After seeing the attributes of this equipment, Cheng Ji knew that the value of this pocket watch was far higher than that complete set of levelless legendary equipment.

Even the value of this pocket watch has far exceeded the value of many epic equipment.

With this equipment, the player is equivalent to one more life.

Presumably, this kind of anti-heavenly attribute must be valuable to those top players.

Li Jianye could naturally see Cheng Ji's surprise, and when Cheng Ji just wanted to speak, Li Jianye said.

"Xiao Ji, take it~

" "I said, you call me an uncle not to suffer."

"Just as a gift from your uncle, you're welcome, if you don't accept it, then uncle will really be angry."

When it came to this, Cheng Ji knew that if he shirked again, it would really be that he didn't understand things.

After putting away all the equipment, Li Jianye showed a cheerful expression, but quickly turned his head and stared at Cheng Ji and said.

"Xiao Ji, I heard that you have completed the task of the career branch, right?"

"It seems to be a professional branch of the combat department, right?"

Don't look at the happy expression on Li Jianye's face now, but Cheng Ji always feels that this expression is a little strange.

It's just that Ji can't say what is strange, so he can only ask in confusion.

"Uncle Li, yes, I have completed the career branch mission and obtained the branch skill [Acquisition]."

Sure enough, after Cheng Ji said these words, Li Jianye's expression was slightly stunned, but it quickly returned to normal.

"It's okay Xiao Ji, with your current professional talent, even if you choose a career branch with your eyes closed, the ceiling in the future will be very high."

However, Li Jianye still secretly sighed in his heart.

If Cheng Ji did not awaken the combat class branch, but the life class branch instead, then with Cheng Ji's talent, it would be impossible to plant something more outrageous than the fruit in the future.

If Cheng Ji chooses the combat department, then the Dragon Kingdom will only gain a top combat power.

But if it is a life profession, then the Dragon Kingdom can harvest a bunch of top combat power.

However, Li Jianye is still patient, after all, Cheng Ji's basic skills are the result.

This means that no matter how crooked Cheng Ji's future skills are, the basic skills will not change.

And in the case of subsequent branch transformation awakening, the basic skills will also receive a large bonus.

At that time, Cheng Ji's result skill may not be able to bear the highest level of fruit.

Thinking of this, Li Jianye did not delve into Cheng Ji's career branch, but just said.

"Xiao Ji, at present, you upgrade or continue to use the method of smashing experience fragments."

"What we need to do now is to let you quickly increase the level until all the experience fragments of the Dragon Kingdom are consumed, and then choose to let you swipe the dungeons to upgrade."

Li Jianguo knows how difficult this is, and every time a player upgrades, the experience required increases in geometric multiples.

After reaching level 30, the upgrade method of the experience fragment is basically of little use.

It's not that the experience fragments are failing, but the experience fragments need too much, and it takes much slower to upgrade than the monster upgrade.

Someone has calculated that even if all the experience fragments of the Dragon Kingdom are added together, it is only enough for one player to go from level one to level fifty.

Therefore, in the end, Cheng Ji still has to leave the greenhouse and go outside.

"But Xiao Ji, don't be so reckless next time."

Li Jianye said.

"Career branches and transformational awakenings affect your future."

"So I hope that you can discuss this kind of thing with me in the future, and after discussion, we will determine the choice of transformation."

"Although the Dragon Kingdom has never touched your profession, Xiao Ji you have to believe in the Dragon Kingdom."

"After all, behind you is the whole country."

After a brief exchange with Li Jianye, things seemed to have finally come to an end, and everything seemed to be on track.

Cheng Ji temporarily settled in the government compound in Jiangning City.

According to Li Jianye's plan, Cheng Ji also began to use [scattered experience fragments] to upgrade.

As expected at the beginning, due to Cheng Ji's level increase, Cheng Ji now needs a lot more experience than before.

This also caused Cheng Ji to need to use more [scattered experience fragments] to increase his level, and the time to upgrade was naturally much more than before.

In a flash, three days passed.

After knocking on the [scattered experience fragments] for three whole days, Cheng Ji finally smashed the experience strip, and the level came to a turning threshold, level ten.

[Player level has reached the threshold, transformation mission has been activated

] Three transformation skills based on [Absorbing] skills appeared in front of Cheng Ji.

[Secret Control Puppet] [Greedy Devouring

] [Toxin Release

] Secret Control Puppet

is controlled by the root system of the [Absorbed] skill.

The root system's own 'paralyzing', 'slowing' and 'poisoning' effects can better paralyze the enemy and achieve the effect of control.

After learning this skill, the [Result] skill can produce controllable puppets, and the [Zefu] skill can temporarily bind enemies within the aura.

Greedy devouring is done by strengthening the [Extraction] skill, so that the root system's extraction effect is transformed into Devouring.

In addition to being able to directly devour energy, it can also convert energy for its own use.

After learning this skill, the crystal source required by the [Result] skill can be replaced with energy, and the [Zefu] skill can devour a small amount of energy within the aura.

However, this attribute seems to be somewhat redundant to Cheng Ji, after all, under the care of the state, Cheng Ji is temporarily not short of crystal sources.

As for toxin release, it is a large-scale range damage skill.

Through the root vein of [Absorbing] skills, as long as Cheng Ji is given some time to spread the root system to an entire city, Cheng Ji can instantly poison the entire city.

