It is clear to everyone that the representatives of the Eagle Sauce Country are.

If that washing powder-like thing was really radioactive, how could the representative of the Eagle Sauce Country stand there unharmed?

Ironically, except for the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom, the representatives of other countries basically remained silent.

Representatives of some countries even showed their eagerness.

This is no longer like the Aqua Blue Star General Assembly, but more like a robber meeting initiated by the Eagle Sauce Country to divide the interests of the Dragon Country.

People are still those people, countries are still those countries.

The difference is that the current Dragon Country is no longer the Dragon Country that was poor and weak and could be slaughtered at will.

This meeting is just a Hongmen banquet initiated by the Eagle Sauce Country.

In the eyes of the Eagle Sauce Country, the so-called Aqua Blue Star United Nations Conference is just a tool used by the Eagle Sauce Country to plunder other countries.

Everyone understands that from beginning to end, it was never the Aqua Blue Star United Nations that gave the Aqua Blue Star the right to the five permanent members, but the Aqua Blue Star five permanent members gave the Water Blue Star the right to the United Nations.

Unlike a hundred years ago, in the current five permanent waters of Aqua Blue Star, only one country is the largest country, and only the current Eagle Sauce Country really has the strength to single out all the countries of Aqua Blue Star.

But even so, the Dragon Kingdom would never let the Eagle Sauce Country bully like this, let alone hand over Cheng Ji because of a few words from the Eagle Sauce Country.

"That thing back then can't happen again."

At the rest table of the Dragon Kingdom, several people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs instructed the representative of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Just go and do it boldly~

" "There's something that the Dragon Congress is going on."

"They're going to fight."

"The Dragon Kingdom is no longer the Dragon Country that they could slaughter at will."

"Remember, behind you is the entire Dragon Kingdom, so go boldly!"

At this moment, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom looked very nervous.

Since he was qualified to speak on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom, he had naturally experienced countless scenes like this.

But this time is clearly different.

This time, he needs to say no to the hegemony of the Eagle Sauce Country on behalf of the Dragon Country, and even accept the declaration of war of the Eagle Sauce Country on behalf of the Dragon Country.

With a worried heart, the Aqua Blue Star General Assembly soon had the turn of the representative of the Dragon Kingdom to speak.

"Hello Aqua Blue Star United Nations representatives."

"I am the representative of the Dragon Kingdom's Aqua Blue Star General Assembly this time."

"What I want to say about the point made by Eagle Sauce Country is..."

Our Dragon Kingdom does have weapons of mass destruction!

As soon as the words of the representative of the Dragon Kingdom came out, the audience suddenly fell silent.

And the Eagle Sauce Country side is confused.

When did the Dragon Kingdom have weapons of mass destruction?

How did Eagle Sauce Country not know that there was such a thing?

The words of the representative of the Dragon Kingdom are indeed a little confusing.

Discerning people can see that the vision of heaven and earth in Jiangning City is obviously a player's activated class, and it cannot be linked to weapons of mass destruction at all.

Why did the Dragon Kingdom suddenly admit this incident?

In this regard, the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom naturally had their own plans.

The Dragon Kingdom has always known one thing, that is, when the Eagle Sauce Country says that a country has 'weapons of mass destruction', then it is better that the country really has it.

Therefore, in this situation where there is obviously going to be a conflict, the Dragon Kingdom also takes advantage of the slope to go down, generously admits that he has it, and lets the other party throw a mouse.

What's more, the Dragon Kingdom really has weapons of mass destruction!

However, the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom is unlikely to be stupid enough for others to throw any black pot over.

Regarding the 'weapons of mass destruction' mentioned by the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom, the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom has its own words.

I saw the representative of the Dragon Kingdom speak unhurriedly.

"Yes, our Dragon Country does have weapons of mass destruction, but the weapons of mass destruction of our Dragon Country are not the same as the weapons of mass destruction in the mouth of the representative of the Eagle Sauce Country."

"First of all, I need to emphasize that the vision of heaven and earth that occurred in Jiangning City of the Dragon Country has nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction, let alone the representative of the Eagle Sauce Country, which is developing weapons of mass destruction."

"Secondly, we, the Dragon Country, the Great Power of Yangyang, and one of the five permanent members of Aqua Blue Star, may I ask, is it strange that the Dragon Country, as one of the permanent members, has weapons of mass destruction?"

"If the Dragon Kingdom doesn't have weapons of mass destruction, that's strange, right?"

The speech of the representative of the Dragon Kingdom immediately aroused a heated discussion at the Aqua Blue Star United Nations Conference.

Yes, the Dragon Country is also one of the five permanent members of Aqua Blue Star, when does the Dragon Country need your Eagle Sauce Country to dictate when developing a weapon?

At this moment, the representative of the Eagle Sauce Country obviously looked a little bad.

In the opinion of the representative team of the Eagle Sauce Country, the current Dragon Country does not even have ICBMs, how dare to make such a statement?

Do you really think that the current aquamarine star is still the pattern of a hundred years ago?

It can be said that the current Aqua Blue Star can only be called a big country.

After all, there are medium- and long-range ICBMs, and only the country of eagle sauce.

This is the strength of Eagle Sauce Country.

Even if there is a war, other countries will not be able to hit the homeland of the Eagle Sauce Country.

