After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 924 Xiaobai’s palm! The Lord of the Eight Mines【2 updates】

Hearing Yu Nie's words, Fusang's expression changed instantly.

She raised her hand to protect Si Fu Qingqing tighter, and her voice became colder: "Yu Nie, you're close, sir."

Si Fuqing's eyes also changed, dark and deep.

Turn the tide before it falls, and support the building before it collapses.

This is the origin of her and Ye Banglan's names.

Ye Puanlan is used to being a wild woman. She has always been very independent and intelligent since she was a child. She changed her name when she was three years old.

So after I picked her up, I was still very happy to say that I finally had a sister who could use the next sentence, and the two of them could be companions.

But this sentence is an ancient saying of the Great Xia Empire, and has never been heard of in the Free Continent, otherwise someone would soon associate her name with Night Turning the Tide.

Not to mention the magical world of Eternal Continent.

As the goddess of death, Yu Nie has been in a high position for a long time, and even Venerable Manghuang cannot enter her eyes. How did she ever hear this sentence?

Not only was Yu Nie not angry, she actually smiled faintly: "Huh, I'm just confirming, little Fusang, you can't protect yourself, so you better worry less about other people's affairs."

"You're just little Fusang! I'm the same age as you! How many years older than you are!" Fusang was furious, "Who are you calling little Fusang?!"

"Yu Nie, there's no need to talk nonsense with them." Huangquan Ghost Emperor smiled eerily, "I thought I would only trap you, Fusang, in this divine tomb this time, but I didn't expect you, a yellow-haired girl, to come too. Very good, today's meeting The God’s Tomb is the burial place for the two of you!”


Before he finished speaking, he suddenly rose up and flew forward.



The two collided, and a huge breath exploded

Fuso held a spear in his hand and resisted the attack of Ghost Emperor Huang Quan.

Her tone was cold: "Ghost Emperor, it seems that the people behind you have given you a lot of benefits, making you think that you can compete with me in terms of combat effectiveness."

"Palace Master, I will not compete with you in terms of combat prowess." Huangquan Ghost Emperor's smile widened, "Palace Master, you have fallen into a trap! Yu Nie, take action!"

Fusang's expression changed.

She reacted very quickly and quickly pulled Si Fuqing back.

But it's still too late.

The underworld illusion of the Underworld Ghost Emperor, coupled with the death prison of the death goddess Yu Nie, completely sealed the space around the two of them.

"Last time I was careless and let Chang Ying run away. This time with Yu Nie's help, you can't even think about running away." Huang Quan Ghost Emperor put his hands behind his back, "I will let the illusion swallow up your consciousness, and then let the adults refine you." Become a puppet, and then—"


The air suddenly shook violently.

A huge creature quietly appeared.

It is a ten-meter-tall giant beast.

Its fur is golden, with a pair of wings on its shoulders and a horn on its head.

The body is like a tiger and leopard, and the head and tail are like a golden dragon!

The ten-meter-tall giant beast looked at Huangquan Ghost Emperor and let out a low roar.

It raised one front paw and waved it seemingly easily,


With one palm, Huangquan Ghost Emperor was directly slapped out.

Ghost Emperor Huangquan had no idea that Xiaobai would stop him.

Caught off guard, he had no chance to protect himself. His body flew out like a cannonball and fell heavily to the ground.

Yu Nie was fast enough to avoid Xiao Bai's other palm and quickly retreated.

Her pupils shrank: "Pixiu?!"

Wasn’t the legendary guardian beast of the tomb of the god already sacrificed to the god? !

Xiaobai raised his head proudly and waved his hand: "Humph, I am Big Pixiu!"

Fuso: "..."

Si Fuqing: "..."

Who said she was a little girl just a second ago?

"Jiujiu, come up quickly, there is also the palace master." Xiaobai lay down slightly and said in a cheerful tone, "I will take you to run away!"

It said, directly raised its front paws to pick them up and put them on its back.

It has eaten a lot of gold in the past three years, has a lot of power in its body, is extremely fast, and disappears with a "swish".

"Yu Nie!" Huangquan Ghost Emperor finally crawled out from the pile of rubble and roared, "Why didn't you stop me?!"

"Stop?" Yu Nie said coldly, "You were beaten in the body and in the brain? Are you asking such stupid things?"

Ghost Emperor Huangquan was furious: "Yu Nie, you!"

