After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 971 God and Demon Join Forces! 【Two chapters in one】

At this moment, in the Great Xia Empire, the Western Continent, Dongsang, Freedom Continent and other regions, a large piece of light could be seen surging from the sky.

It is crimson, as gorgeous as the morning glow.

The light illuminated the gray sky, like a fire lit in a lantern, brilliant.

Jiutian is the god of the earth, and when her power returns, the earth will naturally have a vision from the sky.

These rays of light dispelled the darkness brought by Yunxu, and the continent broken by the fire of the meteorite was slowly recovering.

Both Yin Beichen and Ling Hanyi were shocked.

The two looked at each other and blurted out: "It's Qingqing!"

They are Si Fuqing's parents, and they have a tacit understanding with her.

Although separated by a world, they can also perceive it.

"Qingqing?" Dean Dongfang asked anxiously, "What's wrong with Qingqing? Is this celestial phenomenon good or bad?"

"No accident, Qingqing should be promoted to the Spirit God Realm." Yin Beichen raised his head and said worriedly, "But Han Yi and I don't know what happened."

"Spiritual God Realm?" Dean Dongfang was taken aback, "Since Qingqing has become a god, can he kill that Yunxu?"

No one has the answer.

On the side, Xie Yu frowned, and drops of blood suddenly fell from the corner of his lips.

Yun Fengzhi saw it, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "A Yu!"

"I'm fine." Xie Yu shook his head slightly.

With indifferent eyebrows, he pushed Yun Fengzhi away and walked to the other side.

With one hand, he wiped away the blood from his lips, and with the other hand, he took out a kit that was placed close to his heart.

Xie Yu quickly opened the kit and took out the contents.

It is golden hair, which reflects brilliant colors in the sun.

This is Pixiu's hair.

Pixiu is full of treasures, even a single hair can protect others.

As the last Pixiu, Xiaobai's profound power is naturally stronger.

Xie Yu remembered very clearly that it happened a few months ago.

Xiaobai reluctantly pulled out the fur on his body with his claws, tied up the fur with a ribbon, and tied a special bow.

"Yuyu." It was teary, but its expression was very serious.

Such a cute contrast made him couldn't help but squeeze its little paws.

"Don't pinch me." Xiaobai hummed twice, becoming more serious, "This is my hair, you hold it well, it can protect you."

"When my strength improves, this will be more effective than the talisman paper made by the Supreme Onmyoji."

At that time, he raised his eyebrows, but still stretched out his hand to touch its somewhat bald tail: "Does it hurt to pull so many?"

The tail was touched, and Xiao Bai suddenly jumped up.

Its ears were burning, and it was furious: "Don't touch my tail! You big villain! I'm going to sue the dog owner for bullying me!"

After all, Pixiu is a mythical beast. After eating a basket of gold, those plucked hairs will soon grow back together.

Seeing that it was fine, Xie Yu always carried this kit with him.

And now, these pixiu hairs are turning into untouchable light and shadow bit by bit.

Until it completely spread out and disappeared in his palm.

Xie Yu quietly looked at the empty palm, and slightly raised his head.

"A Yu!" Xie Yanqiu ran over because he was worried about Xie Yu.

She paused and froze: " cried? What's the matter? What happened? "

Xie Yu blinked, and seemed to be a little confused: "Did I cry?"

He raised his hand and pressed where his heart was.

Sour, swollen, inexplicable.

It was empty, as if something had been gouged out.


The thunder continued, and it was still rolling among the clouds.

Countless golden lights and shadows submerged into Si Fuqing's body, and the aura on her body was still rising rapidly.

It caused the heaven and the earth to tremble, and all things bowed their heads and bowed their heads.

This power made Yun Xu feel scared and threatened.

But with Yu Xiheng standing in front of Si Fuqing, he couldn't break through at all.

"The deep love between master and servant is really touching." Yun Xu sneered, and began to provoke Si Fuqing, "How much I want such a heartfelt beast that always dedicates itself at critical moments. ah."

Nine Heavens Goddess is not as strong as him and Wu Jian, but she has a Pixiu clan under her command, which can gather enough luck for her.

At that time, he specially encouraged Wu Jian, so that the two of them could kill together for nine days.

