This sentence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom immediately aroused heated discussions in the whole world.

How long has it been since such a bright and conspicuous word appeared in the Dragon Kingdom?

It was just a few words, but it strongly expressed the attitude of the Dragon Kingdom towards the Eagle Sauce Country.

"Pure deer people, if you don't understand, ask, what do these words Long Guofa mean?"

"A: Let's put it this way, the Dragon Kingdom has sent such words several times over the centuries."

"Once, the monkey country almost disappeared."

"Once, the capital of the White Elephant Country changed places."

"Once, more than a dozen halls of Aqua Blue Star were repelled by the Dragon Kingdom..."

The meaning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom is very simple, that is, to tell the Eagle Sauce Country, 'Don't say we didn't tell you to hit you~'.

The appearance of this sentence means that tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The battle begins again, and Sakura Kuni tries to seize the reclaimed island, but is ambushed by the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom who ambush the island.

When Cheng Ji and Linlina returned to the aircraft carrier formation, the battle had been going on for a while.

Although Eagle Sauce Country did not come forward, judging from the various equipment of Sakura Country, Eagle Sauce Country invested a lot of military materials.

Even 10,000-ton warships sent several.

Of course, these warships are not enough to see in front of the entire aircraft carrier formation.

For Eagle Sauce Country, the island is not of great strategic importance, so Eagle Sauce Country does not invest much.

But for Sakura Country and Dragon Country, the strategic significance of this island is very important, related to whether the Dragon Country transports soldiers to the Sakura Country, or the Sakura Country transports soldiers to the Dragon Country.

The top of the Dragon Kingdom has issued a death order, ordering the aircraft carrier formation to hold this strategic place.

At the same time, the Dragon Kingdom also sent most of its troops here, so that after tomorrow, it could directly hit the cherry blossom sea.

At the same time, the commander-in-chief of the aircraft carrier group has been having a headache.

That's what will happen tomorrow to climb the Diaoyutai and raise the flag.

Diaoyutai has been the territory of the Dragon Kingdom since ancient times, but now it is occupied by the main forces of the Eagle Sauce Country.

Therefore, Eagle Sauce Country was able to shamelessly say the words of joint exercises with Sakura Country.

If the Dragon Kingdom does not want to make a joke tomorrow in Aqua Blue Star, the flag of the Dragon Kingdom must be raised on the Diaoyutai tomorrow.

This is not only to defend the sovereignty of the Dragon Country, but also to prove to the world that Diaoyutai has always been the territory of the Dragon Country since ancient times.

But the difficult thing is that if only soldiers are sent, it is difficult to fight the aircraft carrier formation of the Eagle Sauce Country.

And players with more than four turns are players with more than four turns who need to contain the country of eagle sauce.

In other words, only players under three turns can be sent to complete this task.

But the headache is that because it is a temporary mission, there does not seem to be a suitable landing team.

Just when he had a headache, the communicator suddenly rang.

"Hey, I have a team here to hand over to you..." At

the same time, Cheng Ji also received a call from Li Jianye.

"Hey, Xiao Ji, there is a task to be given to your team in the organization."

"The content is probably that you need to raise the flag of the Dragon Kingdom on the Diaoyutai in front of the whole world."

After hearing Li Jianye's words, Cheng Ji was slightly startled.

In front of the world?

"Uncle Li, what do you mean?"

Before Cheng Ji could fully react, Li Jianye on the other end of the phone nodded and said.

"That's right, when the time comes, it's time for the world to truly understand the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Your fruit has played a very important role, and now there is a level sixty player in the Dragon Kingdom."

"Tomorrow, there will be a second level sixty player."

"And you don't have to hide anymore."

"Tomorrow night, the new International Player Protection Law will take effect, and there will be two Level 60 players in the Dragon Kingdom."

Li Jianye's words made Cheng Ji a little confused.

In other words, with the help of his [Result] skill, the Dragon Kingdom is already strong enough to not look at the faces of others?

But also, the entire world only has players with six turns in the Eagle Sauce Country, as long as there are two level 60 players in the Dragon Country, there is really no need to look at the faces of other countries.

However, Cheng Ji was still a little confused.

"Uncle Li, you let me expose my identity in front of the Eagle Sauce Country, isn't this a little too dangerous?"

