The Holy Light Judgment was established five hundred years ago, and the Silent Black Room was also a thing of that era.

In the dark room of silence, time and space stand still.

It is also because of this characteristic that the prisoners who are imprisoned cannot feel the flow of time and changes in space, and they do not know what tonight is.

Coupled with the double oppression on the mind and soul, it will be driven crazy bit by bit.

But Adrian didn't know who actually built the Black House of Silence.

To build a black room of silence, one must reach the ultimate in the laws of space and time, and must also integrate the two laws.

Absolutely no one in Free Continent has this ability.

Even in the Eternal Continent, almost no one can do it.

But what reassures Adrian is that as the head of the Holy Light Judgment Institute, he took over this position from the previous head of state, and any punishment from the Holy Light Judgment Institute will not harm him.

After entering the silent dark room, Adrian walked slowly inside.

The goal is endless darkness, never ending.

After walking a few steps, Adrian heard painful groans, accompanied by the sound of skin and flesh tearing.

His expression changed, he flew forward, and finally saw the scene in front of him.

Captain Monday and four other troopers fell to the ground, twitching and clawing at their skin.

His body was covered in blood and it was too horrible to look at.

In addition to the five people, there was also a blood-stained note on the ground.

【Don’t mess with me. 】

Adrian's pupils suddenly shrank.

These three words were written very sloppily, and each word revealed that the person who wrote them was very impatient.

Adrian didn't have time to think too much, and immediately used his evolver ability to take five of the Monday Cavalry Captains out.

Tuesday, who was waiting outside the silent dark room, opened his eyes wide and was startled: "The head of state! Monday he..."

"It's useless." Adrian's expression was uglier than ever. "Time has passed too long, and I can't save him."

Tuesday couldn't help but take a breath, and he stammered for the first time: "But, but Monday has a pardon token on him, how could..."

If the pardon token cannot protect them from the influence of the Black House of Silence, how can they punish those who disobey the Holy Light's judgment in the future? !

Adrian's eyes were heavy: "Si Fuqing must have done something! Today I saw that her mental power is very vast and her soul is extremely solid. As expected, she must have taken advantage of this time to go to the Eternal Continent!"

The location of the Holy Light Judgment Office was chosen because it was the first place where the door to the Eternal Continent appeared.

Over time, the door went from one to three or four, and possibly more.

There must be a door leading to the Eternal Continent in the Silent Black Room!

Not only did Si Fuqing find it, but he also successfully went to the Eternal Continent to practice and improve his strength under his nose.

Adrian exhaled slowly, veins popping on his forehead.

He pressed his temples, suppressed the turbulent anger in his chest, and lowered his voice: "No matter what, there can't be any mistakes in the governor's election."

"Contact the Yulu family, the Onmyoji Association, the Eternal Academy, and the Intercontinental Research Institute. They know whose side they should stand on. They also need to know who maintains the order of the Free Continent."

Without the mediation of the Holy Light Judgment, Free Continent would have fallen apart long ago.

"Yes, head of state!" Tuesday Cavalry Commander clasped his fists respectfully, "Si Fuqing has only been from Free Continent for a short time. It is impossible for her influence to surpass you. Don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter."

Adrian did not respond to these words, and his eyes became more serious: "In addition, please carefully investigate the relationship between Ye Banglan and Si Fuqing. I want to know what their relationship is!"

Even if they are biological sisters, in a place where the interests of a big family come first, no one can give up the huge Ye family.

What's more, Si Fuqing is still a member of the Huo family, so Ye Tuanlan went crazy?

But Ye Xuan's appearance made Adrian realize that Ye Banlan had really sent the Ye family away.

The Ye family's group of elders and other dead soldier guards combined were not as strong as the team of dead soldiers left behind by Ye Banlan.

"My subordinate understands." The cavalry commander looked serious on Tuesday, "My subordinate will definitely find out everything and share the worries of the head of state!"

"Well, let's go." Adrian seemed tired and didn't say much. He just waved his hand and then turned and left.


On the other side, the Huo family.

Si Fuqing's safe return made everyone feel relieved.

After learning what happened today, except Yun Ying, the senior brothers and sisters were also shocked.

That's Yejia!

Turning the Tide at Night is such a big deal!