Because the Goddess of Nine Heavens relies on the Pixiu family to absorb more luck from the universe, and then give it back to the earth, which will make the world level of the earth surpass that of the Eternal Continent.

And because the Eternal Continent and the Earth are originally the same multidimensional world, if the level of the Earth is raised, then in turn, the Eternal Continent will be nailed to the words "lower world" forever.

But Wujian is too honest.

Since Wujian was unwilling, he had no choice but to kill them both.

He will not share the fruits of victory with anyone.

"You junior, don't be fooled." Yun Xu turned back again, squinted his eyes, and said with a smile, "She has withdrawn the power of Pixiu right now, and her luck has been greatly improved. Sucked away by her."

"Why not?" Yu Xiheng raised her eyes and finally spoke, "I will give whatever she wants."

"You!" Yun Xu was irritated instead, "You are stubborn and unreasonable!"

He let out a long roar, and concentrated on dealing with Yu Xiheng.

On the ground, Si Fuqing looked at his hands in a daze.

She stretched out her hand to catch the ball of light and shadow, but she couldn't catch anything at all.

These visions of heaven and earth seemed to be mocking her powerlessness at the moment.

Except for Ye Wanlan, Xiaobai is the person who has been with her for the longest time.

Yes, it is a human, not some guardian animal.

She never regarded Xiao Bai as a pet, but as her best partner and closest family member.

She saw it in the Great Sunset Forest and carried it with her all the time.

When she secretly eats fried chicken, she will also give it a few pieces of gold, and sit together by the lake in the sunset forest and wait for the sunset.

Si Fuqing never thought that one day Xiaobai would leave her.

Two and a half years ago, she woke up in Lincheng of the Great Xia Empire, alone, and Xiao Bai was the first to find her.

The bond between them has already surpassed blood kinship.

Si Fuqing's eyes were a little red, and his eyes were frozen.

She suddenly remembered that it hugged her leg and rubbed it back and forth, acting like a baby: "Jiujiu, I'm hungry, I want to eat gold."

Thinking of it again, it looked up majestically and proudly: "Huh, I'm the big Pixiu!"

I still think of it retorting angrily: "Nonsense, I can't eat it, I'm a little girl!"

She became a designer because she had more inspirations when making skirts for Xiaobai, so she would occasionally go out to work to earn rations for him.

"I made a lot of little skirts for you, each one is beautiful and unique in the world." Si Fuqing said in a trembling voice, "I also prepared a wardrobe for you, made of gold, you must like it."

"Open your eyes and look at me, Feijiu? Bai, Jin, Yu!"

No one answered.

When the light and shadow completely dissipated, a figure seemed to emerge in front of Si Fuqing's eyes.

The girl waved at her, smiled sweetly, and bid her farewell.

Si Fuqing's body swayed.

Yu Huixue regained some strength and quickly supported her: "Xiao Qing..."

"I'm fine." Si Fuqing smiled and shook his head, stood up, "What can I do, I..."

As soon as the words came out, there was only choking.

She raised her hand to wipe away her tears, but wiped more and more.

"What a useless sacrifice." Yun Xu joked, "But don't worry, you're all going to die!"

"This seat has decided that no one will be left alive. After the two worlds merge, this seat will create the world and create people."

"These new lives will not hate this seat, but will only worship and be grateful to this seat. All the power of faith will belong to this seat, hahahaha!"


Yun Xu's smile stopped abruptly, and his body suddenly flew upside down, like a meteorite, hitting the ground heavily.


The ground then collapsed.

Yun Xu's head buzzed for a moment, but before he could react, there was another "bang".

Exploding like a burst.

One foot stepped on Yunxu's ribs, and stepped hard.



The pupils of Fusang, the Lord of Ghost Valley and others shrank, and they watched the scene in front of them in shock.

Si Fuqing was just using a violent style of play to deal outrageously, without any complicated moves.

Punch after punch.

One foot after another.

"Bang bang bang!"

"You..." Yun Xu just uttered a word, but was interrupted by another punch.

Within ten seconds, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he kept vomiting blood.

"You're looking for death!" Yun Xu finally came to his senses, he roared angrily, and directly used divine magic to make his soul go out of his body and recondense into another body.

After recovering from his injuries, Yun Xu was more fearful than ever.

If he failed to return to defense in time just now, he would not be surprised that he would be beaten to death by Si Fuqing!

