After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 842 Rich Lady Si Fuqing [2 updates]

Evelin's expression froze, and she couldn't believe what she heard: "...What? Green Spirit Mine?"

The program team was also shocked.

The director also stayed where he was, forgetting to ask the photographer to cut out this section.

After ten seconds of silence, scattered exclamation marks and question marks floated across the live broadcast room.

[Damn Green Spirit Mine! 】

[What is Green Spirit Mine? It doesn't sound like much. 】

【Idiot! That is the fourth-ranked ore among the eight major mines, and it is hard to buy for a thousand dollars! 】

[To briefly explain, the top three ores from the eight major mines will not be sold in the market, and the fourth to sixth mines require special trading licenses, which cannot be bought with money. 】

[As far as I know, the Brant family where Miss Evelin lives does not have a trading license for the Green Spirit Mine...]

[The Yi family does have some, but they can only buy so much in a year]

【? ? ? Then she actually wore it on her shoes? What a big dog! What a rich woman! 】

The director team inside and outside the country are all in the same mood, and the director will certainly not give up on such a hot spot.

He immediately asked the photographer to focus on Si Fuqing's shoes, and asked himself: "Teacher Si, are these green stones not cheap? Why do you want to make shoes?"

Si Fuqing took a look at his shoes and said, "I don't know the price. I picked them up on the ground."

She really wasn't lying.

It was indeed when she went to the Green Spirit Mine that Xiaobai ran in and took out a few Green Spirit Stones.

It happened that she was drawing a design for Guwenzhu, and she was so inspired that she used these green stones to make a pair of shoes and a pair of cufflinks.

She gave the cufflinks to Yu Xiheng.

There is indeed no market price.


There was silence again.

The director found it difficult for him to maintain his smile: "Teacher Si, you really know how to joke."

Audiences in the Daxia Empire have long been accustomed to this.

[Familiar recipe, familiar taste, as expected of you, Si Fuqing. 】

[This director's heart can't bear it anymore. Let's replace him with Director Qin. 】

[Director Qin: How do you think I came here before? 】

The director's heart is not strong enough, but his professional qualities are excellent.

He quickly smoothed things over and started photographing scenic spots.

Si Fuqing nodded slightly towards Yu Lingzhao: "Thank you, it's actually nothing."

Yu Lingzhao's cheeks felt faintly hot, and his voice was very cold: "I'm not helping you."

He looked away, feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart.

Maybe he had seen Si Fuqing somewhere?

But if you have seen such a face, you will never forget it.


Yi Huai was a little surprised when he saw that Yu Lingzhao was in a trance: "Ling Zhao, don't you also have a crush on her? If you do, then I will definitely have to quit."

"But you have to be careful. If you really get together with an overseas star, your family and your fans will go crazy."

The Yu family has always kept a low profile, and Yu Lingzhao doesn't have the same sinister aura as Ye Baiqing.

In addition, he has appeared in several film and television dramas, and his popularity is the highest among the direct descendants of the four major families.

He is the dream lover of many girls.

Yu Lingzhao gave him a cold look: "Is this the only thing in your mind?"

Yi Huai was not angry, but instead smiled: "I am just an idle young man. I don't need to think about the Yi family's business. Of course I only look for fun."

He lowered his voice: "But Miss Si looks different from the girls I've seen, and it's very difficult to communicate."

Yu Lingzhao ignored him and walked forward.

Later, Evelin muttered in dissatisfaction: "What's wrong with the Luling Mine? I have Yuexiu at home, do you have it?"

Si Fuqing raised her eyebrows.

This time it was Jiang Changning who spoke: "The birthplace of Yue Embroidery is the Daxia Dynasty, and we are Daxia people."

Evelin was confused: "Really?"

"Okay, okay." Next to her, the female companion stopped her in time, "Xiao Lin, I mainly came out to play today, so don't make trouble."

Si Fuqing blinked: "Miss Evelin is very powerful."

"That's right." Evelin puffed up her chest proudly, "If you go to Beijun City and tell me your name, you can walk sideways."

Si Fuqing nodded slightly: "I will go if I have the chance."

Evelin then asked: "So what were you doing in the back just now?"

Si Fuqing opened his eyes and told lies: "Look at how beautiful my shoes are."

Evelin: “…”

She couldn't keep up with her boss Fu Qing's magical turn, and stammered: "Then, can I buy your pair of shoes? Tell me, I will accept any request."

