A day later.


The sea is fluttering, rippling and rippling, and the waves are rolling.

A sailing ship, sailing on this sea, as far as the eye can see, in all directions, there is no island. Being in the middle of the sea makes you feel small.


Lu En lifted the katana in his hand, aimed it at the sea in front of him, and waved the blade in his hand.


A sharp slash cut through the sky in an instant, splitting the sea directly, setting off huge waves tumbling and shaking.


The splashed sea water reached a height of 100 meters, and then fell, falling onto the deck, soaking Luen's shoulders.

"Since the foundation of swordsmanship, after being promoted to the introduction of swordsmanship. "

"The level of swordsmanship has improved a lot at one time!"

Lu En couldn't help but smile.

Leaving Carnival City, a day has passed.

Target Alabastan!

The journey was smooth and there were no accidents.


During this day, you can also see a lot of pirates.

It's a pity.

Most of them, when they saw Lu En's face, were scared away.

There is no reason for it!


In the Great Channel, it is really too loud to destroy the prestige of the sword hero!

The 500 million bounty list is spread in every corner of the great channel.

as a result.

Many pirates can witness Lu En's face.

It's not hard to imagine.

When these pirates really see Lu En, what kind of actions will they make.

The first time, inevitably, is to turn around and run away!

"...... from Alabastan"

"It's only two days away!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

Take back the katana in your hand and remove the map from reading.

It can be seen clearly.

Carnival City, in fact, is not very far from Alabastan, and it does not require a long journey of ten days or eight days.

And it took a day.

The effect of 50 million Berry buying this ship is completely demonstrated.

It's much faster than a normal boat!


It can also save Lu En a lot of time.


Fifty million berry, it's really worth it!

Rather than rotting in the warehouse and not spending it, Lu En felt that it was more comfortable to use these Berry to buy something more worthwhile.

If you can.

Lu En didn't mind, he could take these Berry and add an animal-based Devil Fruit to exchange it for a big quick knife, or even a good quick knife.

It's a pity!

A good knife is hard to find!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to travel all the way to Alabastan to find the so-called Rodney's treasure!

Just to get a good knife!

Having a good knife is very important for a swordsman to improve his strength.

In simple terms.

If Lu En's strength can play seventy percent of itself, this is the limit.


If you get a good knife, Lu En's strength can be exerted to eighty percent, or even ninety or ten percent!

It can be seen from this.

Why this sea.

Most swordsmen are so eager for these good swords!

It is because of a good knife that you can improve your swordsmanship and strength.

If it's purely about hardness, the Armed Color can always fill in for this lack of hardness. But why, is Hawkeye still so keen on the supreme quick knife?

It is because of the good knife itself that it can make the sword master swing the knife and all aspects, which can bring better improvements, not just the improvement of the hardness and strength of the blade.

Mention that Devil Fruit.

Lu En so far.

He didn't figure it out.

What the hell is a Devil Fruit.

Still, he won't swallow it anyway.

Devil Fruits, will become a burden to him!


This cheap devil fruit!

Is 200 million berry's Devil Fruit expensive?

It's just so cheap!

Good Devil Fruits, billions of Berry, are all very possible!

The 200 million Berry Devil Fruit, even if it is given to Lu En, Lu En really doesn't dare to eat it. Just like Bucky, who inexplicably swallowed the Devil Fruit, that's all he can do in this life.

"There is still some distance from Alabastan, and there is no hurry to log on to an island to buy supplies. The current supplies can definitely support Alabastan!"

"...... in idleness"

"You can Xi your swordsmanship!"

Lu En lifted the katana.

The blade of the blade, covered with a layer of dark red armor.

Armed color out!

At present, Lu En's control of the armed color is becoming more and more proficient!

In particular, the weapon color is used on the blade to launch even more terrifying slashes!

"Let's take the Sea Kings as the target!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

Clearly captured.

On the sea ahead, a huge black phantom is gradually preparing to emerge.

It's a sea king!

Lift the blade in your hand.

Slash it down!


