After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 970 Jade returns to snow! Fengshen! 【Two chapters in one】

This tone...

this title...

Such an expression...

Si Fuqing raised his head abruptly, his pupils constricted violently: "You—"


In the blink of an eye, Yun Xu had already healed his injury.

With a gloomy face and fierce eyes, he swung a palm directly at the goddess of death.

The body of the goddess of death flew out and hit the wall heavily.


A mouthful of blood was spit out, and the face of the goddess of death suddenly lost its color, and her breath also weakened.

The Lord of Ghost Valley and Fusang were already stunned by this scene, even Ji Chunyuan's pupils dilated instantly.

The Goddess of Death is Yun Xu's right-hand man, and she has done a lot to bring about the arrival of the holy day.

Her status is unmatched by Huangquan Ghost Emperor and Vientiane God King combined. Why did she suddenly turn her back? !

"Okay, okay!" Yun Xu's eyes burst out with a strong murderous look, "I will kill you!"

But such a short amount of time was enough for Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng to launch an attack.


"Bang bang!"

The power exploded, and there were many lights and shadows.

Yun Xu's expression became crazy: "Looking for death!"

Si Fuqing could feel that Yun Xu's strength had become stronger in this fight.

She grimaced.

In that battle between gods and demons, Yun Xu devoured Wu Jian and Jiu Tian's strength.

He has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, and his strength is gradually improving.

No wonder she and Yu Xiheng had only souls at the beginning, but no substance.

Because they are the only descendants left by Wu Jiang and Jiu Tian, ​​and they are also the last power.

It's just that the most important power is stolen, and their power is not perfect.

"Qingqing, go there." Yu Xiheng said with a cold expression, "I'm here."

"Okay!" Si Fuqing naturally trusted him extremely, "Wait for me, I'll be right back."

She withdrew and retreated, and rushed to the side of the goddess of death as quickly as possible.

After quickly stuffing a medicine into the mouth of the Goddess of Death with one hand, Si Fuqing paused, and tentatively asked, "... surnamed Yu?"

The medicine did not restore the Goddess of Death's injuries. Her complexion was still very pale, and she responded softly: "Yes."

Si Fuqing helped her up helplessly, and immediately began to heal her wounds with divine magic: " did you become the goddess of death?"

From the first time she met the Goddess of Death, she faintly felt an extremely strange aura about the Goddess of Death.

Yu Huixue gasped slightly, but her voice was cold: "It really hurts."

Yun Xu used all his strength in that palm, and didn't hold back at all.

If Si Fuqing came one second later and did not use divine magic in time to clear Yunxu's power left in Yu Huixue's body, Yu Huixue would be directly assimilated into a puppet.

Si Fuqing's heart sank, and his movements became a little gentler.

She has been fighting with Yu Huixue for more than ten years, and she knows Yu Huixue's temperament clearly.

Like her, Yu Huixue can endure pain very well.

But Yu Huixue said the word "really hurt" now, how painful should it be?

"Your luck." Yu Huixue finally took a breath, her hands trembled, and she lowered her voice, "I took out the introduction, you accept it!"

Luck is originally an illusory thing, born between heaven and earth.

But at their level, they can already grasp luck.

Otherwise, Yunxu would not be able to take Si Fuqing's luck as his own.

Si Fuqing did not hesitate, and accepted the introduction of Qi Luck.

It was originally her luck, after she took it into her hands, it was as if the source of living water had been found, and every ray of luck jumped up excitedly.

Yun Xu could naturally feel that the luck in his body was being peeled off, and his eyes sharpened: "If it comes to me, it belongs to me, how can I let you take it back?!"

If the goddess of death hadn't sneaked up on him at the most critical moment, how could he have allowed Si Fuqing to regain his luck? !

"Clang clang!"

The Longque Sword had already drunk a lot of blood, and the blade trembled, blocking Yun Xu's way.

Yun Xu was extremely angry: "Get out!"

Yu Xiheng didn't dodge or evade, but just blocked him from approaching Si Fuqing.

"Okay! Very good!" Yun Xu felt that the luck was losing more quickly, and suddenly laughed, "It's a good thing that the luck that got in the way is gone, at least it won't restrain me from using my full strength against you. .”

His face became more and more ferocious: "Now, I will let you die first!"


The ground shook again, and there was no living thing within a thousand miles.

"How?" Yu Huixue looked pale, "Is it useful?"

