After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 925 Emperor Yin, break through! 【1 more】

The voice was neither high nor low, flat and flat, with no ups and downs in tone.

But the words are powerful and full of oppression.

It was as if there was a heavy weight on the heart, making it hard to breathe.

Adrian paused, turned his head suddenly, and met Yu Xiheng's gaze.

This time Yu Xiheng didn't wear any mask or other coverings, her face was completely exposed to everyone's sight.

He was still in his usual attire, a dark gray suit, a watch on his left wrist, wide shoulders, narrow waist, and slender legs.

Compared with the head of state Adrian, it is not very gorgeous, it can be called simple.

But at this moment, everyone's attention was attracted by him, and there was no one else in sight.


The audience was silent.

[Is this the true beauty that a person can have? ! 】

[Hiss... I was lucky enough to meet the Lord of the Peak of the Clouds before, and I already thought he was a celestial being, but today I know what it means to reverse sentient beings! 】

[Who is who is who? Who knows who this is? 】

[No matter who it is, it can be my new male god. 】

Adrian's eyes narrowed, and his expression became a little more cautious.

He got up slowly: "The visitor is a guest, but I don't know who is the visitor?"

"Since you know that Gu's actions have been serious these days, you shouldn't have any doubts." Yu Xiheng smiled casually, and said, "The position of governor must be fair and just, and Gu's coming here is also to prevent Liberty Continent from being alone. Big, isn't it?"

At this moment, he is Emperor Yin.

The Great Xia Emperor who fought in all directions and stopped killing by killing.

He ascended to the throne of God at the age of fourteen, and thirteen years was not a long time, but the courage of his whole body was incomparable even for the elders.

Yu Xiheng still did not reveal his identity, but when he heard the first sentence, Adrian guessed his identity instantly.

The master of the eight major mines!

At the same time, his calm surface also set off turbulent waves.

The entire Free State is governed by the Holy Light Judgment, and Adrian controls the intelligence in various places, so he knows that the master of the eight major mines has made a move.

But how did the other party know that he knew this?

After sitting in the position of head of state for so many years, Adrian has never encountered such a difficult opponent.

Even in the face of Yun Jin, he can see through some of Yun Jin's thoughts.

But this man is like a needle under the sea, unable to see through anything.

This was an elegant and terrifying man he had never seen before.

Adrian's hand holding the scepter tightened little by little, and after slowly letting out a breath, he smiled: "It turns out to be the mine owner. If the mine owner can come, I will naturally welcome it. The economy of Freedom Island can be like this." Prosperity cannot be achieved without the help of mine owners.”

This sentence was like thunder falling, and it exploded in the crowd in an instant.

"What? The master of the eight major mines is so young?!"

"Yeah, so young, she doesn't even look thirty years old."

"In the entire Free State, there are not many companies that don't owe money to the mine owner, right?"

"The mine owner is still very good. My family went bankrupt at the time, and it was the mine owner who extended a helping hand."

In the past few years, Yu Xiheng quietly took over the economic power of Liberty Island without making a sound.

When he saw the fanatical expressions on the faces of the citizens, Adrian knew that something was wrong.

He is not afraid of Yunjin because Yunjin doesn't care about fame and fortune, and he has never bought people's hearts.

But Yu Xiheng was different.

In the hearts of the common people, I am afraid that Yu Xiheng's status is higher than his.

Adrian's eyes darkened.

Yu Xiheng didn't say anything more, but found an empty seat and sat down straight away.

Because Si Fuqing didn't come today, this vacant seat happened to be next to Huo Yanxing.

Adrian forced himself to look back, and ordered the cavalry chief on Tuesday to preside over today's governor's election.

Huo Yanxing tilted his head and raised his eyebrows: "You are really big enough to fight this time, and you are not like you at all. In Adrian's heart, I am afraid that he has already moved to kill you."

"Killing heart?" Yu Xiheng was noncommittal, "Does he have this ability?"

Huo Yanxing shrugged his shoulders: "After all, you and Qingqing have always been hiding deeply. Now Liberty Island is going to release another leaderboard. Adrian and the Lord of the Clouds will not be able to secure the number one position."

Even if he has known Yu Xiheng for nearly ten years, he still has no way of knowing how strong Yu Xiheng is.

Yu Xiheng has reservations about everyone, except Si Fuqing.

