At this moment, looking at it from afar, the aircraft carrier formation of the Eagle Sauce Country is more than ten kilometers away.

Of course, Cheng Ji can't see it, after all, Cheng Ji's level is not high, at least players with three turns level can see so far.

At the same time, Shen Chen was still in the small yacht thirty kilometers away.

His strength cannot be exposed yet, so he has to continue to pretend to be poisoned.

However, this does not mean that the Dragon Kingdom does not intend to surprise the Eagle Sauce Country.

"Lingling, use the five-turn awakening skill to send greetings from our dragon kingdom to the other side."

Shen Chen put down the communicator.

At the same time, Feng Lingling on the warship said 'understood', and then looked at Cheng Ji's team and said.

"Xiao Ji, in a while, I will drag the players of the Eagle Sauce Country with more than four turns, and then use teleportation magic to send you to the island."

"Remember, after the sun rises, let the flag of the Dragon Kingdom rise on the fishing platform!"

Cheng Ji nodded, clenched the national flag in his hand and said.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, the national flag is my life."

"People are in the flag!"

Hearing this, Feng Lingling didn't say anything more.

I saw Feng Lingling open her hands, her body gradually floating in the air and slowly rising, and the arcane rhythm around her became manic.

The Archmage is recognized as the most damaging and explosive of all the legal professions.

It is also the easiest class of all classes to skip levels and kill advanced players.

Because, even if the two-turn archmage does not use the increase of the auxiliary department's class, it is enough to burst out the strength of the three-turn combat player.

However, this class has a drawback, that is, it takes too long to chant and shakes back too long, so it is very easy to be targeted by other players.

Generally, the time an Archmage uses one high-level magic is enough for a magician to use five high-level magic, a Battle Mage to use eight high-level magic, and a Bard to cast ten high-level magics.

Even if you encounter a bard with very strong skills, you can kite the Great Mage to death in the same realm.

However, who let Feng Lingling be a member of the first echelon of the Dragon Kingdom, so even if the chanting time is long, there will be teammates dragging.

I only listened to Feng Lingling's mouth in mid-air, constantly muttering all kinds of jerky words, and the arcane rhythm around her became more and more violent and disordered.

Another disadvantage of Archmages is that the higher the level of magic, the longer it takes to chant.

Therefore, Feng Lingling's chanting lasted a full ten minutes.

When the ten minutes arrived, the surrounding air seemed to freeze instantly, and everyone subconsciously looked up.

In the sky, a crack that stretched for thousands of meters cracked, and it seemed that the space was shattered.

Immediately afterwards, a huge coercive pressure came from above, and a huge meteorite with a diameter of more than a thousand meters fell from a thousand meters in the air, targeting the aircraft carrier formation of the Eagle Sauce Country.

The flames burned on the surface of the meteorite, and everyone did not doubt the power of this meteorite.

If it were not for the sea surface here, I am afraid that if this meteorite fell, the area of more than ten kilometers would be directly razed to the ground.

"It's a pity that this skill can't be cast at a long distance, otherwise why does the Dragon Kingdom need to fear the nuclear weapons of the Eagle Sauce Country?"

You know, the power of this meteorite is no less than a nuclear weapon.

The difference with nuclear weapons is that the nuclear weapons of the Eagle Sauce Country can strike on a global scale, while Feng Lingling's five-turn awakening skill can only be cast within 100 kilometers, and the chanting time is long, and the CD is also slow.

As the meteorite fell, high-level players from Eagle Sauce Country and Sakura Country also rushed out of the aircraft carrier, ready to block the blow.

At the same time, Feng Lingling teleported magic and sent Cheng Ji's team to Diaoyutai Island.

For a time, Diaoyutai became a place of contention between the two sides.

A large number of players poured onto the fishing platform to try to stop Cheng Ji and a few people.

But the four-turn and five-turn players brought by the Dragon Kingdom naturally will not let the players of the Eagle Sauce Country and the Sakura Country stop Cheng Ji and his group.

When players from some countries such as 'Bear Country' and 'Northern Stick Country' appeared, the younger brothers of Eagle Sauce Country and Eagle Sauce Country reacted, which was the scheme of the Dragon Country!

However, the Eagle Sauce Country seems to have long expected that the Dragon Congress has backup, so the Eagle Sauce Country also left behind.

You know, the younger brother of Eagle Sauce Country is not only Sakura Country.

Therefore, the younger brother brought by Eagle Sauce Country this time is not only Sakura Country.

Many high-level players were thrown into battle, not only the players on the Dragon Kingdom side were pinned down by each other, but even a few players of the five-turn level were able to spare time to deal with Cheng Ji's team.

When Cheng Ji's team finally arrived at the flag-raising platform, three five-turn players appeared and stopped Cheng Ji's group.

At this moment, Shen Chen suddenly appeared.

His thin body blocked in front of Cheng Ji and said.

"Xiao Ji, you just raise the flag, and I'll do the rest."

In this case, Cheng Ji did not politely or shirk anything, holding the national flag and running towards the flag-raising platform.