"Yes." Si Fuqing still supported her, "Stop talking, this is the Eternal Continent, just use spiritual consciousness to transmit sound, and I will heal your injuries."

Yu Huixue coughed a few times, and for the first time listened obediently.

"This is not your body." Si Fuqing frowned, "This body belongs to the goddess of death, what's going on?"

"Well, yes." Yu Huixue said lightly, "This is the body of the goddess of death, but I have successfully devoured her consciousness and soul."

When Si Fuqing heard this, the fox's eyes lit up: "It's ruthless! I like it!"

That is the goddess of death!

In terms of comprehensive strength, the goddess of death is the first among the top ten vicious NPCs.

"I'm not alone, it was Sister Ning who helped me." Yu Huixue said in a low voice, "Sister Ning was swallowed by the swamp of death, but she left behind her strength."

"This force eroded the goddess of death. After I also entered the swamp of death, I followed this force and gave up my body and entered the body of the goddess of death."

More than five years ago, when she knew that Si Fuqing had died due to an "accidental explosion" and there was not even a body left, Yu Huixue finally realized that there was a conspiracy against their Eternal Four.

Of the four, she was the only one left.


So Yu Huixue returned to Yu's house and began to retreat. She successfully improved her strength within a year and entered the Eternal Continent through the gate.

But the enemy was in the dark, and she also miscalculated one thing——

That is, Yun Xu had already sent Meng Xuanche to prepare a bait to lure her to come.

She was also thrown into the death swamp.

Before dying, she received the power and message left by Lu Qingning.

The Eternal Four will never admit defeat. Relying on these, Yu Huixue took her last breath and entered the body of the death goddess Yu Nie in the form of a conscious soul at the last moment.

Yu Nie was also very surprised at the beginning, and tried to drive her out, but she didn't succeed.

She spent another few hundred years successfully devouring all of Yu Nie's consciousness.

"I met that Yuli last time. It was very critical when I was about to swallow Yu Nie's last sliver of consciousness." Yu Huixue's voice was light, "Fortunately, she is a waste, so she didn't find out about it."

Yuli was originally a pawn left by the goddess of death to deal with Si Fuqing. She swallowed the consciousness of the goddess of death, and naturally possessed her memory.

So she resorted to her plan and rescued Yuli and sent her back to Liberty Island, watching Meng Xuanche and Yuli kill each other with cold eyes.

"Then..." Si Fuqing's hands trembled, "Where's Sister Ning?"

Yu Huixue fell silent and shook her head slowly.

Si Fuqing's eyes were cold: "I see."


The space trembled, and the original luck was recovered at this moment.

Si Fuqing shook his fingers and got up slowly: "Your surname Yu, you rest here, you must take care of yourself."

She turned her head again and said to Ji Chunyuan: "Senior Chunyuan, please take good care of her!"

Ji Chunyuan stepped forward, closed his eyes, and suddenly laughed: "I see."

He deduced the two numbers "four" and "nine", but he was not sure what these two numbers refer to, because the future is full of infinite possibilities and uncertainties.

Now it seems that "four" refers to the eternal quartet, and one is indispensable.

"Nine" not only refers to Si Fuqing as the descendant of the Goddess of Nine Heavens and Yu Xiheng as the emperor of Nine Five, it also represents the extreme of numbers.

The number is extremely high, reaching the peak.

The monk opened his eyes wide: "Master, we never have more than one variable!"

However, as Yun Xu said, after Si Fuqing's luck was stripped from his body, he was not so restrained in his actions towards Yu Xiheng.

"Hahahaha!" Yun Xu laughed wildly in the wind, "Wujian, Wujian, if you die in my hands, your son will die too! I will send him to reunite with you today!"

"What's going on?" Fusang opened his eyes wide, "Luck has returned, but Qingqing has not become a god!"

"There is still a lack of strength." Chang Ying frowned tightly, "The two of them can only draw with Yun Xu now, and cannot seal him or even kill him."

"So you didn't become a god." Yun Xu smiled strangely, "If you haven't become a god, then you are no match for me. Get out!"




Yu Xiheng's eyes changed slightly, and she immediately flew down.

"I'm fine." Si Fuqing had already stood up by herself, she wiped the blood from the corner of her lips, "Ninth brother, don't worry about me, kill him, no matter what the cost!"

There are thousands of people behind her, and she cannot retreat.

