy, I'm just stupid!

There is another update in the evening~New Year's gift!

Everyone has a monthly ticket for the new year to vote for Qingqing~ It’s almost 1,000 votes, let’s make it all up

Everyone cast monthly votes for Qingqing, and I will write the third update for you! Feeling recovered well after the sun today, I will add more immediately OwO


My sister finally came back from Hong Kong during the winter vacation, and brought me a box of tea Yan Yue Se? I thought about it and asked her, in fact, you came back from Changsha...

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