"Pixiu is the guardian beast of the God's Tomb. Here, its power is complete and has bonuses." Yu Nie didn't look at him, her expression became more indifferent, "Tell me, how can I stop it?"

This is why every time they deal with the Lord of Ghost Valley and Lord of Demonic Abyss, they have to ambush them when they go out.

Because Guigu and Moyuan are two people's domains, their strength will be increased and improved.

"Hmph!" Ghost Emperor Huangquan snorted coldly, "They escaped this time. I don't know when they will be caught again next time. Anyway, our purpose of coming to the God's Tomb this time is to find the tombkeeper. Let's go. "

Yu Nie nodded slowly and followed.


This way.

In one minute, Xiaobai ran thousands of miles away.

Si Fuqing touched its big fluffy ears and said, "As expected of my good daughter, she can fight, run away and be cute."

Fusang held his chin and suddenly realized: "Oh, it turns out this is a daughter following her mother."

Si Fuqing: "..."

She deeply suspected that Yun Ying had spoken ill of her to Fusang during the five hundred years she had been practicing in the Palace of Eternal Life.

After some time, Xiaobai finally stopped.

Si Fuqing jumped off its back and landed on the ground: "Where is this place?"

"I don't know." Xiaobai turned into a palm-sized plush animal again, "Just keep running this way."

Si Fuqing pondered: "Feijiu, you are the guardian beast of the tomb of the gods. Although you have lost your memory, your body still has instincts."

Xiaobai said fiercely: "My name is not Feijiu, my name is Bai Jinyu!"

Si Fuqing coaxed it: "Okay, okay, Jinyu."

Fuso picked up the spear and walked forward, taking a few steps.

She squatted down and suddenly said: "There are new murals here, Qingqing, look here."

Si Fuqing looked over, his fox eyes narrowed slightly.

The murals record in detail the legendary battle between gods and demons.

It is rumored that during the period of gods and demons, the peak cultivators of the Eternal Continent had already detected the existence of the new world.

Gods and demons are not really gods and demons, but both are the pinnacle of the realm of the Eternal Continent - the Spiritual God Realm.

In addition, the divine messengers and demon servants under the two seats are all powerful in the spiritual realm.

The battle between gods and demons was earth-shattering and almost destroyed the entire Eternal Continent.

Si Fuqing looked at the mural carefully and frowned: "Why do gods and demons fight?"

"I don't know." Fusang shook his head, "Maybe there is some discord over interests, wait!"

She pulled out a round transparent object from the gray earth.

"Xinso!" Fusang's eyes lit up, "Good stuff, Qingqing, I'll protect it for you, and you can refine it."

Si Fuqing sat down cross-legged obediently: "What is this?"

"It can improve the power of the soul." Fusang said, "I see that although your soul is solid, there is still something missing. If you use your soul to make up for it, your cultivation can be further improved."

Si Fuqing whispered: "I'm sorry to trouble you, Palace Master."


Several months had passed since Si Fuqing was practicing in the Eternal Continent.

It was only the second day in Free Continent.

The election for governor is still going on, and Huo Yanxing has entered the second game very smoothly.

Adrian sat on the high seat, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Si Fuqing was indeed a tough guy, and she still didn't let go after a whole night.

But if she doesn't come, there will be no way to continue the governor's election.

This is another of his plans.

Huo Yanxing glanced at Adrian expressionlessly, his eyebrows cold.

Adrian didn't care, but said: "If there are no candidates present today, the qualifications for the governor's election will be disqualified. I hope everyone will pay attention to this election for governor."

【Who didn't come? This is a governor election! 】

[Si Fuqing doesn’t seem to be here. What’s going on? There’s no way she won’t come. 】

Adrian spoke again: "Since there are no objections, today's election is official-"

"With such a lively event as the Free Continent governor's election, Gu naturally wants to join in the fun." A faint voice sounded, "Or is it that the head of state does not welcome Gu?"

The masters of the eight mines are here!

Some babies discovered a small foreshadowing! This discovery is correct~

Thank you all for your support to His Majesty. I am going to start making Qingqing’s character profile. At that time, His Majesty’s son-in-law was too taciturn and only liked to tease Qingqing (?), so the golden sentence said that I am bald. Finally, I have a daughter. Then as a biological mother, I wrote a lot! Every sentence is so long!

Qingqing: QvQ

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