What's more, after a hundred years, the country of Eagle Sauce will soon have nuclear weapons again.

At that time, the pattern of Aqua Blue Star must be changed, and the Eagle Sauce Country will never allow other countries to be on an equal footing with the Eagle Sauce Country.

Nor will other countries be allowed to possess truly 'weapons of mass destruction'.

At this moment, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom continued his speech.

But the representative team of Eagle Sauce Country directly got up and left first with their own team.

This is extremely impolite behavior, and it also means that the Eagle Sauce Country does not intend to talk nonsense with the Dragon Country, let alone reason with the Dragon Country.

Under the leadership of the Eagle Sauce Country, the representatives sent by several younger brother countries along with him also got up and left the conference room with them.

Suddenly, the entire Aqua Blue Star United Nations Conference Room was nearly one-third less occupied, and it seemed a little empty.

Fortunately, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom was not affected by this, and still continued to speak.

"As I said, the weapons of the Dragon Kingdom have always been self-defensive."

"For hundreds of years, our Dragon Kingdom has never launched any war abroad, even if it is armed with weapons of mass destruction, it is only used to defend the homeland and defend itself."

"On the contrary, some countries regard themselves as police officers in the Aqua Blue Star World, and do they do things that match their identities?"

The representative of the Dragon Kingdom was quite restrained and did not directly scold it.


"Regarding the matter of Jiangning City in the Dragon Country, whether the Eagle Sauce side has crossed the border, and whether it is suspected of spying to illegally invade our territory, the Dragon Kingdom has reservations."

After saying this, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom ended his speech and did not continue.

Discerning people can see that at this moment, the Dragon Kingdom has planned to fight with the Eagle Sauce Country, and it is only a matter of time before a military conflict between the two countries occurs.

The events at the Aqua Blue Star General Assembly soon spread back to the territory of the Dragon Kingdom.

Under such international pressure, the Dragon Kingdom quickly changed from a four-level state of readiness to a three-level state of readiness.

At the same time, a high-ranking member of the Dragon Kingdom found Shen Chen, who was still in retreat.

"The country needs you now."

Liu Jianqing took out a fruit and handed it to Shen Chen and said.

"This fruit is an epic fruit."

"It's called [Scattered Grades]."

"The effect is that when the player eats it, they can increase by one level."

"In this way, you can level up to level sixty and become the first player of Aqua Blue Star to turn six."

Who knows, after hearing Liu Jianqing's words, Shen Chen just said calmly.

"It's too late."

Too late?

Liu Jianqing was a little puzzled.

"What do you mean it's too late?"

Hearing this, Shen Chen just stood up, and then looked in one direction.

And that direction is exactly the direction of the country of eagle sauce.

"She's already level sixty..."

said Shen Chen indifferently.

"Get ready, I'm heading to the South China Sea."

"I can tell the world that I'm out of customs."

"Hopefully... I hope I can buy some more time for the Dragon Kingdom..." Listening

to Shen Chen say this, Liu Jianqing suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

"Shen Chen, what are you talking about?"

"What's too late?"

"What's buying more time?"

"As long as you eat this fruit, you can directly reach level sixty, what's too late?"

Shen Chen shook his head and then said.

"When I completed the five-turn awakening mission, it took me three full months."

"If it is six turns, the difficulty of the task cannot be lower than five turns."

"At present, there are no players in the Dragon Kingdom with more than five turns who can help me complete the six-turn mission together."

"The only few five-turn players, like me, have suffered an extremely serious abnormal state in the Poisonous Dragon Quest."

"In other words, even if I am level sixty, it will take more than three months to awaken in six turns."

"Besides, my body can't support me anymore."

"What's even more terrifying is that I can sense that the guy on the other side of the Pacific Ocean has long been level 60, but the Dragon Kingdom has never known about it."

"And I have a hunch that she will complete the six-turn mission in the near future, becoming the first six-turn profession of Aqua Blue Star."

"Do you think that if there is a conflict with the Eagle Sauce Country, the Dragon Kingdom can last three months in the hands of the six-turn player?"

"Or can the Dragon Kingdom sustain three months under the attack of nuclear weapons?"

When Shen Chen finished saying all this, Liu Jianqing felt that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

No wonder Eagle Sauce Country is so confident, it turns out that Eagle Sauce Country has long appeared level 60 players!

"What should we do?"

Liu Jianqing said in horror.

"Now, only you in our Dragon Kingdom are closest to the six-turn profession."

"If you don't awaken the six-turn profession, it will be difficult for us to compete with the Eagle Sauce Country."

Hearing this, Shen Chen smiled and said.

"The Dragon Kingdom is not bad at all, all we lack is cutting-edge combat power."

"In the case of ordinary war plus home war, our strength can fight with the Eagle Sauce Country."

"So, time, we need more time."

"What I can do is buy more time for the Dragon Kingdom."

"Maybe I can't become a six-turn profession, but the Dragon Kingdom is not just me with a level fifty."

Hearing Shen Chen say this, Liu Jianqing seemed to know what Shen Chen meant.

"But are we really in time?"

Shen Chen did not answer Liu Jianguo, but said calmly.

"Then bet on the national fortune of the Dragon Country~

" "Now, what I can do is to buy as much time as possible for the Dragon Country."

"Leave the rest to fate~"

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