After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 844 The Boss's Routine Operation [2 More]

The audience on and off the continent heard Si Fuqing's words clearly.

The mousse expressed that they were used to it, and it was the routine operation of their idols, so they habitually deducted a wave of "beautiful".

The residents in the continent were shocked when they first came into contact with Si Fuqing.

[Fuck, the Yi family is on the opposite side, just ah, this sister is strong enough! 】

【Si Fuqing is right, it seems that Yi Huai has always been taking the initiative, putting his hot face on his cold ass. 】

[Suddenly I don't have any good senses about the Yi family. No wonder I have been stuck, and I still can't enter the main city. 】

[Ms. Yi is really shameless, and even took the initiative to find the program group to come, she doesn't have the image of an elder. 】

"Did you hear it this time?" Si Fuqing tapped the microphone again, quite patiently, "I didn't hear you, let me say it again."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Mrs. Yi didn't hear what the director said at all, and she was already dazzled by anger, "My son has long been engaged to Miss Duan's family, don't be ashamed to come forward!"

How many women want to climb the high branch of Yi Huai, really think she doesn't know what they are thinking?

Si Fuqing nodded slightly: "It seems that I didn't hear it."

She pressed the record play button.

The entire passage was replayed three times.

The audience followed suit three times.

There was a "hahaha" on the barrage.

[I announce that I am starting to follow this female star from outside the continent, her personality suits my taste. 】

[Fans, is there a fan club? Alas, I'm going to engage in film and television resources outside the continent. 】

[Let's take it easy, am I just afraid that she will be assassinated by the Yi family? 】

Mrs. Yi's face was flushed red, apparently on the verge of explosion.

When she was about to scold Si Fuqing angrily, Yi Huai who was on the second floor was called down by the staff.

The director also recovered in time and suspended the live broadcast.

Si Fuqing finally looked at Yi Huai squarely: "Take care of your family."

The director hurriedly asked Yi Huai to take Mrs. Yi out.

"Mom, why are you here!" Yi Huai's face changed, "Didn't I tell you already? This is a live broadcast!"

Mrs. Yi's face was ugly, and she knew she was wrong: "How do I know that she will suddenly turn on the microphone? And say something like that?"

She had never seen a female star who disregarded her own image like this.

Among the female stars in the continent she has seen in the past, which one didn't respect her respectfully?

When a thing has become accustomed to it, she will naturally not take Si Fuqing seriously.

Who knows, Si Fuqing is not a normal person at all.

"Mom, don't make trouble." Yi Huai took a deep breath, "Things are bad enough, the Internet has started to scold Yi's family, aren't you adding trouble to me?"

"Yi Huai! You really have been fascinated!" Mrs. Yi said angrily, "Thousands of mistakes are all the fault of that female star, and you actually blamed me in turn, you quit the show now, don't participate! "

"Mom! I have something important to do on the show, so stop making trouble." Yi Huai was very tired, "Didn't you ask me to get in touch with Mr. Ling Zhao more? How can I get in touch after I quit?"

This is indeed an important thing.

Mrs. Yi could only suppress the anger in her heart, and warned again: "Then don't let me see you having close contact with that female star."

Yi Huai still agreed with his lips, but he had another idea in his heart.


Here, Si Fuqing, Jiang Changning, Jiang Changfeng and Su Yang went up to the third floor.

The third floor is a shopping mall set up by the Onmyoji Association, which sells some magic weapons for Onmyoji, as well as Wuzhu Shigami.

Si Fuqing was walking forward.

Suddenly, her body paused, and her mind suddenly went blank.


At this moment, consciousness becomes nothingness, unable to control the body independently.

Jiang Changning's expression changed, and he quickly supported her: "Si Si?"

Three seconds later, Si Fuqing bit the tip of his tongue, his eyes cleared up, and gradually became colder: "I'm fine."


At that moment just now, she received an attack from a memoryr.

