After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 909 Slapped in the face, shocked [1 more]

Yuanmingchi and Langxuan also surrounded them.

The phone was connected, and a familiar voice came from the phone: "Senior Brother Six, are you busy?"

When Raphael opened his mouth, he wanted to greet Yuli's family.

Tan Jingmo glanced at Raphael.

Raphael held back abruptly, and tried to soften his tone: "Not busy, not busy, what's the matter?"

"Senior Brother Six, since I just returned to the Intercontinental Research Institute, it is difficult to approve the experimental funds." Yuli said, "Can I trouble you to invest some funds, I need one month's experimental funds."

"Junior Sister, you never ask me for money when doing experiments." Raphael was very surprised, "What are you doing this are really different from before!"

This sentence made Yuli's heartbeat almost stop, and she broke out in a cold sweat instantly: "Senior Brother Six, I'm not—"

"Oh, what did you say? I still have something to do. I'm waiting for the good news of your success." Raphael ended the call without waiting for Yuli to say anything else.

He let out a long breath: "Second brother, if you hadn't held me down, I really wanted to ask her where she got such a big face, and asked me for money?"

His money is only spent on the little junior sister and the second child. What is Yuli?

"Tsk." Yue Jian raised her eyebrows, "She has always regarded herself as a junior sister, and she regards the things of the junior sister as her own."

Raphael snorted: "I have never seen such a brazen person."

"Junior Sister told me about the experiment." Lang Xuan nodded slightly, "The day when the results of the experiment were tested happened to be the last day of the prefect election."

Tan Jingmo was thoughtful: "Junior Junior Sister wants to kill multiple birds with one stone."

"Adrian will definitely appear in the prefect election tomorrow." Yue Jian also said, "Now the Yu family is on the side of the younger sister, and the Lu family is relying on you, the second child."

"Well, I know." Tan Jingmo's eyelashes drooped, and he smiled lightly, "I also have something that I will swear to protect."

Deer Lime.

And the deer family left behind after she left.

He will take good care of it.


At the same time, the Intercontinental Research Institute.

Yuli pinched the phone, only to feel the cold, unprecedented embarrassment and embarrassment.

If she was rejected by Raphael in private, it would be embarrassing at most.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, she was being watched like a clown all the time, and she was burning hot all over.

"Everyone, my senior brother has a lot of personal affairs recently, so I'm very sorry." Yuli took a deep breath, pursed her lips and said, "Everyone, go back to your work station and prepare for the experiment. I'll ask other people for funds."

After she finished speaking, she left in a hurry, her back very embarrassed.

The researchers looked at each other.

Someone couldn't help asking: "Why do you think S009 is different from what I think?"

"Well, I also feel that in my mind S009 is a god-like existence, there is nothing she can't accomplish."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this, let's prepare for the experiment first, and the results will be accepted in thirty days."

"There is another group participating in this experiment, and that little prodigy from the Lu family doesn't dare to underestimate it."

"Don't worry, we have S009, no one can compare to S009."

The news of the shortage of experimental funds quickly reached Lu Xingci's ears.

He snorted coldly: "Sister Qingqing, they deserve what they deserve. They don't even have money for the experiment. I'll see how they submit the armor in the end."

After the middle-aged man left, several researchers in the group also chose to quit.

Only he, Si Fuqing, and Professor Xia Da Zhu Ruowan were left.

"Don't care about them." Si Fuqing didn't care, "Our experiment has been completed, and it's just a matter of saving those few people who are slowing down."

A month ago, she and Dean Xu had successfully researched the anti-gravity armor.

It's just that the Intercontinental Research Institute still has the eyeliner of the revenge organization, and she didn't put all her cards on the bright side.

The appearance of Yuli has become a perfect shield.

Lu Xingci jumped off the table and stretched his waist: "Finally I can go home and rest, sister Qingqing, come to my house for dinner tomorrow? My parents miss you very much."

Si Fuqing took off his white research uniform and put on his overcoat: "Not tomorrow, have you forgotten what an important day tomorrow is?"