"Where's Qingqing? She's still in the dark room?" Huo Yanxing knew that there was Si Fuqing's teacher in the dark room, so he wasn't worried.

"In the Eternal Continent." Yu Xiheng supported her head, "The Lord of the Palace of Longevity has found her heart and is protecting her. Using the time over there, about three months have passed."

Huo Yanxing was a little surprised: "Spirit?"

"It's useful for the soul." Yu Xiheng hummed, "After being promoted to the Holy Spirit Realm, the strength of the body can no longer be increased too much, only the soul can be improved."

"Oh? My cousin is very talented. After this training, what if she directly breaks through to the spiritual realm and leaves you far behind?" Huo Yanxing was thoughtful, "Shi Yan, you need to keep working hard. .”

"I'm only happy when she becomes stronger." Yu Xiheng propped her head, her eyes drifted to the distance, and said lightly, "She told me many times that she always hopes to protect me, and I also want to do what she wants. I am very happy to be protected by her."

Huo Yanxing: "..."

His cheap mouth.

Why is he asking?

He was treated like a dog that had been kicked hard.

Huo Yanxing squeezed his wrist expressionlessly, and decided to vent his anger on the person who was fighting him for a while.

the other side.

Seats at Ye Family.

Ye Zelan was eliminated in the first game and was still lying on the bed, unable to move, so only Ye Baiqing came here today.

The chief guard said in a low voice: "Young Master, I checked. Yesterday, the Holy Light Judgment Office took Si Fuqing to the Silent Black Room, and he didn't let him out this morning."

"Hmph, sure enough, the tree attracts the wind." Ye Baiqing sneered, "With her temperament, I'm afraid she won't agree to be loyal to the head of state. It's a pity, a good beauty, so useless."

He still had evil thoughts in his heart.

Coming out of the silent black room, they basically became lunatics.

Can he ask Adrian to ask Si Fu to go back to Ye's house for torture and fun?

Ye Baiqing took a few deep breaths, and prepared for the upcoming governor election with peace of mind.

In this round, he still didn't draw Huo Yanxing or Yun Jiu, so he could break into the final four-player finals without using his hole cards.

He is going to decide on the position of governor!


Eternal Continent.

Hall of Eternal Life.

With her hands behind her back, Yunying raised her chin: "How does it take so long to refine one's soul? Five months have passed without any movement."

He also heard Fusang mention soul soul.

Legend has it that souls are also relics of gods and demons, and they can only be found in the tombs of gods. If Fusang hadn't found them this time, even she would have thought that souls were just a legendary thing.

"What do you know, you rebellious son?" Fusang suddenly began to cry sadly, and complained, "Soul is such an important thing, of course it must be treated with caution, and the longer the refining time, the more power it contains .”

As she spoke, her cries amplified: "Wow! You actually asked me that, you bastard! How can you be worthy of me!"

Yunying: "..."

He felt a headache: "Don't cry, just talk about it if you have something to say, okay?"

"I don't want to talk nicely to you." Fusang turned around and turned his back to him, "Qingqing said that you will always bully people, and if you talk nicely to you, you will be stabbed in the back."

Yunying's expression paused, a half-smile, not a smile: "Fusang, who is bullying whom?"

Fusang turned a deaf ear to it, and was at ease protecting Si Fu.

Yun Ying also greeted Yue Jian and Tan Jingmo, and they sat down together, taking advantage of the time difference between Eternal Continent and Freedom Continent to start practicing.

Time flies by in practice.

In the blink of an eye, four years have passed in the Eternal Continent.

For the past four years, the Ghost Emperor of Huangquan, the Goddess of Death, Venerable Manghuang and others have been very quiet, without any movement, so quiet that people feel terrible.

Like the calm before the storm.

Tan Jingmo and Yue Jian finally managed to break through to the Holy Spirit Realm.

"Little junior sister is still refining her soul?" Yue Jian squeezed her shoulders, surprised, "How long have we been there?"

"No hurry." Yunying said lightly, "It's only a dozen days, and we can still catch up with the final governor election."

Yuejian nodded, and when she was about to say something, she suddenly lost her footing.


Suddenly, the ground shook, a huge energy exploded, and the breath soared to the sky.

Yun Ying reacted extremely quickly: "Get down!"

Amid landslides and ground cracks, Si Fuqing opened his eyes.

good morning~~

Sure enough, as I got to the end, I got more and more stuck, until I got bald, every book is like this.

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