A brilliant and sharp slash, swift, slammed forward.

The whole sea is pierced by a huge gap.

Take a look!

The sea seems to have been split!

A huge rift, which has spread on both sides in previous years.

Along with it, the terrifying aftermath was contained around the slash.


There was a loud bang.

The whole sea, the waves are rough.

The rolling waves spread in all directions.

A crack appeared in the huge sea that spread thousands of kilometers away.


The sea water splashed high and swirled, rushing to a height of 100 meters, and then the words fell.

The corpse of a sea king, floating on the surface of the sea.

The smell of blood wafts away and melts into the sea.

It's like it's been cut in two!

It's easy.

Without any pressure, Lu En killed this sea king in seconds.

It made him nostalgic.

The new world's sea kings are still somewhat threatening. But the sea kings of this great channel are purely the sense of déjà vu that came to send people's heads.


The smell of blood attracts more sea kings.

Lu En was also in high spirits, constantly swinging and slashing.

This sea has been turned upside down!

The waves rolled, wave after wave swept in all directions.

The whole sea.

It was peaceful and peaceful.

But under this fierce and terrifying slash.

The sea seemed to be burning and boiling, surging and surging, giving way to the sailing ships on the surface of the sea, which kept shaking under the fierce waves.


Far seas.

A pirate ship, gradually sailing.



There were no less than 200 pirates, excited and excited, looking at the endless sea in the distance with a yearning expression.

"Captain, the next island, we're about to arrive at Carnival City!"

"It's not easy to sail all the way from the East China Sea to the first half of the Great Passage!"

"Yes, Captain, I think that now, even if we set foot in the Great Passage, we will definitely be able to spread the name of our pirates all over this sea!"

"Brothers, in order to celebrate, this is the sixteenth day of our arrival at the Great Passage, take the wine out, and you can start the carnival to your heart's content!"

"Captain ...... mighty"

Gradually, the entire pirate ship approached the sea ahead.

The celebration never began!

A pirate on the edge of the fence, with an excited smile on his face, swept his eyes and looked at the sea next to the pirate ship on his left.


His smile stopped abruptly, his expression became frozen, and he looked terrified.


"Yes, there are sea kings!"

A scream, piercing and heard.

Awakening all the pirates who wanted to celebrate, they quickly walked to the fence and witnessed the sea.


Neptunes, floating on the surface of the sea.


It's not a sea king, it's a half-cut sea king!

It's as if it was directly cut off by some terrifying weapon!

"No, it's not a living Sea King......"

"It's the corpse of the Sea King!"




Many emotions linger in their hearts.

They were stunned.

The atmosphere has become eerie!

"Captain, you, look ahead!"

One of the pirates pointed ahead and shouted.


A pair of eyes are fixed on the front.

You can see it.

A sailboat, located in the sea a few hundred meters away from their front.

Horror ......

It's not this sailboat!


Around the sea next to this sailboat, there are many sea kings floating around.


These floating on the surface of the sea are still not sea kings!

It's also the corpse of a sea king!

Lots of them!

I can't count them all!


The whole ship, the atmosphere has become extremely oppressive!

A sense of fear permeates the hearts of every pirate.

The pungent smell of blood, wafting from afar, melted into the air, lingering in each of their senses of smell.

"That sailboat......"

"Yes, there are people!"

The pupils of all those standing on the deck shrank, and they looked at the sailboat in front of them with a look of horror.

It can be seen clearly.

On that sailboat.

There is a figure holding a katana.

The blade is constantly waving.

With each swing, there is a dazzling and brilliant slash that pierces the sea ahead.

Boom! Boom!


It was split directly!


The sea rippled with fierce and turbulent waves, tumbling wave after wave, and the current was surging!


Under this fierce slash.

There are more and more corpses of sea kings floating on the surface of the sea!

This scene.

Present in the depths of their eyes.

And the terrifying figure that kept wielding the blade was also deeply imprinted in the minds of all of them, making them terrified in their hearts.

"This, this, what the hell ......"

"What kind of monster?!"

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