After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 873 Senior Brother Protects the Shortage [1 update]

After the explosion five years ago, the junior sister passed away, and even the top of the cloud became silent.

There is no fresh breath.

Although Zi Su has a peaceful temperament, sometimes she can't stand the silence.

"That is indeed a good thing." When Meng Xuanche said this, her eyes lit up and her tone was very happy, "I will contact the senior brother and the others right now. Please prepare for the feast."

Meng Xuanche nodded slightly: "Seventh Senior Sister can rest assured when I do my work."

Zisu didn't have time to rest and immediately contacted Yun Ying and others.

Meng Xuanche watched her leave and return to Yun Jin's retreat.

He clasped his fists and said respectfully: "Master, senior brother and the others will definitely come back as soon as possible after they get the news."

"Yes, I already know." Yun Jin said in a gentle voice, "I'm sorry to trouble you during this time. You can go about your own business in the future."

"It is the apprentice's responsibility to be loyal and filial to the master." Meng Xuanche added, "Since the master has nothing to do, the apprentice will resign."

At this moment, in the Peach Blossom Spring.

The woman lying in the ice coffin had stood up.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled at Yun Jin: "I thought you didn't care about your disciples, and they didn't have much affection for you. You, the eighth disciple, are loyal to you."

Yun Jin was startled, looking at the woman in trance for a moment.

After a few seconds, he realized his gaffe and said calmly: "Xuan Che has always been good."

But the change in a few seconds was easily captured by the woman.

"Ajin, you're not still thinking about your little apprentice, are you?" The woman frowned slightly, "Tell me something you don't like to hear. She is already dead. Without me, there would be no one to help raise her. This body.”

Yun Jin was silent for a moment: "I know, I will always feel sorry for her."

"She won't know, no one will know." The woman smiled slightly, "This is great, your little apprentice's body can be preserved, and I can come back again."

"This is the best way. You can kill two birds with one stone, which is equivalent to having two people by your side. Aren't you happy?"

With that said, she stretched out her hand and was about to hug Yun Jin like before.

Yun Jin's expression darkened for the first time, and she immediately took ten steps back: "Don't move."

The woman's arms stiffened, and she sighed: "I know you can't accept it mentally for a while. After all, you are her master. Once a teacher, always a father."

"I won't force you. There will still be a lot of time in the future, and you will have to overcome this mental obstacle."

Yun Jin's figure also stiffened, and his attitude softened: "I'll take a rest, and you'll stay on top of the clouds. If you want to go somewhere, I'll go with you after I've rested."

The woman raised her smile again: "Okay, I'll wait for you."


the other side.

All the brothers and sisters also received the message from Zi Su.

"Elder brother, what kind of medicine is Yun Jin selling in his gourd?" Lang Xuan couldn't hold back his anger, "He's really gone too far!"

After knowing that Yun Jin had done such a thing, he even gave up the title of master.

The one who really saved his life was Si Fuqing.

It was she who really warmed up the cold teacher.

Tan Jingmo pondered for a moment and then spoke slowly: "Senior Brother has been practicing in the Eternal Continent for five hundred years, and his strength should be higher than Yun Jin's, but is there any way to drive the occupiers out of Junior Sister's body under his nose? "

"Well, he is not as good as me in the Eternal Continent." Yun Ying turned his head, "But don't forget, the cultivation level in the Eternal Continent is not the same as here."

Langxuan fell silent.


By linking brainwaves into the Eternal Continent through the game cabin, one can indeed improve one's own strength and feed it back to reality.

But after all, the earth is just a technological world with high-tech development, and there are some supernatural elements that cannot be equated with the magical spiritual world of Eternal Continent.

A high level of cultivation in Eternal Continent does not mean that one is strong in the real world.

"The soldiers will stop him, and the water will cover him." Yun Ying raised his eyebrows, "Since he wants us to go back so much, let's just go back."

"Only when you know your enemy and your ally can you win every battle. I always want to know what is inside Xiaojiu's body. Even if she doesn't use this body anymore, I won't watch it be occupied by others."

All the senior brothers and sisters agreed very much.

"Junior sister said that the final enemy comes from the Eternal Continent, and the ten vicious NPCs have been divided into two camps." Yuan Mingchi asked, "I wonder how senior brother's cultivation is in the Eternal Continent?"

Yun Ying wrote lightly: "The Holy Spirit Realm."