After learning this skill, the [Result] skill can give the fruit additional attributes, and the [Zefu] skill can impose abnormal status on enemies within the aura.

The results of all three transformational skills are outstanding.

In addition to the [Greedy Devouring] saving crystal source effect is dispensable for Cheng Ji, the other Cheng Ji can't fault it.

Thinking of this, Cheng Ji planned to ask Li Jianye and consult the other party's suggestions.

Cheng Ji left the room and walked towards Li Jianye's office.

At this moment, when Cheng Ji passed the conference room, he heard Lin Guosheng's angry voice inside.

"Bastard! How long do you plan to put Lao Chen under house arrest!"

After hearing the voice coming from the conference room, Cheng Ji was stunned, Uncle Chen was under house arrest?

This made Cheng Ji feel a little incredible, you know, with Chen Jianguo's identity, it is estimated that only the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom can put him under house arrest.

'Is it because of the arms depot thing?' "

No, if it's just because of that incident, it won't put Uncle Chen under house arrest. Thinking

of this, Cheng Ji suddenly understood something.

What else can make the Dragon Kingdom pay so much attention to, besides his current self?

In other words, the reason why Chen Jianguo was under house arrest was because of himself.

'Could it be that Uncle Chen was placed under house arrest because of my career branch?

Just then, a voice came from the room again.

"Lao Chen's affairs were decided from above, and I can't be the master."

Li Jianye said calmly.

"And Lao Chen is not under house arrest, but just suspended from work and on leave."

"You know that the Dragon Kingdom is under unprecedented threat at the moment."

"At this important juncture, Lao Chen did this kind of thing, I don't think there is anything wrong above."

After hearing Li Jianye's words, Lin Guosheng suddenly said angrily.

"Old Chen, what's wrong with him?!"

"Just because he's a principal, a teacher?"

"Just because he fulfilled his duty and gave his students a better future, you put him under house arrest?!"

In the face of Lin Guosheng's accusations, Li Jianye was not angry at all, but said calmly.

"I admit that as a principal and a teacher, there is nothing wrong with Lao Chen doing this."

"But don't forget, Lao Chen is from the Dragon Kingdom."

"And his identity is not just a teacher, not just a principal."

"He used the identity given to him by the Dragon Kingdom, but he did things that were detrimental to the interests of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Do you think the punishment imposed on him is severe?"

This time, Lin Guosheng was silent.

Li Jianye, on the other hand, continued.

"At present, the Dragon Kingdom is at a very critical juncture."

"As far as Jiangning City has manifested the vision of heaven and earth, it has risen to an international level."

"In order to combat the rise of the Dragon Nation and continue to maintain the hegemony of Eagle Sauce, a country launched a United Nations conference overnight."

"The content of this meeting has long been known to everyone in Sima Zhao's heart."

"Presumably, the country of Eagle Sauce will inevitably make a fuss about the vision of heaven and earth in Jiangning City to combat the rise of Xiao Ji."

"At that time, it's not just the Dragon Kingdom."

"I'm afraid the whole world will be involved in this dispute."

The hegemony of the Eagle Sauce country has been maintained on the water blue star for hundreds of years, even after the world is assimilated by the game, the Eagle Sauce country is the first to rise.

Nowadays, the Eagle Sauce country already has intercontinental missiles, which can directly threaten the Dragon Country, and there are rumors that the Eagle Sauce country is about to have nuclear weapons.

If it has nuclear weapons and nuclear strike capabilities, then Eagle Sauce will inevitably suppress and even launch a war against the major countries on Aqua Blue Star in order to maintain Eagle Sauce's hegemony.

And the current Dragon Country does not even have the ability to attack the territory of a country of Eagle Sauce, and naturally it is an imminent need to become stronger.

Just like Li Jianye thought, at the UN General Assembly, Ying Sauce Guo unexpectedly made a fuss about Cheng Ji's professional awakening at the UN General Assembly.

As the strongest country in Aqua Blue Star at present, the Eagle Sauce country does not lack the means to fight the Dragon Country, and what they lack is an excuse.

I saw a representative of a country of eagle sauce holding a test tube containing what looked like some kind of white powder of 'washing powder', and talking at the speaking table.

"Regarding the vision of Jiangning City in the Dragon Country, we in the Eagle Sauce Country seriously suspect that the Dragon Kingdom is researching weapons of mass destruction!"

"Moreover, we already have evidence in the Eagle Sauce Country!"

"As you can see, this tube wash... Ahem, this tube of radioactive powder was found by our Eagle Sauce Country in Jiangning City, Longguo.

"It's extremely radioactive, and it can put the lives of players above level 30 and 3 revolutions at risk."

"If this weapon is produced, you can imagine how much threat the Dragon Kingdom will bring to Aqua Blue Star!"

"This is undemocratic, inhumane and full of evil!"

"In the meantime, we in the Eagle Sauce Country strongly condemn it, and hope that the Dragon Country will stop its research and give an explanation to the world!"

"I also hope that the Dragon Kingdom will hand over all scientific research records and destroy them by our Eagle Sauce Country!"

"At the same time, the Dragon Kingdom also needs to pay two billion in destruction costs to our Eagle Sauce Country!"

"Otherwise, we in the Eagle Sauce Country may use methods including but not limited to 'humane condemnation', 'protest' and 'war' to maintain the peace of Aqua Blue Star and safeguard Aqua Star's 'democracy' and 'freedom'!"

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