After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 843 Onmyoji Association, the live broadcast room exploded [1 more]

What is the queen of the international movie, what is the number one in the international entrance examination, what is the number one oracle god...

These names are placed outside the continent, and any one of them can shock the world.

But in Liberty Island, adding up is useless.

Patriarch Yi put Si Fuqing's information aside, and looked at Yi Huai with a cold expression: "The reason why I agreed with you to enter the entertainment circle was for the sake of being able to get in touch with Mr. Ling Zhao. Not four women go."

"Why are you so nonchalant?" Yi Huai was a little displeased, "Dad, she is definitely the prettiest woman I've ever met."

"Can a face be eaten?" Mrs. Yi hated iron and steel, "I don't care about you in private, be honest with me in front of the camera!"

"The family has arranged a blind date for you. You will meet Miss Duan this Saturday. Don't make unnecessary scandals."

The Duan family and the Yi family are evenly matched, and they are also big families in Freedom Island.

Mrs. Yi intends to match this marriage.

Yi Huai responded casually: "Understood, I'll go upstairs to rest first."

After Mrs. Yi taught Yi Huai a lesson, she was still a little dissatisfied: "I'll go to the program group tomorrow, and let this foreigner stay away from Yi Huai."

"If she doesn't listen, you can tell the main station to remove her from the program group."

Mrs. Yi became more and more angry: "The Art Association has gone too far this time. It is unreasonable to ask Yi Huai to spread the heat in order to win an actress outside the continent!"

"Okay, don't be angry, don't be angry." Patriarch Yi hurriedly comforted her, "Let's prepare for the meeting between Xiao Huai and Miss Duan first, and make arrangements for them as soon as possible."

Mrs. Yi's expression softened: "No matter what, I'm going to watch the show tomorrow."


The next day, morning.

Somewhere in the main city.

In a room, the space suddenly twisted, and a figure appeared.

"Valencia." The visitor's voice was hoarse, "My lord asked me to cooperate with you and kill Si Fuqing."

"It's Edmond." Valencia turned his head, "You're here, so is Kanta here?"

Konta Parsons, rememberer.

Edmond Parsons, The Invisible Man.

Few people in the outside world know that they are actually a pair of brothers.

"It's here." Edmond said lightly, "Don't worry about his side, what about your side?"

Valencia flicked her hair: "Don't worry, she will never know who I am, not even the relatives of this body."

Edmond nodded, then frowned and asked, "Valencia, do you feel she has a sense of familiarity?"

"Familiar?" Valencia pondered, "If you say that, there really is, and there is a kind of very uncomfortable victory in your hands."

Edmund said: "Why bother to create an accident? Just let me push her on the bank and drown her when you go to visit the Pole River."

"She is a Transcendent A Grade Evolutionary and a Daughter of Destiny." Valencia shook her head, "The residents of Freedom Island don't know, and you don't know either? How could she be killed so easily?"

"Okay, remember to call me when the plan is implemented, and I will cooperate at any time." After Edmond finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the room.

Valencia stretched her waist and stretched her muscles.

Then, her face and figure changed instantly, and she became a completely different person.

She looked in the mirror before walking out satisfied.


An hour later, the guests gathered again at the designated place.

The director team and the photography team are also in their positions.

"The place we are going to today is the Onmyoji Association." The director clapped his hands, "Mr. Si and Mr. Jiang are here for the first time, so let's take care of them."

[Take these bumpkins from outside the continent to see the world, you must have never seen an onmyoji, right? 】

[I must have never seen it before. They don't know that this is actually a supernatural world. There are not only onmyojis, but also evolutionaries! 】

On a new day, Yi Huai completely forgot about Mrs. Yi's orders.

He couldn't wait to show courteousness to Si Fu: "Miss Si, onmyojis are relatively dangerous people, I will protect you in a while, you have to follow me closely."

Jiang Changfeng's mouth twitched.

protect who?

Si Fuqing still didn't look at him: "Don't follow me, stay away from me."

"Miss Si, don't be so divided." Yi Huai was not annoyed, but smiled, "Freedom Island is not as simple as you imagined, but it will be different with me. Onmyoji is not easy."

Si Fuqing finally took a look at him, and said unhurriedly: "It seems that you don't know that I am from the Great Xia Empire."

Yi Huai was taken aback: "I know."

"If you knew, why would you teach me about Onmyoji in front of me?" After finishing speaking, Si Fuqing walked around him.

【Arrogant again, why are you so crazy? 】

[Those who don’t know think that Onmyoji is the origin of your family. 】

【Why did Yi Huai fall in love with her? It's really annoying. 】

Yi Huai pursed his lower lip: "What does she mean?"

