Yu Lingzhao's expression was shocked, and he suddenly raised his head: "You..."

He had never seen anyone like Si Fuqing.

Has the frivolous arrogance of young people, but is very calm and reliable.

This is an extremely contradictory and complicated temperament, but it is perfectly integrated in her body, making people convincing.

Si Fuqing said in a low voice: "Hui Xue is not here now, I always have to protect something for her."

"Huixue..." Yu Lingzhao was startled, "Don't be too sad, maybe she's just missing, she can definitely..."

Having said that, the words stopped.

He only had a face-to-face meeting with Venerable Manghuang in a short period of time, and he almost died without a place to bury him.

But Yu Huixue entered the Eternal Continent with her real body, which was more dangerous.

"Maybe." Si Fuqing smiled, "So before she comes back, let her rest assured."

"Okay." Yu Lingzhao looked serious, "I will take over the Yu family, and I will do my best. When Huixue comes back, she will be very happy."

"Well, I need to turn Liberty Island into an iron plate." Si Fuqing said softly, "Whether it is the four major families or the Holy Light Tribunal, they must all have one heart."

There is not much time left for her.

Even if she doesn't know the enemy's real plan, she also knows that on the holy day, everyone's life is at stake.

Yu Lingzhao's eyes darkened a bit: "The other companies..."

"Don't worry, I have my own plan." Si Fuqing slightly nodded, "I need the Yu family to contribute in the governor's election to get rid of the Holy Light Tribunal."

Yu Lingzhao's expression shook again: "But the power and prestige of the Freedom Continent where the Holy Light Trial is located..."

"The current Holy Light Tribunal is no longer what it used to be." Si Fuqing said flatly, "The brilliance of a gentleman will be cut in five lifetimes. If you lose your hearts, it will collapse."

After finishing speaking, she stood up: "I leave the affairs of the Yu family to you, and I will go to the forbidden area."

Yu Lingzhao nodded slowly: "Okay."

Yu Huixue is also one of the spiritual pillars of the Yu family.

Except for him, Si Fuqing, and Mother Yu who has been serving Yu Huixue, even the guards guarding the forbidden area don't know that Yu Huixue is no longer in Yu's house.

Si Fuqing came to the bamboo forest where Yu Huixue practiced daily.

The bamboo forest is deep and quiet, not a single bird is there.

"Hey, I still want to fight with you again." Si Fuqing squatted down, stroking a stone, "I hope you come back soon, or find a place to stay where you are, and wait for me to find you."

She paused, and then said: "I'm so powerful now, if you can't beat me, will you cry, if you cry, I will laugh at you."

The night turned the tide on her, the first person in her life.

Lu Qingning is also the eldest sister who takes care of her.

As for Yu Huixue, she was her same-age partner who had fought with her.

She still remembers the first time she fought with Yu Huixue when she was nine years old.

Both of them were hurt, so she ran back to find Ye Wanlan to give her medicine.

They didn't know each other again, and later, Yu Huixue also joined them, and the Eternal Group was formally established.

The more than ten years of accompanying each other has left too many traces in life.

Si Fuqing was unwilling to accept the result that she was left alone.

She sat still for a while, and said in a low voice, "If I'm still alive in fifty-four days, I'll come and see you again."

Regardless of failure or success, she must first protect the people around her.

The wind was blowing gently, passing through the forest and beating leaves, as if responding to something.


Early the next morning, the Intercontinental Research Institute.

As soon as Si Fuqing arrived at the laboratory, he heard fierce disputes sounding inside.

She walked in and swept her eyes: "What's wrong?"

"Sister Qingqing, he said he was going to withdraw from our experimental group." Lu Xingci immediately complained, "He said he was going to that idiot's side!"

Si Fuqing's eyes fell on the middle-aged researcher, and he raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

"Young Master Lu, Ms. Si, I have no choice but to do this." The middle-aged man shook his head, "The experimental team at S009 is short of people. My companion invited me, and I have no way to refuse."