Hearing this, Li Jianye said with disdain.

"Who made you expose? I'm just telling you to raise the flag.

"In addition, with two level sixty players protecting you, even if a nuclear warhead is thrown in front of you, you will definitely not die."

"Another point is that you can absolutely believe in the new international player protection law this time, because this is the same as the [Obliteration Blood Contract], and at that time, even if others want to kill you, you can't skip the level."

"In other words, foreign forces can only let the players of the second turn kill you at most."

"You have to remember that this is not just a mission, but also a bureau and a conspiracy, so tomorrow some information related to you will be exposed."

"But don't worry, this information is half true and false..." Li

Jianye chatted a lot with Cheng Ji.

After listening to Li Jianye's words, Cheng Ji understood.

From beginning to end, all this is a bureau set up by the Dragon Kingdom, a bureau that makes the Dragon Kingdom rise.

After ending the call, the head of the aircraft carrier formation found Cheng Ji and introduced a player to Cheng Ji at the same time.

"Hello, Xiao Ji, right? Sit~"

In the conference room, the person in charge signaled Cheng Ji to sit down.

Cheng Ji was not polite, found a place to sit, and then looked at the girl sitting on the side.

It was a girl who looked twenty-seven or eight, and although her appearance was ordinary, she was the kind of girl who was very well-behaved at first glance.

The girl was holding a wand, and her clothes were also more conservative, but when she looked at Cheng Ji, her face showed her sister's gaze towards her younger brother from time to time.

"You're Xiao Ji, right?"

The girl looked at Cheng Ji and said happily.

"My name is Feng Lingling, I don't know if Xiao Ji has you heard me in Linlin's mouth?"

Feng Lingling?

Cheng Ji thought for a while, and immediately reacted and was surprised.

"You are Feng Lingling, who is known as the number one mage of the Dragon Kingdom?!"

"I heard the little girl mention you, but the little girl called Lingling's sister-in-law more."

"Speaking of sister-in-law, you yourself are much better looking than in the textbook!"

After hearing Cheng Ji's words, Feng Lingling suddenly blushed shyly, and said in a somewhat timid whisper.

"Xiao Ji, don't talk nonsense

..." "Shen Chen hasn't promised me yet..." "

Good fellow, who would have thought that the number one mage of the Dragon Kingdom would actually have such a shy side.

Bu Ji also reacted quickly, it seems that among the two level sixty players Li Jianye said, including Feng Lingling in front of him.

Thinking about it, in addition to Shen Chen, who is level fifty-nine, who is closest to level sixty, only Feng Lingling, a level fifty-eight, is the most close to level sixty.

Now it seems that Feng Lingling should have eaten the fruit and risen to level sixty, but she just hadn't had time to do the six-turn task.

"Speaking of sister-in-law, I don't know one thing."

Cheng Ji said curiously.

"I see that in the textbook, your class attribute is the 'rare' level."

"So, are you really a rarity level?"

Hearing this, Feng Lingling nodded.

"Yes, Xiao Ji, I am indeed a rare level."

"I know what you're curious about."

"The reason why I was able to upgrade so quickly was actually very simple."

"Well, as long as you brush all the copies to be brushed for the upgrade, follow Shen Chen to pick up experience."


After hearing Feng Lingling's words, Cheng Ji felt that his three views were about to be shattered.

The second in the Dragon Country in the emotional textbook, the first mage of the Dragon Country, is actually a bastard?

No, Ji Ke didn't feel that Feng Lingling's strength was poor.

Being able to become the vice captain of the first echelon of the Dragon Kingdom and the archmage of the first sword team of the Dragon Kingdom is definitely not as simple as it seems.

The meeting did not last long.

The original intention of the head of the aircraft carrier formation was only to let Cheng Ji know Feng Lingling.

After all, tomorrow Feng Lingling will protect Cheng Ji in the shadows, and if they meet each other, they will not recognize the wrong person at that time.

Outside the cabin, it was night, and the battle continued in the distance.

On the artificial island, the battle between the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom and the soldiers of the Sakura Country lasted all night.

After the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom didn't know how many times they had repelled the soldiers of the Sakura Country, the sky finally brightened slightly.

It was during this time period that a warship headed towards the Diaoyutai direction.

At the same time, thirty kilometers away from the warship, a small yacht followed.