"Would you like some biscuits?" Jiang Changning found a small box from his bag, "You used to suffer from hypoglycemia, and I always carry sugar and biscuits with me."

"En." Si Fuqing took it, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, I'll go to the bathroom."

Jiang Changning looked worried: "Don't be too tired."

When he came to the bathroom, Si Fuqing dialed Yunying's mobile phone number while paying attention to the movement outside.

It only rang once, and the other party quickly picked it up: "Xiao Jiu."

"Eldest brother, I sensed that the rememberer was nearby." Si Fuqing coughed twice, "He wanted to steal my memory, but he failed, and I interrupted him."

The abilities of these heaven-defying evolvers are often very limited.

Such as copying, deforming, and manipulating human brain waves.

Although memoryrs do not need to steal other people's memories through contact, they also have a certain range of limitations.

Yuejian once fought against the memory person, and deduced that he can only invade the brains of people within a radius of 500 meters.

But it has been eight years since the two last played against each other.

Eight years later, with the help of the revenge organization, how much the ability of the rememberer has improved is still unknown.

"I'll be right there." Yunying said quickly, "Be careful, he won't be able to steal your memory, he will target your friend."

Si Fuqing let out a sigh of relief: "I know, he was forced to retreat by me just now, and he was also affected. He can't activate his ability in a short time."

Although she is not a spiritual evolutionist, under the guidance of the bearded man in the silent black room, her spiritual power is no less than Yuejian.

But rememberers are really strong.

She fought him a few seconds ago, causing her brain to be a little hypoxic due to excessive mental energy consumption.

Much more tiring than fighting her.

Fortunately, she has cultivated her spiritual power, otherwise things would be bad if she was suddenly attacked by a memoryr today.

The Huo family has Yu Xiheng in charge, so she is not worried.

After the call was over, Si Fuqing returned to Jiang Changning's side, and patted her on the shoulder: "Ningning, you, your brother, and Su Yang don't stay in the hotel tonight, go to my house."

"Your home?" Jiang Changning was taken aback, and hesitantly said, "Home in Liberty Island? Could it be bad."

"No, no." Si Fuqing said lazily, "My grandma likes pretty girls, and she will definitely like you."

Jiang Changning: "..."

This scumbag has started to flirt again.


The hot point of live variety shows is that the stars cannot always maintain their personality, and occasionally they will behave inconsistently with the established personality.

Especially today, Mrs. Yi made a fuss, which gave the residents of Liberty Island a new point of gossip.

#Yi Huai, Si Fuqing#

#Easy Lady#


Huo Yanxing specifically picked out these hotly searched news and showed it to Yu Xiheng.

Yu Xiheng glanced at it without emotion, carelessly rubbing the cuff buttons on the suit.

The green ore on the cufflinks exudes a magnificent color under the illumination of the light, showing a low-key beauty.

Huo Yanxing suddenly asked: "The Yi family owes you money too? How much do they owe you?"

In the entire Freedom Continent, apart from the Holy Light Tribunal and the Top of the Clouds, which do not require external funds, there is probably not a single one that is not on Yu Xiheng's debt list.

He had the good fortune to see the list.

It can only be described by the four words "so terrifying".

After all, he himself is on the list.

What a sad thing.

But Huo Yanxing also knows that the eight major mines are renewable resources, and Yu Xiheng is not short of money.

He never cared about the money he lent, and he didn't know how to press for debts. He just used this to control the economic lifeline of Free State quietly.

Yu Xiheng hummed, and said lightly: "Some money."

Huo Yanxing nodded.

"Ninth Brother, the bill has been updated." Shen Ying walked over, "Following your instructions, some families and forces have been marked in red, please take a look."

Huo Yanxing took a look with his head.

I saw that the Yi family was emphatically marked, followed by a series of numbers.

He counted.

A total of eleven digits.

Huo Yanxing: "..."

You, call this some money?

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