"A god-like monster!"

Kobra took a deep breath, but the throbbing inside still couldn't be suppressed.

His understanding and cognition of God have been subverted by Luen!

If there is a god.

Then Lu En, who can traverse three thousand meters away from Alabastan with one sword, is an absolute god!

Except for Lu En.

Cobra couldn't have imagined who else could split three thousand meters of land with a single sword!

Feel the heat of the soil.

Kobra supported the ground with difficulty with his hands, stood up from the ground, looked at Lu En, and swallowed: "Mr. Lu En, look, we should go back, right?"

"That's right!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded.

He was putting his energy into it at the moment, carefully looking at the demon knife Chunyu in his hand, and couldn't help but reveal a deep smile.

This slash!

The power was something he couldn't even imagine.

Before, a knife could go through a kilometer at most!


The last time he dealt with the snipers of the Blackbeard Pirates in Fiesta City, Lu En also needed to close the distance to a thousand meters before he could traverse that building with a single sword.

But unexpected!

It's only been a few days.

Lu En's strength has been greatly sublimated and baptized!

Kilometers were already the limit!

And yet now!

It's been increased to a distance of 3,000 meters!

This is the progress and leap of Lu En's strength!

For anyone, it is unimaginable.

The great leap in strength is only brought about by a few days.

This growth rate is incredible!

"If I were to use a regular katana, I don't think I would be able to break through two thousand meters even if I tried my best. Is this the increase in strength brought by the famous sword?"

Lu En understood.

A good knife, for a swordsman, how great the effect!

There's no denying it.

A strong swordsman can kill enemies even with an ordinary katana!

But if the top class collides.

Without a good famous sword, the strength of the sword master will inevitably weaken a lot.

On the role of a good knife on the swordsman.

This question.

Lu En already knows it!


In his eyes, the demon knife Chunyu is a good knife, a very top famous knife!

Even if it is not ranked in the ranks of the Great Quick Knife, Lu En can be sure that the Demon Knife Spring Rain is not inferior to any Great Quick Knife!

"This is the huge difference between ordinary knives and famous knives!"

Lu En sighed.

If only there had been such a knife!

Dealing with the Blackbeard Pirates sniper before wouldn't have been so troublesome. 3,000 meters away, you can kill the opponent in one slash!

Of course.

At that time, Lu En's strength could not be compared with the current one.

Very short!

Every day, Lu En's strength will improve by leaps and bounds!

This alone is unimaginable to everyone!

"I thought that the momentum would be relatively small, but I never thought that it would be a big battle. "

Lu En turned his head and looked at Kobra and the others behind him with a bewildered and frightened face, and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

He didn't expect it.

One knife, across 3,000 meters!

It was originally within budget.

Being able to traverse two thousand meters is already the limit!

But I didn't think about it.

There's an extra kilometer of terrifying distance!

"Mr. Luen, these treasures have been transported from the basement to the surface. Look, do you need to transport you to your ship docked off the coast of Alabastan?"

Kobra hurriedly walked over and offered to propose.

Seeing Lu En's terrifying strength, of course he didn't dare to provoke the other party.


Kobra wants to get to know Luen.

In this dangerous sea, you can meet monsters of this level!

For the Kingdom of Alabastan, it must be a huge security guarantee!

"Trouble. "

Lu En smiled and nodded.

He didn't care much about the treasure.

But now that they have all been found, they can't be wasted here.

"The ship docked southeast of Alabastan......"

Lu En immediately informed the direction of the coast where the Kobra sailboat was docking.

Under the gaze.

I saw that Kobra quickly arranged his men and ordered his escorts to transport all these treasures to the sailing ship designated by Lu En on the coast.

"Mr. Luen, do you want to go back to the palace and sit down? "

Kobra asked with a smile.


Lu Enying should go down.

Coincidentally, I'm in a good mood!

It doesn't hurt to stay in Alabastan for a day.

Getting this demon knife spring rain made Lu En's mood extremely comfortable.

Even if he got so many treasures, it was far less exciting than the demon sword spring rain brought to Lu En.

That's right.

A good knife is hard to find!

Lu En could feel it.

This time, he did come across a good knife!

This stay in Alabastan.

It just so happened that Lu En also wanted to search from some information in Alabastan to find out what level of famous knife this demon knife Chunyu was.

Is it in the ranks of the big fast knife?

Or is it the ranks of good knives?

With such a mood.

Lu and Kobra gradually departed and returned to the palace.


Gaca, Bell, and many of the guards stared blankly at the hideous rift, and then looked at Lu En's back in front of them, their lips trembled slightly, and their mood was still shocked.


They soon left as well.


Only this terrifying gap that spread three thousand meters away was left!