"Ninth Brother." Si Fuqing raised his eyes, his pupils were filled with madness, "Kill him!"

Yu Xiheng just responded to her words: "Okay."


"Clang clang!"

The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword are majestic and murderous.

Under the full attack of Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng, Yun Xu retreated in embarrassment.

He also suffered more and more injuries.

Even though he condensed several bodies again, he couldn't resist this fierce attack at all.


The Longque Sword pierced through Yun Xu's chest.


Yun Xu opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

It was also because he avoided the key part of the heart in time that he did not die under this sword.

how so? !

Yun Xu was terrified.

He spurted out a big mouthful of blood again, and quickly stepped back: "You..."

The power that Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng erupted at this moment is stronger than that of Wujian and Jiutian.

But half of Wujian and Jiutian's power is on him!

He is going to lose?

No... Absolutely not!

"Two ignorant juniors!" Yun Xu was extremely angry, "If you don't let the two divided worlds merge into one, you will never even think about going to the upper world!"

He clearly called for the arrival of the holy day for the sake of the world, but Wu Jian and Jiu Tian were short-sighted!

Even if the two old worlds are merged into a new world, they, as the spiritual realm, will not collapse with the collapse of the world.

But Wujian and Jiutian both refused.

No matter how many mortals there are, how can they compare with gods?

As long as the world is reintegrated, he will be the only god.

"Even if I die, I will let the two worlds merge!" Yun Xu laughed hysterically, "Since you cherish these mortals so much, then I will let you watch how they die!"


Suddenly, a powerful force erupted from him, and he rushed straight to the edge of the world.


A huge roar sounded, and under the urging of this force, the fusion speed of the two worlds suddenly accelerated.

"Ninth brother, you go." Si Fuqing shook his fingers, his brows and eyes were cold, "Leave it to me."

The two have a good understanding, and Yu Xiheng can naturally feel that the majestic power in her body is still rising.

Without saying a word, he withdrew backwards, darting away, and came to the place where the edges of the two worlds meet.

Where they meet, the edge of the world has already shattered.

A very tragic scene.

Until Yu Xiheng appeared.

[Someone! There are people! 】

[Who can see clearly? Who is it? Could it be that the immortal cultivator from my Great Xia has come out? ! 】

[Then don't we need to leave? Is it possible to go back? 】

Everyone was sitting on the aircraft, which had already flown out of the planet at this moment.

They could see the two worlds merging, and they could see the shattered fragments of the planet.

The aircraft that had been escorted were affected by these planetary debris, and soon crashed without a trace.

Fear, and nothing but fear.

In front of the vast universe, human beings are as small as mayflies, without any power at all.

And now, there is actually one person standing in the middle of these two worlds.

His figure is slender and tall, although he is still very small in the face of the two worlds, but he has the aura that one person can reach thousands of troops.

It was as if a towering mountain stood in front of him, insurmountable.

Everyone's nerves began to heat up, and their breathing became short of breath.

"It's Your Majesty!" Xiao Wenjian opened his eyes wide and lost his voice, "It's Your Majesty!"

Si Fuqing, Yu Xiheng and the million vanguards did buy them enough time to escort more residents away.

The three families and the four alliances are responsible for staying behind.

When you get close, you can naturally see the whole picture of the man.

With one person and one sword, Yu Xiheng stopped the two worlds that were merging with absolute power.

"Successful!" Xiao Wenjian said loudly, "Your Majesty blocked it, it was His Majesty!"

He knew that there was nothing that Emperor Yin could not accomplish.

"Little devil!" Seeing this scene, Yun Xu sneered, "Do you think you can really stop it? This is the power of the world!"

"Okay, you block it, after a while, you will be torn apart by the power of the world, you—poof!"

Yun Xu's head was slapped away by Si Fuqing, and a mouthful of blood flew out with broken teeth.

He knelt on the ground, and suddenly found that his body could not move, being imprisoned by some terrifying force.

"Yunxu." Si Fuqing pulled the dragon bird's feather from his hair, his words were cold, "Killing you, I alone will be enough."

There will be no more sacrifices.

I protect you, and you protect the common people in the world.

good morning~~

The episodes are all sweet~

There are still two chapters left, the ending is over, and I will ask Qingqing for a monthly ticket~ Thank you for your support.

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