Carnival City.

As usual, it was lively.

Merchant ships are plentiful and close to the coast to transport goods to and from Carnival City. As a thriving town, it is only natural that Carnival City has a large number of naval forces.

The order here, everything is in order.

Even if ordinary pirates want to set foot in Carnival City, they don't dare to make too much noise, but walk around the streets in a low-key manner, and they don't dare to make a huge noise here to attract the attention of the navy.

Naval base, office.

Commodore Henrittle hung his coat on a hanger in the corner, walked to the window and lay down on the chair, his expression very relaxed.

God knows.

How unsettling and terrifying it was after meeting that monster from the northern shore.


Henritte, the commodore who had followed Lu Enmu all the way to see the latter leave Carnival City.

Witness Lu En's departure.

Henritt's real peace of mind and peace of mind.

Anyone can imagine it.

How unreassuring is the existence of such a monster in a place under his jurisdiction!


This monster left Carnival City.

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

Henriet looked in the direction of the gate: "Come in!"


The door opened.

A navy officer walked up to Henritte with a bill in his hand and looked respectful: "Commodore Henrytte, this is just now, the battle broke out on the other side of the street, and the damage caused has been completely counted, please take a look!"

"Just put it on the table. "

"Yes, Brigadier General!"

Watching the departure of the Navy.

Henritt picked up the bill on the table and opened it very comfortably.

But at first glance!

His whole person is unnatural.

When you're really done.

Henry was stunned.

Although he did arrive at the scene, he had seen the mess and ruins that had been caused there. But he still didn't expect that the loss would be so heavy!

"A total of ......"

"Thirteen buildings, destroyed!"


Henriet swallowed and stared blankly at the bill in his hand.

After the statistics come down.

He suddenly discovered.


This loss is a bit heavy!

Although it is said that it was caused by the battle between the two.

But actually.

Of course, Henriet knew that it was just the Destruction Sword Hero who was going crazy all along. And the sniper on the opposite side is also running away all the time, and there is no strength to fight back at all.

"So many buildings were destroyed!"

"If you build it again, you will have to spend more materials!"

"I have to say, Destruction Sword Hao is really a monster!"

Henritte was helpless.

Ponder over.


He decided, dialing the phone bug.

Poo po

The unique voice of the phone bug, hovering in his ears, filled the entire office.

It's done!

"I'm Sengoku!"

The voice of the Sengoku on the opposite side came.


Henrytt's tone became respectful: "Marshal of the Warring States, I have something important to tell you!"

"What's the matter?"

"Carnival City, shocked to see the destruction of the sword master Lu En!"


"The other party is here, killing a pirate, but it has brought huge losses. Thirteen buildings were directly destroyed, and there is a shortage of materials in Carnival City at present, so Marshal Warring States, you ......"

A few minutes later.

The phone bug hung up.

Henritter exhaled heavily and lay down in his seat.

And the other side.

Naval Headquarters Marin Vando.

Marshal's Office.

In addition to the Warring States, it also welcomed a visitor who often came to the marshal's office.

Monchi D Karp!

A hero of the Navy!


Karp was lying on the seat, holding the senbei in his left hand, looking very comfortable.

"Karp, be quiet for me!"

Sengoku's forehead was bruised, playing with Karp's pleasant appearance, and there was no anger burning in his heart, and he was angry.

"I heard, Destroy Sword Hao, where did this guy come from? Why in the past, I had never heard of such a monster in this sea. "

Karp said vaguely as he bit the senbei.

"Destroy the Sword Hero's ......"

Sengoku was silent for a moment.

The mention of this name made him very distressed.

In this sea, there are more and more terrifying pirates!

However, the navy is not in charge!

Really, it made Sengoku feel powerless in his heart.

"If this monster is so terrifying, why don't you try it. What about turning this monster into someone from our navy? Isn't that the best of both worlds?"

Karp suggested.

"It's not realistic, it's not cultivated from a young age. If he directly recruits him as a navy, his loyalty will inevitably become a huge hidden danger!"

Sengoku shook his head with a frown.

"I'm just saying that he can be a member of the Navy, not that he is being a Navy. Sengoku, have you forgotten?"

Karp continued, "I've heard that you had a meeting at the front time. It is estimated that the content of the meeting should be a matter of eliminating a person with the identity of the Seven Martial Seas. "

The words fell.

Sengoku's face became more and more angry: "If it weren't for your guy's grandson......"

"Such a weak person, as the Seven Martial Seas, how can he deter this sea? Being defeated by Luffy, this little guy, can only be said to be too weak!"

"It's like ......"

"Do you think that if you are a monster like Destroy Sword Hao, serve as the Seven Martial Seas. So who do you think the Destruction Sword Master can be defeated?"

Karp looked at Sengoku and grabbed the senbei and bit it.

A crisp sound that hovers throughout the office.


Sengoku was stunned.

Oh, yes!

That's right!

Yourself, why didn't you think of this?!

Klokdal was defeated, the Seven Martial Seas were culled, and it was already a nail in the board, and there was no more love for the facts!

And in recent days.

Sengoku is also thinking about a question.

Who should be allowed to serve as the trusted Seven Martial Seas?

This person must be very strong!

If it is not strong, it will naturally not be able to deter the sea area of the Great Channel.

The purpose of the existence of the Seven Martial Seas is to deter pirates in the waters of the Great Passage and to enhance the foreign aid strength of the Navy, so as to greatly improve the overall strength level of the Navy.


Is the prestige of the Shattered Sword Hero loud?

Loud of course!

Sengoku can be determined.

Now the Great Passage is a sea area.

Almost eighty percent of pirates have heard of this title of Destroying Sword Hao!

The prestige is there.

And what about strength?

Sengoku can't help but think.

Destroying the sword hero, he can casually kill nearly 200 million berry bounties, which is as simple as drinking water!

This moment.

An idea, in the mind of the Warring States, was constantly amplified, and it was almost directly affirmed by him!

"If, let the Destruction Sword Hao serve as the ...... of the Seven Martial Seas"

"I don't think there's anyone more suitable than him!"

Regardless of strength or prestige.

Sengoku thinks.

Destroying Jianhao is a very suitable person.

Although the origin and identity are very strange and mysterious.

But this does not prevent the other party from serving as the Seven Martial Seas!


The existence of the Seven Martial Seas does not know too much about the internal secrets of the navy. It's just a relationship of mutual use.

Recruit a Seven Martial Sea, and the Navy will provide the Seven Martial Sea with some status benefits.

But, that doesn't mean.

The Seven Martial Seas can enter and exit Marin Fando at will, and even read some secrets and intelligence inside the navy like a navy.


Navy, and there will be no loss!

"Looks like you've already made up your mind. "

Kapuha laughed.

Destroy the sword hero?

Seven Martial Seas?

I don't know why.

Karp suddenly wanted to see this monster called the Destroying Sword Hero!


Sengoku is at the table, holding a pen in his right hand.

It starts on white paper and is written in a lot of words.

He's ......

Draft an invitation to the Seven Martial Seas!

And the goal is to destroy the sword hero!

Drafting complete!


Sengoku gives the invitation letter and stamps it with an exclusive seal belonging to the Marshal's Office of the Navy Headquarters!

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