In one night, the Dragon Kingdom successfully held the artificial island, which severely damaged the morale of the Sakura Country.

At the same time, the warship carrying the combat power of the cutting-edge players of the Dragon Kingdom also arrived at the location of the Diaoyutai.

The morning sun rose slightly, and Cheng Ji looked at the island in the distance, the island that had been the territory of the Dragon Kingdom since ancient times.

Today, he will have the flag of the Dragon Kingdom raise on the island.

It's not just rising.

This battle means the rise of the Dragon Kingdom in Aqua Blue Star.

When boarding this warship, Cheng Ji understood everything.

Why did the Dragon Kingdom obviously have so many fruits that it bore, but it never rose.

Why does the Dragon Kingdom dare to face the provocations of the Eagle Sauce Country and accept the war.

Why did the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom know that their move to stay in Jiangning City will attract the covetousness of foreign forces, but they still allow themselves to continue to stay in Jiangning City?

Why would Li Jianye allow himself to leave Jiangning City, not afraid that he would be targeted by foreign forces.

All kinds of why, Cheng Ji understood.

Originally, Cheng Ji really thought that the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom was willing to let himself stay in Jiangning City in order to take care of his emotions.

Of course, Cheng Ji does not deny this, but more importantly, this is a Yang conspiracy arranged by the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom!

The high-level of the Dragon Kingdom is worthy of being the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom, and the strategizing ability they have is far beyond the reach of ordinary people, and they are waiting for foreign forces to jump into this bureau!

First of all, the reason why the Dragon Kingdom did not rise is not really that it has not risen, but it has been forbearing, and has not said that the Dragon Kingdom can have two level sixty players at any time, in order to surprise the Eagle Sauce Country.

The reason why he dared to face Eagle Sauce's provocation and accept the war was because the Dragon Kingdom had enough confidence.

This time, the number of five-turn players on the warship exceeded ten, which was almost one-fifth of the number of five-turn players in the whole Water Blue Star.

However, only two players of the Dragon Country came to the five-turn player, and the others were all assistance from the "Northern Baseball Country", "Bear Country", "Bayang Country" and some friendly countries of the Dragon Country.

After all, the Bitter Eagle Sauce Country has been in the world for a long time, and the Dragon Kingdom has long been secretly preparing a plan to break the pattern of Water Blue Star.

As for the trick of letting foreign forces speculate about their location, it is to lure out high-end players of hostile forces to hunt themselves.

At the same time, it is also to deal with the Eagle Pavilion.

Because, the plan of the Dragon Kingdom is to lure out all the high-end players of hostile forces after the test launch of the Diaoyutai ICB, annihilate them in one fell swoop, and at the same time push the troops directly into the waters of the Sakura Country along the artificial island springboard, completely damaging the Sakura Country, and liquidating the old and new accounts together.

Does the Dragon Kingdom have this strength? The answer is indisputable.

The strength of two level 60 combat system players is enough to fight against everything, even if they have not yet carried out the six-turn mission, but the strength is definitely stronger than the six-turn life department.

And this time in the Dragon Kingdom, it is to lure out all the high-end players of hostile forces and let them hunt Cheng Ji, who has just activated the profession of the Dragon Kingdom and is suspected of being a 'legendary' profession.

In this way, the Dragon Kingdom can completely eliminate these people, and it is even possible to directly enter the territory of Eagle Sauce and kill the six-turn life player.

The reason why the Dragon Kingdom wants to plan this way is because the Dragon Kingdom needs a legitimate reason to attack the Eagle Sauce Country and the Sakura Country.

Therefore, Cheng Ji's activation of the Heaven and Earth Vision of the profession is the best key point.

It's like the Eagle Sauce Country used this point to deal with the Dragon Country, saying that the Dragon Country has weapons of mass destruction.

The Dragon Kingdom is also using the Eagle Sauce Country to launch a war against the Dragon Country, so that it can weaken the Eagle Sauce Country by legitimate means and change the pattern of the Water Blue Star.

It can be said that the difference between Long Guo has always been not strength, but a legitimate reason.

The Dragon Kingdom has always been famous for its masters, as long as the Eagle Sauce Country makes a move, the Dragon Country has a legitimate reason to cripple the Eagle Sauce Country!

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