After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 874 Abuse, Yun Ying’s sense of oppression [2 updates]


The entire top of the cloud was silent, and for a moment no one stepped forward to help the woman up.

Everyone was stunned, but the reasons were different.

Meng Xuanche and Zisu had no idea that Yun Ying, who had always been very protective of their junior sister, would do something to her and say such words.

Yun Jin didn't expect that Yun Ying would break out in front of all the disciples.

Tan Jingmo, Yue Jian, Lang Xuan, Yuan Mingchi and Raphael were lost in thought.

They looked at each other, their eyes talking.

——Didn’t you say you were good at acting? Are you going to push out fake and shoddy products to protect the little junior sister?

——Yeah, why are we the only ones acting? Senior brother is not interested in the drama.

——Then will this play continue?

As if Yun Ying knew what they were thinking, he raised his head and glanced at a few people, his meaning was very clear——

Then act.

"Oh, little junior sister, why did you fall suddenly?" Yue Jian hurriedly stepped forward, very concerned, "You clearly know that your senior brother attaches great importance to etiquette, how could you suddenly fall in front of him? It doesn't hurt, senior sister. hug."

When the woman heard what Yue Jian said, she felt relieved.

She lowered her head and said softly: "I'm sorry, Third Senior Sister, I didn't expect that - ah!!!"

This time, her brain seemed to have been stabbed hard by a needle again. Her brain went blank and her consciousness fell into nothingness.

Tsukimi exclaimed: "Little junior sister!"

Yuan Mingchi knelt down and looked worried: "Little junior sister, let the fifth senior brother see if her soul and body are not integrated well."

Raphael: "..."

Very good, except for him, everyone is an actor.

He should continue to make money

Tan Jingmo bent down and looked very concerned: "Little junior sister, are you okay? Why has your strength become so poor after being finally resurrected?"

"Elder brother is just joking with you, don't argue with him."

The woman only felt severe pain in her soul, and her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

Naturally, she is not as strong as Si Fuqing, nor is she as strong-tempered as Si Fuqing.

She couldn't bear the pain at all. She raised her head and looked at Yun Jin, almost crying: "Master..."

Yun Jin finally came to his senses.

He raised his hand and moved it just slightly.

Tan Jingmo, Yue Jian and Yuan Mingchi were all forced to retreat.

Several people's expressions remained unchanged and they were still expressing their concern anxiously, but their hearts were filled with fear.

Yun Jin is indeed too strong.

He is indeed a man who stands at the pinnacle of Free Continent.

They could use some tricks, but they couldn't crush the imposter's soul in front of Yun Jin's eyes.

Yun Jin protected the woman behind him, and his usually gentle tone became a little colder: "Yun Ying, you have gone too far!"

"What?" Yun Ying stood with his hands behind his back, without any fear, just smiling, "I'll try Yun Jiu's strength, what's the problem?"

"If she is such a loser, how can she deal with the people who were chasing her and want to be bombed again?"

Yun Jin frowned: "She just woke up, and you said such words to stimulate her? Get out, and don't go to the top of the clouds during this time."

Yun Ying crossed his arms, his smile unchanged: "It's best for you not to leave the top of the clouds in this life."

He turned around and took advantage of the wind without any nostalgia, and his figure quickly disappeared.

"Master, the senior brother is too tough-tempered. In fact, he still cares about the junior sister." Tan Jingmo lied seriously, "I'll go and persuade him."

Yun Jin smiled faintly: "Okay, you go, I'm watching over Xiaojiu and I won't let anything happen to her."

Tan Jingmo laughed coldly in his heart and turned around to go down the mountain.

After that, Raphael and Lang Xuan also found other excuses to leave.

Yue Jian and Yuan Mingchi did stay.

One of them specializes in spiritual power and the other specializes in soul. Maybe they can discover something during this period of time.

The woman no longer dared to contact them and followed Yun Jin back to the Peach Blossom Spring.

She did not hold back: "Yunying knows that I am not his junior sister?"

Otherwise, how could he attack her right away?

If she hadn't lost a lot of soul power because she wanted to get this body, he wouldn't have succeeded in his sneak attack.

"Well, Yun Ying knows." Yun Jin said, "No one else knows."

The woman couldn't help but be surprised: "He won't tell others, right?"

