After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 972 Yunxu's Death, Creation! 【Two chapters in one】


The thunder that had hovered in the depths of the clouds for a long time finally fell.

One after another, they all hit Yun Xu's body.

Yun Xu had just repaired his body when he was thrown into the ground by these thunderbolts.

These thunderstorms contained the power of countless laws, constantly eroding Yun Xu's body.

He roared furiously, got rid of the entanglement of thunder and lightning at the fastest speed, and flew back tens of meters.

However, in the next second, with a "bang", he slammed into a transparent barrier.

The back road was blocked.

Yun Xu raised his head suddenly, looked at the girl in disbelief, his pupils constricted violently: "You..."

"The rules of divine magic?" Si Futing walked in slowly, smiling coldly, "You might as well guess, if you and I both have the rules of divine magic, is your magical rule still useful?"

After Xiaobai chose to give her the power, she finally had a complete inheritance memory.

The evolutionary ability of an evolutionary comes from the power of a series of laws.

As the supreme law of God and magic, it is natural to use the power of other laws.

Her ability to copy is not copying, but awakening.

These abilities were originally possessed by her.

Yu Xiheng is not a pure space evolutionist, what he possesses is the power of continuous inheritance.

After the power is unsealed, he can easily travel between the two worlds.

The reason why Yunxu discovered the existence of the new world of the earth is also because Yunxu went to the new world under the leadership of Wujian.

Only Wujian has the ability to cross and shuttle multiple worlds.

Yun Xu has coveted Wujian's ability for a long time, but he couldn't get it despite his hard work.

Si Fuqing's fingers came out like lightning, and directly pressed Yun Xu's head.

Still in an extremely violent way, she lifted Yun Xu up and knocked him to the ground.




One sound after another, the methods were extremely ruthless.

Yun Xu is at the pinnacle of the Spiritual God Realm, and his body training has naturally reached the pinnacle. He has long been invulnerable to weapons and poisons.

But under Si Fuqing's outrageous violence, he was already bleeding from head to toe.

Severe pain penetrated the whole body along the Tianling Cap, and Yun Xu screamed: "Stop! Stop!"

Hearing this, Si Fuqing did let go.

But before Yun Xu could catch his breath, his chest felt cold.

"Chi la!"

The dragon bird feather pierced his chest, and the blood gurgled down, which was shocking.

"Pfft!" Yun Xu spat out a big mouthful of blood, his face turned pale as paper in an instant.

He wanted to get out of his body and continue to use divine magic to forge a new body, but he was horrified to find that he was actually imprisoned.

The rules of magic!

Also at the peak of the Spiritual God Realm, when Jiu Tian still had half of his power swallowed by him, he was actually suppressed by the new god Si Fuqing!

How can this be? !

"Si Fuqing!" Yun Xu finally panicked and shouted, "Stop! I'll make a deal with you!"

At this moment, he no longer had the contempt, contempt, and arrogance towards ants that he had before, and he looked embarrassed and panicked.

Si Fuqing didn't stop.

She pulled out the dragon sparrow feather, which was stained with Yun Xu's blood, and the blood was golden.

The next second, she backhanded Long Que Ling into Yun Xu's abdomen.

"Pfft!" Yun Xu opened his mouth, and countless blood gushed out.

He fell to the ground, and this time he didn't even have the strength to kneel down.

The power that belongs to God is dissipating.

At the same time, the breaths of Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng became stronger.

The power of the Infernal Demon and Nine Heavens Goddess that was plundered by Yunxu was returned at this moment!

Yun Xu clutched his chest, his face was as pale as paper, and his clothes were soaked in cold sweat: "No... no no!"

After finally gaining strength, he actually left him again!


The lute bone was also penetrated by the dragon bird feather.

Si Fuqing's expression was calm and unhurried, as if she was just embroidering a piece of clothing.

"Don't kill me!" Yun Xu said hastily, "If you don't kill me, I'll tell you how to go to the upper world! The variety of the upper world is beyond your imagination!"

The reason why he wanted the holy day to come was because he had successfully communicated to the upper world during the years he was sealed.

Facing the huge temptation from the upper world, Yun Xu naturally couldn't resist.

Although he is the God of the Eternal Continent, he is only a self-appointed god after all, not a true God.

If he can merge the two worlds and create the world, then he will become the only god and have an audience with the upper world.