Arid soil, there are many traces of division.

However, this terrifying and hideous rift is indeed unique, the only rift that is so large and has no interval in between, but can still spread for three thousand meters!

If someone were passing by, it would be impossible to imagine it.

This terrifying rift that spreads for three thousand meters......

It came from the hand of a swordsman, and it was caused by only one sword!


Naval base.

Here, there is a naval base stationed in Alabastan.

But right now.

The atmosphere of the naval base is exceptionally quiet and eerie!

A navyman looked sluggish, looking at the wall next to him, and then at the ground that was divided under his feet, his face was terrified, goosebumps rose all over his body, and his scalp was numb.

What the hell is going on?!

Good end-to-end!


The naval base was actually slashed by a terrifying slash, directly from an unknown distance!

resulting in ......

The entire naval base, from the middle, was split directly!

"Yes, who dares to provoke the majesty of our Navy?!"

A group of navy officers were frightened and couldn't help but start muttering and shouting.

Split the naval base directly!

Wouldn't this challenge the absolute majesty of their navy?

"What's going on?"

At this time, Smoker and Dusty led the rest of the navy and returned to the naval base.


And they saw it, too.

This abrupt rift, from left to right, crosses and splits the naval base!


Smoker was stunned.

Dusty was also stunned!

A group of them, staring blankly at the huge crack in the wall, and then at the hideous gap that even the ground was piercing, their lips trembled, and they couldn't speak.

What's going on?!

It's just been a little bit of time!

The naval base was split by someone?!

"Who is it?!"

Dusty quickly blurted out.

"No, I don't know!"

Get answered.

Smoker was furious: "I don't know? You even told me that you don't know?!"

"Colonel Smoker, we don't see anyone in this area!"

A group of navies hurriedly explained.

"And how did this happen?"

Smoker's face was not good.

"Colonel Smoker, I, I'm going to find out who it is!"

Several navies quickly left, traced all the way to the end of this rift.

A few minutes later.

The Navy returns.

It's just that.

Their faces were pale, their bodies trembling uncontrollably, their faces frightened, their eyes looking at Smoker, their lips trembling, and they could not speak.

"What did you find?"

Smoker raised his eyebrows and asked directly.

"Colonel Smoker, it, it'......"

The Navy's words were intermittent and terrified.

Smoker's eyes froze: "Make it clear!"

"Yes, Colonel Smoker!"

Several people gritted their teeth and shouted, "We traced this rift, all the way, traced it three thousand meters away, and then we saw the end of this rift!"

"That is, this slashing ...... through our naval base"

"It's, it's coming from three thousand meters away!"

The words fell.

Just for a moment,


There was no sound.

Thousands of navymen, including Smoker and Dusty, their eyes widened, and all of them, without exception, were in a state of horror and shock.

A slash from 3,000 meters away?!

Are you kidding!

"You, sure?!"

Smoker's throat was dry.

"It's true!"

The Navy nodded solemnly and in fear.

"Three kilometers away......"

"A slash that spread and directly split the naval base from the middle?!"

Smoker only felt that his worldview was about to collapse.

What kind of slash, three thousand meters away, can still split the naval base?!



Dusty was also confused.

Thousands of navies froze in place.

Who the hell is the person who can do this?!

Who has such a ability in this sea?!

"Colonel Smoker, who, who has such abilities......"

Dusty opened her mouth.

"Destroy the Sword Hero!"

Smoker gasped and opened his mouth heavily.

It was the only person he could think of who would qualify!

It's still incredible, though!

But in Alabastan.

The biggest suspect target is to destroy Jian Hao!

Aside from the Destruction Sword Hero Luen, Smoker could no longer think of a second eligible target.

"Actually, it's him?!"

"How is this possible!"

Dusty's face became more and more sluggish.

She looked at the rift in the ground in front of her, and Smoker's words lingered in her ears.

Three kilometers away......

Split the naval base with one sword!

Unexpectedly, from that legendary Destruction Sword Hero?!

The other party's swordsmanship level is so superb?!

Completely unimaginable!

"He, is he targeting our navy?"

Dusty's eyes widened, and he suddenly panicked.

"I think he could, purely just, injure ...... by mistake"

Smoker couldn't help but say.

If the other side wants to deal with their naval base, there is no need to hide their heads and tails like this!

Even if the other party attacks head-on.

They can't stop it!


Smoker can probably tell.

This time.

Their entire naval base can be said to be really lying down and getting shot!

Luckily, though.

There were no casualties, it was just that the naval base was split!


This one, which was three thousand meters away, could still split the slash of the naval base. Undoubtedly, it left a deep impression on Smoker, Dusty and all the navies present that cannot be erased in this life!

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