"Because Onmyoji originated in Daxia." Yu Lingzhao said flatly, "It was born three thousand years ago and reached its peak 1,500 years ago. Dong Sang's way of Yin-Yang and Five Elements was also inherited in Daxia."

"Onmyoji in Liberty Island only started to develop in modern times. When you talk about Onmyoji in front of the people of Daxia, it is indeed playing tricks."

Some of the onmyojis in Free State were migrated from Dongsang.

The other part, after the birth of the holographic game "Eternal", after studying as a teacher in the Eternal Continent, became the mainstay of the Onmyoji Association.

In terms of history, it is indeed far inferior to the Great Xia Empire.

The barrage froze again.

The citizens of Freedom Island have never been out of Freedom Island for three generations, and they have almost no understanding of the outside world.

[Is the Great Xia Empire so awesome? I thought it was just a dilapidated village. 】

[I always thought that people outside the continent were still living a primitive life. 】

[Suddenly want to go out and have a look! When does the travel agency have tour groups outside the continent? 】

Yi Huai hit a wall again, and was also a little annoyed.

But he suppressed his anger and looked for another chance to get close to Si Fuqing.

He didn't believe that with the Yi family, he couldn't win a female star from outside the continent!


The Onmyoji Association is a non-governmental organization in Free State, but it has been recognized by the Holy Light Tribunal.

There are tens of thousands of onmyojis in the association, and Kenji Tachibana, the chairman, is also extremely powerful. He is a major force that cannot be ignored in Liberty Island.

Jiang Changfeng glanced at a few windows, and had an idea in his mind: "It doesn't look as good as Brother Ji."

"Chicken brother?" Jiang Changning said, "Brother, when did you become sworn brothers with a chicken?"

Jiang Changfeng: "..."

The veins on his forehead twitched: "It's the one from the Ji family."

Jiang Changning came to a sudden: "It's him."

"Of course not as powerful as Ji Xingzhi." Si Fu rubbed his chin, "He is a rare genius in the Ji family."

Jiang Changfeng was expressionless: "It's quite boring."

It's better to play games in the hotel.

"It's all here, let's tell your fate." The director clapped his hands again, "Choose a window at random, and the program team will reimburse you."

Evelyn came over and said, "Hey, do you want to tell your fortune? Master Shenyuan is very accurate. I can take you there."

Si Fuqing politely refused: "We don't count."

"Why isn't it counted?" Evelyn was like a question mark, asking to the end when encountering something, "If it counts as a bad thing, it can be avoided."

Si Fu tilted his face seriously: "If you know something bad, you will feel bad."

Evelyn was circled again, and after a few seconds, she accepted: "What you said seems to make sense."

When Evelyn left, Jiang Changning hesitated and lowered his voice: "Si Si, are you probing something?"

"Well, I didn't find out." Si Fuqing glanced at the guests calmly, "Things are a little tricky."

At this time, the director gestured to Si Fuqing, and called her: "Mr. Si, someone is looking for you, please stop for a moment."

Si Fuqing took off the wheat and walked over: "Who is it?"

The director pointed to the door with some embarrassment: "It's Mrs. Yi, Yi Huai's mother."

Si Fuqing looked up.

A graceful and luxurious woman stood at the door, looking her up and down coldly: "Si Fuqing, right? Let me warn you, you'd better not think about getting anything from Yi Huai, the Yi family won't eat you." set."

"People from outside the continent must have self-awareness. At what point do you think you can enter my Yi's house?"

I don't know what kind of ecstasy drug was given to her son.

The live broadcast in the morning made her very angry.

"You treat your son as a treasure, and he is nothing to me." Si Fuqing crossed his arms, "Don't take yourself too seriously, I don't even know what your Yi family is."

Mrs. Yi almost suspected that she had heard it wrong, her chest was so angry that she kept rising and falling: "What did you say?!"

"Deaf?" Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows.

She turned on the microphone directly, amplified her voice the loudest, and said unhurriedly: "Please Pu Xinnan's mother stay away from me, and take care of her son, don't let him harass me, and don't go crazy with me."

With a "shua", many people in the hall looked over.

Mrs. Yi's eyes darkened and she was almost dizzy.

"Okay, really don't know what to do!" Mrs. Yi was furious, "Why don't you kick her out quickly? Are you going to make her piss me off?"

The director froze: "Madam Yi, this is a live broadcast, you, you..."

The live broadcast room has exploded.

good morning~

The sequelae are a bit serious. I have been insomnia for four or five days, and I can’t sleep at all. Today, my cough suddenly worsened, and my mood is complicated.

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