"Tomorrow?" Lu Xingci was a little confused, and suddenly slapped his forehead, "The opening ceremony of the governor's election!"

"Yeah." Si Fuqing replied lazily, "Hey, wait for your sister to reverse the Holy Light's verdict, and then sit down with you for dinner."


Yuli ran around all day and night, but failed to find a suitable investor.

In the end, she had no choice but to ask Yun Jin for help.

With Yunjin's help, Yuli successfully obtained a sum of money.

After she transferred it to the person in charge of the laboratory, the experiment went on normally, which made her finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ajin." Yuli asked softly, "Today the prefect election is open, why don't you go and see it?"

"I won't go." Yun Jin smiled slightly, "If you want me to go with you, I will go with you."

No matter who the governor is this time, it is just a puppet promoted by Adrian, and he doesn't care.

"No, no, it's enough for me to go by myself." Yuli shook her head, "If you are really worried, you can ask Zisu to accompany me. Even if there is any danger, she can take me away immediately."

The newly-appeared Si Fuqing is still a star, and there are photos of her endorsement on the streets of Liberty Island.

Even if Yuli was sure that the two Si Fuqing were not the same person, she was unwilling to let Yunjin know.

Could it be guaranteed that Yun Jin would not accept another apprentice when she saw the same name and surname.

She will never allow such a thing.

"Okay." Yun Jin nodded slightly, "Then let Xiao Qi accompany you, be careful on the way."

Under Yunjin's arrangement, Zisu and Yuli went to Shengguang Square together.

Zisu glanced at Yuli, and calmly sent a message to Yunying.

【Eldest brother, the counterfeit is going to the opening ceremony of the governor's election】

A minute later, Yunying replied.

【knew. 】

"Senior Sister Seven?" Yuli seemed to have sensed something, "Are you worried about something?"

Zi Su froze for a moment: "Well, I am very worried about you, if the revenge organization..."

"Master said that the revenge organization suffered heavy losses last time, and they will not come out during this period of time." Yuli smiled, "Senior Seventh Sister, don't worry."

Zisu nodded and didn't speak any more.

The governor's election is a major event in Liberty State. Before eight o'clock, the front of the Holy Light Square was already full of people, and it was too crowded.

More people were unable to go to the scene and were watching the live broadcast.

[Wow, so many bosses, have the four major families come? And Dean Dongfang, is that the Onmyoji Association over there? 】

[Who are the people running for governor? I only know that the Ye family is brother and sister Ye Baiqing and Ye Zelan, who are quite powerful. 】

[The Huo family must belong to Huo Yan, but he has basically never shown up a few times, so he is very mysterious. 】

[But the Huo family has two candidates, who is the other? I've never heard of Huo Yanxing having brothers and sisters. 】

All the citizens of Free State, including the other three major families, were very curious about who the other governor candidate sent by the Huo family was.

Ye Zelan asked in a low voice, "Brother, are you feeling better?"

"It's much better, cough, cough!" Ye Baiqing coughed violently as soon as he opened his mouth. He looked sullen, "I remember the revenge of the ghost doctor!"

After Ghost Hand Heavenly Doctor came to Ye's house, Ye's elders' attitude towards him changed, and they even selected an S-level evolutionary from a side line to run for governor with him.

"I don't know who the other candidate of the Huo family is." Ye Zelan looked at the entrance, "The time is coming, they won't come?"

The Huo family was young and withered all their lives. Although Huo Yanxing was very powerful, he was still only one person.

A low-key black stretch car stopped in the middle of the road.

There is the Huo family logo on the car.

The crowd became excited.

【I'm coming! 】

Ye Baiqing narrowed her eyes slightly and looked towards the entrance.

The door opened and the girl jumped out of the car.

The camera was right on her face.

It is the same face as the advertisement on the big screen in the central square of the main city.

There was a moment of silence, and someone let out a scream like a pig being killed.

[Fuck? ? ! 】

good morning~

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