"Eh?" Yue Jian was surprised, "When senior brother was promoted to the Holy Spiritual Realm, there was no vision of heaven and earth? Didn't he hear that a new Spiritual Holy Realm was born on the Eternal Continent?"

As the being closest to God, the Holy Spirit Realm has the ability to sense heaven and earth.

"Well, no." Yun Ying said lightly, "I broke through in the Eternal Life Palace. The Eternal Life Palace has the effect of shielding the heaven and earth, so it did not affect the heaven and earth phenomena."

He raised his head and said again: "Yun Jin and I had a showdown, but you didn't. When we go back, we can act, so that the fake can be used as a shield for my junior sister."

"Tsk." Tan Jingmo clasped his hands, "If the revenge organization knows that the person they are pursuing with all their strength is 'resurrected', it will be a lot easier for us here."

"That's right." Yun Ying clapped her hands, "You are all actors, and you are used to lying to others. Acting is not a problem for you."

Tsukimi: "..."

Tan Jingmo: "..."

I didn't know if I was praising them or scolding them.

Raphael raised his hand: "Wait a minute, I'm not an actor, how could I lie to people?"

"Humph." Yun Ying glanced at Raphael, "There's no need to act as the sixth child, just act as one."

Raphael: "???"

Are you calling him stupid?

He was a little unsure.


The next morning, it was on top of the clouds.

"Senior Brother." Zisu had been waiting here early in the morning. When she saw Yun Ying coming back, she stepped forward, "Junior Sister is not here yet, Senior Brother has to wait a little longer."

"Yeah." Yun Ying crossed his arms, "When did you become so assertive?"

Zisu smiled: "Junior sister just woke up, and her health is probably not very good yet. It's normal to go a little slower."

Yun Ying seemed to chuckle: "Okay, I'll wait here."

After waiting for another half an hour, even the most patient Tsukimi became a little impatient.

At the same time, all the senior brothers and sisters also realized something.

This fake and shoddy encroacher was giving them a demonstration as soon as he came up.

Tsukimi's eyes narrowed coldly.

Unfortunately, the plan is about to fail.

If it was really a junior sister, it would be okay for them to wait for a month.

At this moment, three figures finally emerged from the Peach Blossom Spring.

Yun Jin was in front, Meng Xuanche and the woman were on both sides.

The moment Yue Jian and Yuan Mingchi looked up, their expressions were slightly stern.

It's exactly the same.

They didn't use their eyes to see people, but now they couldn't tell the difference.

Yun Jin's strength is really high and she can do it without leaking.

"Elder brother." The woman stepped forward and greeted Yun Ying according to the tone and attitude she knew.

In her soul state, she had always been by Yun Jin's side, and naturally she had seen the way Si Fuqing and Yun Ying got along.

Raphael looked at this familiar face, but felt strange.

He cleared his throat and started acting: "Why do you only say hello to Senior Brother? Can't you see Sixth Senior Brother?"

The woman smiled: "Senior Brother is the best to me. Of course I have to say hello to him first. Sixth Senior Brother, don't be jealous."

Raphael felt a chill, and he tried hard to maintain a smile: "No, no, no, of course I won't be jealous."

Acting is too difficult, so he might as well make money.

Raphael took out his mobile phone and started watching Si Fuqing's "The Demon".

He has watched this drama five times and still never tires of watching it.

"Elder brother, I heard from my master that you have been chasing the mastermind for many years after my unfortunate death." The woman sighed softly, "It's my fault. It's really troublesome for you."

Yun Ying finally spoke: "Well, it's good to know. Come here, I have something to tell you."

The woman stepped forward and said with great respect, "Eldest brother, what can I do?"

Just when she walked in front of Yun Ying, her right foot hadn't completely landed on the ground.


The next second, a sharp pain swept through the whole body.

No, to be precise, it is the soul in the body, and the body is not damaged in any way.

Caught off guard, the woman let out a shrill scream.

She couldn't bear the explosive and concentrated pain, and she knelt on the ground, her body trembling continuously, and her face turned pale.

Yun Ying didn't even raise his eyes and said coldly: "Get out."

Whatever it is, you deserve it.

My heart rate did start to spike, reaching 100 again. I felt tired, so I went to the hospital.

Well, the biggest foreshadowing of this plot is the drama "The Demon". It seems that some babies have already guessed it!

Why do you all like a person with a vicious tongue like Senior Brother, and like the feeling of being scolded? Meditation, I actually like it too.

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