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and bowed again: "I hope you two can understand that I am not that great. I entered the Intercontinental Research Institute not to benefit Free Continent, but only for my own future."

"I know that my withdrawal will indeed bring a lot of trouble to the research team, but you can't force me to stay. You can't keep me by force. I..."

"Who wants to keep you?" Si Fuqing interrupted him, "What trouble can you cause? Do you think you are important?"

The middle-aged man was stunned, and his face flushed in the next second.

He was very embarrassed: "Miss Si, you..."

"If you want to leave, get out now." Si Fuqing didn't look at him, and sat on the desk, "Remember to take all your things with you, don't leave anything behind."

"Did you hear that? Sister Qingqing tells you to get out!" Lu Xingci put his hands on his hips, "Just get out, don't regret it!"

The middle-aged man's face was a little uneasy, and he immediately packed up his things, sternly: "Regret? I won't regret it if I can follow S009!"

After he left the laboratory, he went to another laboratory building.

There are twenty-five researchers joining Yuli's research team, including two S-level researchers.

"You..." Yuli saw the middle-aged man, "Aren't you in Lu Xingci's group?"

"Miss Yun Jiu, everyone knows that you are the chief organizer of the anti-gravity armor experiment." The middle-aged man smiled all over his face, "You are back, of course I choose to join you."

"That's it." Yuli's mood was a little complicated, "Then you can stay."

She was happy that there were more people helping her, but she was angry that they only came here for Si Fuqing.

Yuli clenched her fists tightly.

"Miss Yun Jiu, the funds of our experimental group are temporarily exhausted." At this moment, an assistant rushed over, "Once the funds are cut off, the remaining experimental equipment cannot be purchased."

"How could the funds run out?" Yuli frowned, "Where is the Finance Department of the Intercontinental Research Institute?"

"Because the experimental group was set up temporarily, the finance department can't approve such a large number." The assistant smiled wryly, "We have to wait a month later."

"No." Yuli frowned even tighter, "The experimental results will be delivered in more than 20 days."

The assistant tentatively said: "I heard that you were responsible for investing the previous experimental funds, or this time..."

Yuli's expression froze.

She didn't understand this matter at all, and now she learned it from him, and she felt a little incredible.

Si Fuqing actually paid money for experiments?

Picture what?

But in order not to reveal her secrets, Yuli still comforted the excited researchers: "Don't worry, everyone, there will be no shortage of funds."

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief.

If he ran out of funds when he first came, then he might as well go back to find Lu Xingci and Si Fuqing again.

Yuli pursed her lower lip.

The Yu family didn't know that she was resurrected, and she couldn't contact the Yu family.

In a flash of inspiration, she thought of Raphael.

"I'll ask my senior brother." Yuli smiled, "He is the Duke of Muston, with countless wealth, and he has always supported my experiment."

"Duke of Muston? The Duchy of Muston outside the state?"

"I seem to have heard that it is a very powerful principality."

"That's right, I heard that the disciples on the top of the cloud are stronger than each other."

"It's him, everyone, please wait a moment." Yuli nodded and dialed Raphael's phone number.

At the same time, the Huo family.

In the hall, Raphael is doing the accounting.

The phone vibrated at this moment, and after he glanced at it, he jumped up suddenly: "Everyone! Something is wrong!"

Hearing his shout, the others stopped.

Tan Jingmo turned his head and narrowed his eyes dangerously: "What's the matter? You'd better say it, or I'll break your leg."

"Second brother, you're going too far!" Raphael was taken aback, and flew behind Yue Jian, "It was the impostor who called me, and I'm the victim, okay?"

"Call you?" Tan Jingmo raised his eyebrows, clasped his hands, and raised his chin, "Turn on the speakerphone and listen to what she has to say."

"Anyway, I must be on the junior sister's side!" Raphael underestimated, and pressed the connect button and the hands-free button.

See you tomorrow~~

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