After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 932 Yuli’s Failure, Return of the Conferred God [2 more]

"Impossible!" Lu Xingci opened his eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief, "How can you not want to see Sister Qingqing? Sister Qingqing is so kind to you and gave you a great tonic!"


There was a moment of silence.

In the next second, with a "shua", all eyes focused on Yuli.

Because of Si Fuqing's sudden appearance, Yuli couldn't react immediately.

Just when she was in a daze, Lu Xingci said again: "I see that you have been smiling these few days. Don't you think that sister Qingqing will disappear forever? You are too bad!"

"No! I didn't!" Yuli's expression changed drastically, and she blurted out, "I've never thought about it that way, you are making ridiculous slander!"

But Lu Xingci's two sentences did accurately expose all her thoughts.

Yuli's face was flushed red, and the surrounding eyes fell on her, with a bit of scrutiny and surprise.

"Hmph, since it's not, that's the best." Lu Xingci snorted coldly, "The test results will be tested tomorrow, I wish you success."

Si Fu stroked the ashes on his white coat, and didn't look at Yuli again: "Let's go."

Lu Xingci hurriedly followed.

The two returned to the laboratory.

Lu Xingci finally couldn't hold back any longer, and immediately began to ask: "Sister Qingqing, where have you been? You don't know, during your absence, some people's faces are smiling like chrysanthemums."

"Go to the Eternal Continent for a while." Si Fuqing lazily snapped his fingers, "After completing this experiment, you can go home, there is no way to find a way to prevent the arrival of the holy day, so get ready first. "

Lu Xingci was very sad: "I'm so smart, I won't live until next year, right? I haven't found a girlfriend yet!"

"No." Si Fuqing raised his head and said flatly, "Everyone can see next year, and every year after that."

Lu Xingci nodded ignorantly, and then said viciously: "Sister Qingqing, I have endured that impostor for a long time, when will I get rid of her?"

"Tomorrow." Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows, and said unhurriedly, "Tomorrow, remember to go to Shengguang Square early, watch the show in the front row, and have a wide view."

"Okay!" Lu Xingci raised his hands, "I will definitely cheer up Sister Qingqing!"

He is the best at things like making up swords, and he has already practiced it on Lu Xingheng.


Three o'clock in the morning.

The Holy Light Tribunal is still brightly lit.

Adrian sat on the high seat, keeping his eyes closed.

Footsteps sounded, and six cavalry captains walked in one by one.

Adrian opened his eyes, and his voice was majestic: "How?"

"Führer, we checked, but we didn't find any connection between Ye Wanlan and Si Fuqing." Tuesday said in a low voice, "There is no intersection between the two, and there is no chance of them even meeting each other. We... We really did our best.”

"That's strange." Adrian's eyes sank, "Ye Wanlan is extremely smart, how could he give up the Ye family to the Huo family?"

Several cavalry captains looked at each other, unable to understand.

"Forget it, everyone is dead, the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to find out." Adrian said lightly, "Tomorrow, I have decided to let Yun Jiu take the position of Governor, and you all go to inform the people below."

He could see the ambition of this "Yun Jiu".

It's good to be ambitious.

Let Yun Jiu and Si Fuqing confront each other, wouldn't it be fun for him to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?

"Yes!" The cavalry commanders respectfully responded, "I respect the order of the head of state."


the next day.

Lu Xingci woke up early, and arrived at Shengguang Square with his family at six o'clock.

Before seven o'clock, the Shengguang Square, which can accommodate 500,000 people, was completely blocked.

Two hours later, surrounded by seven cavalry, Adrian appeared.

The people of the continent paid homage to him as usual.

"Everyone, please stand up." Adrian raised his hand and said slowly, "At the request of the Intercontinental Research Institute, before the referendum for the governor's election comes out, the results of the anti-gravity armor experiment will be tested on the entire Free State. .”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd immediately became restless.

[Is the anti-gravity armor really developed? ! 】

[As expected of S009, it was able to make such a difficult experimental project. With the anti-gravity armor, the transportation system in the future will undergo earth-shaking changes! 】

[That is, S009 is a god-like existence, and has researched many high-tech products with Dean Xu. 】

"Next, I will present today's stage to our great researchers." Adrian smiled, "Everyone welcome."

The applause was thunderous and endless.

Yuli enjoyed the feeling of being looked up to very much, she smiled and greeted the people in the audience.

Behind her, there are dozens of researchers, some old and some young, all above A-level.

On the other hand, Si Fuqing and Lu Xingci were on the other side, their team was a bit bleak.

[I heard that after S009 came back, the researchers all ran away, and I don't know if the research team of the young master of the Lu family can complete the experiment. 】

[Even if it can be completed, the effect will definitely be behind S009. Don't forget that the anti-gravity armor was originally designed by S009 and Dean Xu! 】

Si Fuqing's brows were calm, she sat in the waiting area with her legs crossed, and watched Yuli's team step forward to hand over the experimental results in a calm manner.

Because it is the latest invention, manned experiments cannot be carried out yet, so we can only check whether the anti-gravity armor is qualified through the background general control first.

Yuli stepped forward and pressed the master control button.

Everyone watched intently.

However, after more than ten seconds passed, the humanoid armor remained motionless.

Yuli frowned, and when she was about to press the second spare button, a sudden siren sounded.


"Failed to shield gravity! Failed to shield gravity!"

"Engine number one is overloaded!"


With a bang, the rear of the armor burst open, and thick smoke came out.

For anti-gravity armor to be successful, shielding the effect of gravity is the most critical step.

But now, the anti-gravity armor manufactured by Yuli's team has not been able to accomplish this at all.


There was silence in the audience, not even scattered applause.

Yuli tightened her fingers holding the remote control, she pursed her lips tightly, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on her back.

How could it be that she failed? !

But the blueprints and all the research data she got were all left by S009, and they are very precise, so she is confident that she can complete this experiment.

How could it fail? !

The researchers who joined Yuli couldn't believe it either.

In particular, many researchers have interrupted their own ongoing experiments, and paid manpower, material resources and energy, but failed to achieve success.

Adrian didn't care about the anti-gravity armor, didn't say anything, just watched with cold eyes.

Yuli failed, and he was happy to see it succeed.

"How come..." Yuli murmured, her complexion gradually turned pale, "It shouldn't fail, it shouldn't!"

"Failed?" Si Fu raised his eyebrows, smiled slightly, and said suddenly, "It's a very normal thing. Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs. Failure is the mother of success. It's no big deal."

Yuli was stunned for a moment, a little embarrassed.

She didn't expect that Si Fuqing would give her a step down, her lips moved, but she couldn't utter a word.

[Yes, yes, it is indeed difficult for the anti-gravity armor to shield gravity. There is still time in the future. When the technology improves, it will definitely be possible. 】

[I'm a little disappointed, S009 is the existence of the gods in my heart, I didn't expect S009 to fail. 】

【S009 is still a human being no matter how conferred a god, if you give her some time, she might be able to research it. 】

The people in the audience were talking about it.

Some regret, some are disappointed, some gloat.

"I said failure is normal, but there is one thing, everyone is wrong." Si Fuqing said lightly.

Her voice was neither high nor low, but it was very penetrating.

The noise stopped, and everyone looked at her in confusion, including Yuli.

"If S009 does it, it won't fail. If it fails, it's not S009." Si Fuqing said, and pressed the master control button for controlling the armor.

Today, she wants to tell everyone that she is back.

It should be high-energy from the beginning to the end.

See you tomorrow~~

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