Si Fuqing turned a deaf ear to it, and made two more "clicks", this time directly crippling Yunxu's legs.

Yun Xu let out a terrific scream.

Pain and fear strangled his heart like a cold snake, and he could feel the passing of life.

"Si Fuqing! Do you want to be aggressive and kill everything?!" Yun Xu roared as if breaking down, "Are you really willing to hide here? When the catastrophe comes, all the middle worlds will collapse. What are you doing now? What's the use?!"

"At that time, everyone will die, you frogs in the well without vision! Kill me, will you feel better?!"

"How could I kill you?" Si Fuqing finally spoke, her voice was very soft, "I will not let you die so easily, you should try what is called torture for a hundred generations, and you will never be reborn forever."

Yun Xu's eyes suddenly widened.

In an instant, he understood the meaning of Si Fuqing's words.

Si Fuqing actually wanted to throw him into the shackles of time and space!

Yun Xu's eyes glared, his canthus were about to split open, and he yelled frantically: "No—!"

As soon as his voice came out, Si Fuqing mercilessly threw him into the space-time vortex.

Yun Xu struggled desperately, but couldn't get rid of the strong sense of weightlessness.

he does not want! don't want!

"Don't worry." Si Fu looked at him condescendingly, and smiled slightly, "I went in together, this time I will go in with you to have fun."

Only this time, she is Daozu and Yunxu is fish.

Yun Xu's eyes were scarlet, he stretched out his hand, trying to use his own strength to escape the space-time vortex that kept pulling him.


Si Fuqing directly raised his foot and kicked him in.

Then she herself jumped into the space-time vortex.


The vortex closed, and the wind was silent.

"Good boy!" The Lord of Ghost Valley, who was finally able to move, ran forward, anxiously, "My good boy, why did you go in by yourself!"

"Guigu, if you care about it, you will be confused. Don't worry." Fusang pressed his shoulders and shook his head slightly, "She knows best what Qingqing's strength is now, and she won't take it too seriously."

"Yes yes yes!" The Lord of Ghost Valley slapped his forehead and gave a wry smile, "You are right, my heart is still on the verge of exploding."

"Fusang, Guigu." Changying turned his head, his voice lowered, "We are going to help Xiaoyu now, Yunxu is nothing to be afraid of, the most urgent thing is to stop the fusion of the two worlds!"

When things got to this point, how could he fail to see that after Yunxu initiated the fusion of the two worlds, even Yunxu himself might not be able to stop it.

"I understand." Fusang lifted the spear, with sharp eyes, "Let's go!"

The monk clasped his hands together and looked at the edge of the broken world with some concern: "Master, can we succeed? The upper world that Yunxu said..."

"It's not that easy for the upper world to intervene, otherwise it would have been done by itself." Ji Chunyuan smiled slightly, "It will be successful, there are many of us."

This is never a one-man battle, everyone is working hard.


At this time, in the shackles of time control——

Time is confused and space is reversed.

The shackles of time and space are one, and only a few seconds have passed in the real world.

Hundreds of reincarnations, hundreds of tortures.

In each life, Yunxu died in extreme pain.

But in reincarnation, he has no memory, and he can recall everything only before dying.

He couldn't stop the reincarnation, he could only watch helplessly as Si Fuqing killed him in the reincarnation after life after life.

He even dies differently in each life.

In one life, he was swallowed by the endless sea, and the seawater submerged into his ears, nose, and throat, so that he had no chance to break free, and was drowned for life.

In one life, he fell into the swamp of death and experienced what it means to feel like a second is like a year, and finally suffocated to death.

In another life, his body was torn apart and reduced to ashes bit by bit.

Yun Xu didn't know how many reincarnations he had gone through. His spirit had completely collapsed and he just wanted to end his life.

But Si Fuqing didn't stop, and still carried out every reincarnation.


After an unknown amount of time, Yun Xu finally landed on the ground.

He struggled to open his eyes, his voice was hoarse, and it was difficult to speak: "Si killed me! Killed me!"

"Boom!" Si Fuqing stepped on his ribs, "How is it, how does death taste?"

She made Yun Xu feel the pain of Ye Wanlan, Lu Qingning, Nian Yi'an and everyone else.

But this is not enough.

"Master!" The monk was startled, "His soul..."

