
In the air, an eerie atmosphere began to fill the air.

A hideous and terrifying crack appeared in the eyes of Kobra and the others, leaving them stunned, lying on the ground stiff and paralyzed, motionless.

but them.

Even the members of the escort who were transporting the treasure stopped abruptly.

A gentle breeze.

Stirring up the dust on the ground.

The ground is cracked, bottomless, and pitch black!

The area less than five meters in front of them spread all the way to a distance of kilometers and beyond. Even, they don't see the end in sight.

This slash ......

Three thousand meters through Alabastan!

"This, this!"

Kobra's lips trembled, and his eyes were filled with horror.

He never thought of it!

this day.

At this moment!

He was able to see such a terrifying scene!

Just a knife!


Only one knife, three thousand meters across Alabastan!

The ground of Alabastan was directly torn apart by a huge gap crack.

This scene.

It happens right from their eyes!

Let them be able to see it with their own eyes!

How can you be mistaken?

How could it be an illusion?!

That's the truth!

The fact that they saw it right before their eyes!

Take a look.

That hideous gap still exists on the ground, and even for thousands of years, it will be deeply imprinted in this part of Alabastan.

Who could have imagined!

This is actually a mark caused by a knife of a person!

Not to mention those who have never seen it, even if they see it with their own eyes, absolutely no one can imagine it.

A slash tore through the 3,000-meter land of Alabastan!

"I, I, read that right?"

Beside Kobra, many members of the escort team, their faces were shocked and stiffened in place.

They involuntarily raised their hands and rubbed their eyes, and the shock and fear in their eyes could not be concealed at all, and began to fill their hearts.

The atmosphere is pervasive and covers the whole audience!

Except for Lu En.

Including the king, Kobra's expressions were almost unanimous, staring in horror at the hideous crack in the ground in front of them.

The scene I just saw.

No doubt!

It will make them remember it deeply and can't forget it for the rest of their lives!

"A knife, Alabastan, torn apart!"

"This, is this something that humans can do?!"

"Oh my God, that's too much!"

Kobra's lips trembled.

His mind was in a mess, and he was about to doubt his life!

Among the people I have seen, there is no one who can be like Lu En.

A knife across Alabastan for 3,000 meters!

Is this manpower?


This is divine power!

How could a human being achieve such a terrifying feat!


Alabastan is a vast area, and this knife did not damage too many buildings!

Even if it's damaged.

What did Kobra dare to say?

He didn't dare!

Don't dare to say anything at all!

can swing such a terrible slash and tear apart the land of Alabastan for 3,000 meters. With someone of such strength, how could Kobra dare to provoke?!

"Destroy the Sword Hero's ......"

"Is this the Destruction Sword Hero?!"

Kobra was more aware of it.

The terrifying strength of the Shattering Sword Hero, who was called a forbidden existence by countless pirates in the Great Passage!

That's it!

All of them subverted Cobra's perception.

His perception of human beings, at this moment, has been completely overturned!

Who could imagine.

This knife!

Tearing open three thousand meters of the earth!

If this is in the direction of the royal palace......

Kobra shuddered.

He couldn't imagine what a desperate scene it was!

Aiming at the royal palace, Kobra was sure that this knife, the entire royal palace, would never exist again. There is no need to question this.

If such monsters, as enemies!

Kobra's mind went blank suddenly.

Such an enemy is a nightmare!

Kingdom of Alabastan......

I'm afraid it's not enough for the other party to be wiped out in a few cuts!

"The Great Monster ...... of 500 Million Berry"

"Is the strength so terrifying?!"

Kobra swallowed.

He was still staring at the hideous crack in front of him, the slash that tore the earth apart, deeply imprinted in Kobra's mind.

He will never forget the picture he saw today in his life!

"King Kobra, this, this is not an illusion, is it?"

Gaka and Bell, the two captains of the escort, began to doubt their lives.

Are the pirates of this sea so terrifying?!

Then they Alabastan have been able to survive unharmed for so many years, and they really need to thank God for their love.

They will not doubt.

Such pirates, if they want to plot against the kingdom of Alabastan!

None of them can stop them!


The destruction of the kingdom of Alabastan by the other party is only a matter of a thought.

Such a slash.

Just ask!

Alabastan, how many knives can it hold?

Two knives?

Three knives?


Gaka and Bell swallowed, looking at the young figure with a knife on their faces, their faces full of horror and shock.

Now they can realize it more profoundly.


What a terrible crisis they faced in their time at the palace!

If only they had known.

What they are facing is this kind of existence!

Give them 10,000 guts, and they don't dare to stop Lu En's footsteps.

It's really horrible!

"At that time, it's good that he didn't use the knife!"

"Otherwise, we'll be reduced to two cold corpses!"

For this.

Neither Gaka nor Bell, these two Devil Fruit Abilities, had the slightest doubt.

Witness this slash.

They can feel it clearly.

Lu En's strength, how transcendent!

They compare with each other, it's just one day and one place!

One thought.

If the other party used the knife at that time.

What happened to them?

Thinking of this, they can't help but feel creepy.

I can't help it.

They looked at the crack that spread three thousand meters away, and their lips trembled.

The two looked at each other, terrified in their hearts.

I'm afraid it's ......

Go with a knife.

They can't even find their bones!

The hideous cracks on the ground were still staring blankly at Kobra and the others.

Their eyes have never moved,

"This, this is simply non-human means!"

"The power of the forbidden existence of the Great Passage is so terrifying!"

"Now, it's finally understandable. Why is it that in the sea area of the Great Channel, the Destruction Sword Hero is listed as an absolute target not to be provoked!"

"If you provoke this monster......"

"I think, no matter who it is, I'm afraid that it will be difficult to sleep!"

A group of Guardians thought in horror.

This knife ......

Subverting everyone's worldview!

Let them see it for themselves.

It turns out that human means can be so terrifying!

Even the earth is about to be pierced!

Who can stop this knife in this sea?

They thought to themselves.

No one can stop this knife!

At least.

In their heads, they couldn't think of anyone who could stop this three-thousand-meter slash!

"Three thousand meters through the desert ......"

"If the pirates of the Great Passage were so terrifying, I don't think there would be any need for the Kingdom of Alabastan to exist. When you encounter this kind of monster, no matter how big a kingdom you are, you can't stop it!"

Kobra thought desperately.

All of a sudden.

He was very glad again!


There are not many such monsters in this sea.

In his impression.

There is only one person!

That is, it is just Lu En, the sword master who is destroyed!

This is quite within the acceptable range of Kobra.


Kobra was glad that he didn't offend the other party.

Otherwise, as huge as the Kingdom of Alabastan, I am afraid that it will not be enough for the other party to destroy it with a few knives!

The hot sun shone on the hideous crack in the ground.

Kobra looked at the rift that ran three thousand meters across Alabastan and felt something.

"No mortal shall offend ......"

"This is a miracle!"

"It's a god-like horror!"

Manpower, can't do it!

This is Cobra's evaluation and description of this knife.

Only the same means as a god can cause such a terrible trace!


This monster resembles a god.

And he stood right before them.

Kobra shifted his gaze slightly from the endless rift. In the end, it was fixed on the back of a young man with a knife not far from him.

If it is said that man can become a god!


He was sure.

The Lu En in front of him is God!

There is only one god left in this world!

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