Si Futang did not refuse: "I'll forget it if I wear them. I can make a pair for you when I have time."

Evelin's eyes lit up: "Are you still a designer?"

Si Fuqing touched his chin: "That's right, deputy."

After some testing, the personality of each guest was undoubtedly consistent with the information she collected.

After all, Ji Chunyuan taught her for a short time, and her spiritual cultivation had reached a bottleneck.

And Valencia has the same level of blood as hers, so she can't see the difference in soul.

At first glance, everyone seems normal.

That's the tricky thing about shapeshifters.

Si Fuqing thought for a moment and sent a message to Yuan Mingchi.

[Fifth Senior Brother, please help me mark my grandmother’s souls. The shape-shifters are out again. They can only be identified through this method. 】

[Yuan Mingchi]: Understood, I will act together with Miss Mingyue and the Ji family, little junior sister, don’t worry.

[Yuan Mingchi]: You appear in public a lot and are in the most dangerous situation. Take care of yourself first. Do you understand?

Si Fuqing put away her cell phone: "Let's go, Ningning, let's go."


At the end of the day's shooting, the guests returned to the hotel at eight o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Changfeng found several medicinal plants in the hotel garden.

He suffered from an occupational disease and was pulling weeds outside with Jiang Changning.

Su Yang is responsible for delivering the tools.

Si Fuqing asked Xiaobai to follow the three of them and returned to the room first.

As soon as I entered, I couldn't help but be startled when I saw the person on the sofa: "How did you get in?"

Yu Xiheng put down his teacup, nodded and said, "This hotel owes me some money."

Si Fuqing: "..."

Okay, no need to say more.

She knew it was definitely not some money.

No wonder it is said that the owners of the eight major mines control the economic lifeline of Free Continent.

Si Fuqing sat down on the sofa and suddenly said: "Hey, Brother Jiu, it's your birthday soon, I'll give you -"

Before she finished speaking, Yu Xiheng raised his hand and covered her lips with a smile: "Qingqing, it's not my birthday."

Si Fuqing suddenly seemed to have thought of something: "If you refuse so quickly, you don't think I'm going to give you noodles again, do you?"

Yu Xiheng paused for a moment: "No."

"Absolutely!" Si Fuqing patted his shoulder, "You are silent, you feel guilty!"

Yu Xiheng remembered how Lord Moyuan had poured out so much bitterness on him and complained about the bowl of noodles for an hour, and his head couldn't help but hurt.

Two lifetimes later, the bowl of noodles he once had really left an impression on him to this day.

He touched her head: "Qingqing, don't worry, it will be June 6th."

"June 6th?" Si Fuqing was startled, "Does it have any special meaning?"

Yu Xiheng just smiled: "It's a windy day."

"Feng Dong?" Si Fuqing glanced at him, "If I don't want to talk to you, a cultured person, I will go down to see Ning Ning."

Yu Xiheng hummed and smiled: "I bought you a supper, I asked Feng San to deliver it."

Si Fuqing walked out the door.

Yu Xiheng also stood up.

A gust of wind blew in outside the window, and the flowers and plants rustled.

It is not the wind that moves, nor the flags that move, but the heart of a benevolent person.

It's an exciting day.

Yu Xiheng sighed.

Girls are quite cute sometimes when they are silly.


On the other side, the Yi family.

Yi Huai returned to Yi's home under the escort of a special car.

Mrs. Yi and the head of the Yi family were sitting in the living room waiting for him.

Yi Huai was a little confused: "What's going on?"

Mrs. Yi raised her head, frowned and asked him: "I heard from your brother that you publicly confessed your love to an overseas celebrity on a live broadcast program? This matter has already become a hot search topic."

Yi Huai shrugged: "Yes."

Mrs. Yi's frown deepened: "And you were rejected without mercy?"

Yi Huai's expression froze: "Mom, it's just the effect of the show, it's not real."

Of course he won't admit that he was rejected.

This is about a man's dignity.

"Whether it's true or not, this will bring disgrace to our Yi family." Mrs. Yi said coldly, "You don't have to, but she can't refuse."

Yi Huai didn't care: "It's a challenge to chase him like this, how interesting it is."

"Sir, madam." The housekeeper came up at this moment, "This is the information of Miss Si Fuqing."

The head of the Yi family pushed up his glasses, took them and looked through them, shaking his head.

The resume is pretty good.

But this was in Free Continent, and with Yi Huai, it was still too far behind.

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