"So that's it!" Ji Chunyuan's eyes moved slightly, "He has been sealed for thousands of years, and his soul power is extremely huge, and the Wuyi Army Master relied on the reincarnation of hundreds of generations to wear down his soul power little by little."

Now, Yun Xu's soul is so weak that even a spiritual cultivator in the spiritual realm can't compare.

Yun Xu also knew this.

With a pale face, he panted heavily: "Hehe... I actually lost! I actually lost to you, a yellow-haired girl!"

The Nine Heavens Goddess led the Pixiu clan, and Wu Jian and so many envoys were no match for him.

But Si Fuqing shattered all his dreams by himself!

Feeling the soul spread out bit by bit, Yun Xu rolled over in pain: "No! I don't want it! Don't—"


The sound stopped abruptly.

The breeze blew, and the sky and the earth shook.

Yun Xu died completely, and even his soul power was completely dissipated.

All the luck, power and other things that were swallowed by him are also returning at an extremely fast speed.

In the sky of the Eternal Continent, the darkness receded slowly, the sun rose, and the white clouds rolled.

Dawn came again, repelling the eternal darkness.

Si Fuqing raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

Various voices kept circling in her ears, and she heard many people smiling at her and waving at her.

It's Night Turning the Lanterns——

"Xiao Qing, you did it, this time it is really unparalleled in the world."

It's Deer Lime——

"Wow, Xiao Qing is really amazing! If only I could learn to cook sometime."

It's a good year——

"Sister Qingqing, come on!"

It's Bai Jinyu——

"Jiujiu is the best!"

Thousands of vanguards are cheering.

But when she suddenly looked back, she found that many people were gone.


still have a chance.

Si Fuqing closed his eyes, feeling the full strength in his body.

She has a chance to bring Nian Yi'an and the others back.

The game cabin of "Eternity" retains their bodies, Yun Xu is dead, and their consciousness can return.

But what about Ye Wanlan, Lu Qingning and Bai Jinyu?

Si Fuqing clenched his fingers tightly, and suddenly heard another loud roar from the sky.


The monk was shocked: "No, the fusion of the world is still going on! Can't stop!"

Si Fuqing raised his head abruptly, moved his body, and in the next second he came to the edge of the two worlds.

Yin Beichen, Ling Hanyi, Yun Ying and others were all there.


"Little Junior Sister!"

Seeing that she was safe and sound, everyone felt relieved.

"Ninth Brother!" Si Fu tilted his eyebrows, "How?"

"The trajectories of the two worlds have already converged." Yu Xiheng's eyes sank slightly, "In half an hour, they will completely merge."

Si Fuqing's eyes also darkened: "Is there any way?"

She thought quickly for a second: "Father, mother, master, brothers and sisters, you all go down and escort the others away."

Once the world collapses, the Holy Spirit Realm will also be seriously injured.

She doesn't want to see more sacrifices.

"Qingqing, you..." Yin Beichen shook hands, and he turned his head abruptly, "Okay, let's go down, Hanyi!"

Ling Hanyi took a deep breath: "Qingqing."

"It's okay, Mom." Si Fu smiled, "I've always been lucky, and this time it will be fine."

Without waiting for the others to refuse, she waved her hand and sent them back to Free State.

At this moment, Dean Dongfang and Dugu Changfeng are escorting the last group of people to evacuate.

Outside the planet, countless aircraft circled in a circle.

At this moment, everyone can see two figures in front of the huge world.

They couldn't see who it was, but all were in awe.

【warn! warn! It is detected that a huge energy explosion is about to erupt, everyone please leave the solar system quickly! 】

【warn! warn! It is detected that a huge energy explosion is about to erupt, everyone please leave the solar system quickly! 】

The system sounded an alarm.

"Let's all go!" Dean Dongfang yelled, "You can't waste Qingqing and Xiheng's hard work, go!"


The aircraft started, and one by one they departed.

Dean Dongfang was unwilling to leave, but he had to.

He stared at those two figures, tears streaming down his face: "My child..."

Suddenly, Dean Dongfang's eyes widened, and he lost his voice: "That, that is—"

I saw that the light between the two worlds was flourishing and dazzling.

This is--

Creation, world!

good morning~

It should be the end of the main text the day after tomorrow~

Ask for another wave of monthly tickets~!

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