"No." Yun Jin said calmly, "Even if you tell me, they won't believe it. You are standing in front of them. They have any doubts."

The woman nodded and smiled again: "That's good. If you are discovered, Ajin, your image as a compassionate teacher will be gone."

Yun Jin turned around and said, "But Yun Ying is indeed right. Now that you are Yun Jiu, those people will continue to hunt you after they know your existence."

"It doesn't matter." The woman didn't take it seriously, "As long as I keep following you."

Yun Jin pressed her eyebrows: "I can't always watch you, so I'd better practice as soon as possible to improve my strength."

The woman was a little reluctant, but she agreed: "Okay, then I will go to the Eternal Continent to practice."

Yun Jin's expression softened a bit: "Go ahead."


In the evening, the Huo family.

Si Fuqing also practiced for two days and was already jumping around.

She ran between the laboratory and Eternal College during the day, and went into Eternal Continent at night to discuss countermeasures with the Lord of Ghost Valley and others.

In the evening, just as she was about to enter the game cabin, she received a call from Yun Ying.

Si Fuqing immediately picked up: "Hello, senior brother?"

"Well, greetings to you." Yun Ying's voice could not detect any emotion or anger, "It's really powerful to fight Venerable Manghuang alone."

The gathering of five spiritual saints in Manghuangya was blocked by the Eternal Academy, but naturally it could not be hidden from Yun Ying's eyes.

Si Fuqing coughed twice: "Elder brother, I have reached the spiritual realm!"

"That sounds stupid." Yun Ying said lightly, "Oh, I forgot, you are quite stupid to begin with."

Si Fuqing: "..."

Before she could retort, the other party's voice came through the phone again.

"Yun Jiu, let me warn you again, don't put your life in danger in the future." Yun Ying said coldly, "In terms of seniority, I am older than you, and in terms of age, I am also older than you, and I am still alive. When will it be your turn to carry it?”

"I say you are stupid. You are really stupid. I will take you back tomorrow to sweep my own grave, and let me look at the tombstone and reflect on it."


The call was hung up.

Si Fuqing hugged her knees and raised her head: "I was scolded again."

What does it mean to sweep one's own grave and reflect?

Have you ever seen such reflection?

"Yeah." Yu Xiheng raised his hand and rubbed her head, "I'll help you bully her back?"

Si Fuqing buried his head in the pillow: "Forget it, he is doing it for my own good anyway, but he always scolds me, what a habit."

Yu Xiheng held his head with one hand and said calmly: "Qingqing, he didn't just scold you, he also scolded your senior brothers and sisters."

Si Fuqing: "..."

What a wise saying.

Even her second senior brother could not escape the fate of being scolded.

But in comparison, she was scolded the most.

Unconsciously, she had become accustomed to being scolded by Yun Ying.

This is not a good habit.

"I'm going to the Eternal Continent." Si Fuqing blinked, "You've reached the Holy Land, and I have to follow you as soon as possible."

"Wait a moment." Yu Xiheng raised his hand, "I'll go with you."


"You and I are one, and our destiny is in harmony." He looked back at her with a slight smile. "My entry into the Spiritual Saint Realm will also be beneficial to you. Practicing together will get twice the result with half the effort."

Si Fuqing also had this intention: "Okay, let's go together."


Right now, on the other side.

Yun Ying received another summons from Zi Su, who asked to see him.

He flicked the ashes off his body and walked slowly to the meeting place.

Zisu was waiting there early and said very respectfully, "Elder brother."

Yun Ying raised his head and glanced at her with a calm expression: "Is something wrong?"

Zisu gritted his teeth and finally said: "There is something I can only tell my senior brother. Please, senior brother, please shield the space around you and me."

Yun Ying's eyes narrowed slightly, with a somewhat dangerous look.

He raised his head and examined Zisu a few times, then waved.

The wind suddenly surged and enveloped the entire room.

Yun Ying's slender legs were raised on the table, feeling full of pressure: "What's the matter? Tell me."

The overt plot of "The Devil" is to pave the way for Qing's acting career, and the hidden plot is this part of the main plot. However, this part of the plot is not as simple as in the drama, so you can just read it later.

I saw everyone’s suggestions and bought Coenzyme 10. I’ll try it first.

See you tomorrow~

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