Si Fuqing adjusted his breath for a few seconds, and then immediately stepped forward again.

"Jiujiu." At this moment, Bai Jinyu suddenly stopped her, "Jiujiu, I have something very important."

Si Fuqing didn't look back: "What's the matter?"

Her steps stopped, because she found that there was a force pulling her, preventing her from moving forward.

Behind him, Bai Jinyu walked over slowly: "Because I remembered, I lost my strength at that time because you were nourishing your soul, and your soul has been sleeping for three years."

Si Fuqing was startled.

She woke up three years after her death.

According to Ji Chunyuan, it will take some time for the separated souls to merge into one.

"Because Jiujiu and I have the same power, I followed the path in my heart and found you." Bai Jinyu said softly, "Jiujiu, your power is not perfect, because you have Part of it is with me."

Si Fuqing stared at her closely: "What do you mean by these words... What are you going to do? You stopped me? No, no..."

"This is your power." Bai Jinyu shook his head and smiled, "I will give you this part of my power now."

Si Fuqing's eyes trembled: "What on earth are you going to do?!"

What is Bai Jinyu talking about?

She couldn't understand what this stupid Pixiu said!

"Help you become a god." Bai Jinyu raised his hand and wiped away the tears on her face little by little, "I am very happy to see ninety-nine gods with my own eyes."

"It's just that I can't wear the little skirt you made for me for a while longer, and I'm still a little sad."

"There will be a lot of little skirts, Fat Chirp, calm down." Si Fuqing steadied his voice, but his voice was still trembling when he listened carefully, "It's not necessary, just give me time, you see, I have grown from nothing to Now, I am very good, I can accomplish anything, it is not difficult for me to become a god."

Bai Jinyu tilted her head and said softly, "But Jiujiu, we have no time."

Si Fuqing's body shook violently.

Looking up, she could see that the edges of both worlds were gradually breaking apart.

Some creatures have already let out the painful wails that can only be heard when they die, lingering in their ears.

Two worlds, tens of billions of lives.

Very heavy.

"Jiujiu, as you said, it's worth it for one person to exchange many people." Bai Jinyu said again, "Besides, you gave me life. Without you, I would never have been born."

After the Nine Heavens Goddess was wiped out, her only descendant, Si Fuqing, was left behind.

But the Pixiu family, who had been protecting the Nine Heavens Goddess, died completely.

It was Si Fuqing, who was still in a state of consciousness, who separated his original power to protect the descendants of the mythical beast Pixiu, allowing it to survive successfully.

"What's it worth?" Si Fu's eyes were full of anger, "I won't allow it, did you hear that?!"

She was indeed ready to sacrifice, but she didn't think about letting Xiaobai go.

No matter Xiaobai is a big brave or a little girl, she needs to take care of her.

She never thought that Bai Jinyu would do such a thing.

"Jiujiu, I was the one who looked for you last time." Bai Jinyu hugged her neck, her voice was very soft, "You must find me this time, as long as you call my name, I will definitely come back."

Si Fuqing gritted his teeth: "Bai, Jin, Yu! You'd better be obedient and stop! Otherwise, you won't be able to get another piece of gold in the future."

"Jiujiu, don't be sad." Bai Jinyu turned into a Pixiu again, only the size of a palm, and gently rubbed her neck, "I'm just a little Pixiu, originally born with you."

Its animal pupils are bright, like the most dazzling star in the night sky, and its brilliance cannot be concealed even in the surrounding world.

Si Fuqing was imprisoned in place by his own power.

The power gathered together, and all of them surged into her body, making her unable to move at all, and she could only watch helplessly as the golden light continuously flowed out of Xiaobai's body.

Si Fuqing's brows and eyes turned red, she completely lost control, and said sharply, "Bai Jinyu! How dare you not listen to me?!"

Xiaobai raised his fluffy paw and placed it in her palm: "Just let me be self-willed once, Jiujiu."

Si Fuqing looked in horror between the light and shadow, its figure was fading little by little.

It was originally the size of a palm, but it is difficult to catch it with the naked eye at this moment.


The sky was covered with colorful lights, and everything on the earth that was destroyed was revived at this moment.

Ji Chunyuan raised his head and murmured, "I have become a god..."

There will be an episode of Xiaobai and Xie Yu~

Just to explain the title of the book, everything was taken away-Qingqing was taken away from everything: luck, body, strength, etc., the return of the gods-returned.

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