Tan Jingmo looked at Yun Ying thoughtfully: "Elder brother has known about this for a long time?"

Raphael couldn't help but widen his eyes: "No way? Boss, are you a know-it-all? How come you know everything!"

"Yes." Yun Ying said lightly, "I once had a chance encounter with those who killed Xiao Jiu, but I haven't seen them since."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly and said: "I guess Master Yun Ying must have strayed into the Eternal Continent in the past few years after disappearing. It was a blessing in disguise. I didn't know it was a blessing."

"Yes." Yun Ying said calmly, "The enemy is very strong. I'm afraid we won't be able to resist it with all our current strength."

Ye Xuan's expression did not fluctuate much, and he smiled faintly: "I was ordered by Miss Zhuanlan to protect Miss Fuqing's life. As a dead soldier, I only received this death order. "

These words made Yun Ying's arm tremble.

How deep of a relationship is required to allow Ye Turning to do this?

Si Fuqing suddenly stood up and said in a low voice: "I'm going to rest, you guys talk first."

She turned around, wiped her eyes quickly, and went upstairs.

There was silence in the hall.

It was Ye Xuan who spoke first: "It must have been hard for Miss Fu Qing in the years since Miss Banlan left."

He has also been with Ye Banlan since he was a child, so he knows the other three members of the Eternal Four.

Compared with ten years ago, Si Fuqing's character was completely transformed.

Yun Ying raised his eyes: "In the past?"

"In the past, Miss Fuqing and Miss Huixue had a fight. When she was injured, she would run over to find Miss Banlan." Ye Xuan smiled, "Although Miss Banlan would blame her, she would still bandage her."

Unfortunately, there is no going back.

There was another moment of silence.

"I will share the information we have collected in the past ten years with you." Ye Xuan looked solemn, "About the sacred day and the tomb of the god."

Yun Ying hummed lightly: "Our goals are the same."

Prevent the arrival of the Holy Day and protect Si Fuqing.


The next day.

Today is the last day of the Zhou Chang Strength Arena Competition.

The favorite to win the championship, Ye Baiqing, did not appear, which surprised the people of the continent.

There was a lot of noise about Si Fuqing breaking into the Ye family, but the Ye family and the Holy Light Judgment Office jointly suppressed the news.

After all, it was something that made Adrian lose face, and he didn't want this matter to come out under any circumstances.

"It's an honor for us to be here to witness the emergence of three strong men." Adrian has regained his previous calmness. He smiled and raised his hand, "The position of the governor will also be born from the three of them. This We need your full support.”

"So tomorrow morning, the referendum will be held. Please be sure to cast your precious vote carefully and carefully, because the governor represents all free continents, and there must be no mistakes in the selection."

The crowd immediately became lively.

【Who do you vote for? My goddess is no longer here, so I have no choice but to surrender to my uncle. 】

[I like Top of the Clouds. Of course I still have to vote for Miss Yunjiu. Don’t forget that there are several other disciples of Top of the Clouds. 】

[That makes sense, so I’ll throw myself on cloud nine. 】

There are different opinions, and some people online have already started placing bets.

Yuli smiled when she saw that she was far ahead in votes.

First, Si Fuqing was imprisoned, and then Ye Baiqing withdrew. God was helping her.

The final experimental test of the anti-gravity armor was also conducted on the same day, and she was about to achieve fame and fortune.

Yuli's eyebrows were filled with uncontrollable joy. She spoke to Zisu and went to the Intercontinental Research Institute.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the laboratory building, Yuli saw many people gathered in front of the door.

She walked forward with some curiosity, pushing aside the crowd to find out what was going on, when she heard Lu Xingci crying.

"Wow! Sister Qingqing! You are finally back. I miss you so much."

What followed was a very cold and ruthless voice: "Don't hold my thigh."

Lu Xingci retreated aggrievedly: "Oh."

Yuli stared blankly at the girl in the white coat, and her whole body suddenly stopped in place.

Si Fuqing turned his head and raised his eyebrows: "Why, judging from your appearance, you don't want to see me?"

one by one.

Thank you for your concern, I will take good care of myself

It’s just that the coding speed may have been slower recently. It was difficult and tiring to wrap up the ending.

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