Raising the flag is not an easy task, and it takes a few minutes just to play the national anthem.

In other words, in these few minutes, Shen Chen had to drag three five-turn players alone.

If it was in the past, Shen Chen said that it would not matter if three more came.

But now, Shen Chen's situation is not optimistic, and there is even the possibility of being consumed by the other party.

But Cheng Ji can't manage so much anymore.

Cheng Ji tied the national flag to the rope, and with the sound of the national anthem, Cheng Ji straightened his waist and watched the national flag slowly rise.

It was a long few minutes, and Cheng Ji ignored what happened behind him, focusing only on watching the national flag be raised.

Just like Shen Chen said, in these few minutes, Cheng Ji handed everything over to Shen Chen, including his own life.

Fortunately, Shen Chen did not live up to Cheng Ji.

Even if the first sword of the Dragon Kingdom is crippled, it is definitely not something that these distant barbarians can bully.

Finally, the national anthem of the Dragon Kingdom was played, and the fiery red national flag finally fluttered on the top of the flagpole of the Diaoyutai, fluttering in the wind.

After seeing the national flag of the Dragon Country flying on the top of the Diaoyutai, the aircraft carrier formation commander of the Eagle Sauce Country suddenly exploded.

"The drill is ahead! Drills ahead! "

Immediately deliver a saturation strike!"

"Blast them up for me immediately!"

Nuclear weapons are the biggest hole card of the Eagle Sauce Country, and it is also the strength of the Eagle Sauce Country to dare to deal with the Dragon Country.

In the eyes of the Eagle Sauce Country, Shen Chen is just a dying person, no matter how powerful he is, it is absolutely impossible to be able to stop nuclear weapons.

And the Diaoyutai is at sea, so Eagle Sauce Country does not have to worry that after Shen Chen's death, the poisoned BUFF will spread.

Even this nuclear bomb can directly take away all the high-level players brought by the Dragon Kingdom this time.

The reason why the Eagle Sauce country has such a lot of confidence is that they still have the backhand to resist nuclear weapons.

That is the shipborne shield associated with the players of the six-turn science and technology system, which is strong enough to withstand a saturation nuclear strike in the aircraft carrier formation.

Yes, this is also a bureau set up by the Eagle Sauce Country against the Dragon Country.

A clear game.

Because Eagle Sauce Country knows that Dragon Country will never allow Eagle Sauce Country and Sakura Country to conduct joint exercises in Diaoyutai.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce Country wants to serve the high-end players of the Dragon Kingdom!

The players brought by the Eagle Sauce Country quickly withdrew towards the aircraft carrier formation after receiving the order.

As for Feng Linlin's five-turn awakening skill, it was also stopped by ten five-turn players with a severely injured price.

At this moment, all the players brought by the Dragon Kingdom looked up at the sky, and their thoughts were different.

They gambled on the national fortune of their own country to be willing to cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom.

If Shen Chen cannot take over the nuclear warhead of the Eagle Sauce Country this time, then it will not only be the Dragon Country that loses, but also other countries that participated in this war.

"This time the problem is serious."

The voice of the commander of the Dragon Kingdom sounded in the communicator.

"According to the information transmitted by the prevention and control radar, the Eagle Sauce Country launched at least a hundred intercontinental missiles this time."

"We can't bet on a hundred ICBMs carrying nuclear warheads."

"Maybe a few of them are, maybe a hundred."

"However, none of us can let it fall, nor can we let it explode in the airspace of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Otherwise, the nuclear radiation brought by it is something that the Dragon Kingdom and even the world cannot bear!"

Everyone knew this well, and looked at Shen Chen in unison.

Now, the first sword of the Dragon Kingdom has struck.

"Xiao Ji, it's time."

Shen Chen looked at Cheng Ji and said.

"It's time to bet on the fortunes of the Dragon Kingdom."

Cheng Ji knew what Shen Chen meant.

Now is the time when the national fortune of the Dragon Country is most needed, and it is also the time for you to bind the national fortune with the Dragon Country.

Cheng, the army of the Dragon Kingdom can directly advance to the waters of the Sakura Country, breaking the hegemony of the Eagle Sauce Country.

Defeated, the national strength of the Dragon Kingdom completely declined, and it became a country that did not enter the stream.

At this time, Shen Chen finally took out those two fruits.

One to upgrade the level and one to lift the abnormal state.

When Shen Chen took these two fruits, Shen Chen's body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Shen Chen's face showed a surprised expression.

"It turns out that the bounded realm is also an abnormal state?"

Shen Chen felt that some kind of shackles in his body were broken, and the intensity of his profession continued to increase.

The sky suddenly became cloudy, and thunder flashed.

【Ten Thousand Instruments Dynasty】!

Legendary realm!

Level 60!

Plus the six-turn awakening copy [Heavenly Thunder Tribulation]!

"It's really all together."

Shen Chen smiled and raised his head and pulled out his sword.

Since this day is going to cross me, then I will break this day!

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