"Red Card ......"

"A piece of advice in exchange for a red attribute card!"

"It's not as good as gold, but it's also a rarity. The red attribute card dropped from Klockdahl last time brought a sublimation to my strength!"

"What can you bring this time?"

Suddenly, Lu En was in high spirits and looking forward to it.

The level of the red card is second only to the gold card!

What can be opened must also be quite precious.

"If it's an attribute point, there is a time when I can perfectly improve the balance of strength, and it can also fill the very few vacant attribute panels in my body. "

Lu En thought to himself.

No hesitation!

"Pick up!"

Under Lu En's anticipatory mood.

Soon the results appeared.

[Picked up successfully, the red card is awakened 'burn', is it absorbed?]



Lu En hesitated slightly.

What kind of ability is this?

Sounds like an attack effect bonus like Shock Wave!

Wouldn't it be another force that would be hard to control?

Do you want to absorb?

Lu En fell into deep thought.

Didn't think about it for too long.

I would rather be indispensable.

Lu En's heart moved: "Absorb!"

The words just fell.

A warm current began to wash over all parts of his body, bringing a warm feeling to Lu En's whole body.

The control of some kind of power seems to appear out of thin air and merge into the mind.

Let Lu En instinctively have control over this power!

"It's not uncontrollable, it's a controllable force!"

A smile appeared on Lu En's face.



It's the same as the Shock Wave, and it belongs to some kind of extremely special attack effect!

"Bring up the properties panel!"

[Host: Lu En]

[Strength: 130]

[Speed: 127]

[Stamina: 120]

[Instinctive reaction: 105]

[Skills: Introduction to Swordsmanship Lv.23, Swordsmanship: Yan Hui Lv.12, Armed Color Domineering Lv.13, Navy Six Style Lv.10, Overlord Color Domineering Lv.8, Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering Lv.8, Half-Fish Body Lv.2, Boxing Lv.2, ]

[Attribute Points: 0]

[Attack Effect: Shock Wave Lv.10, Scorch Lv.1]


Just as Lu En expected.

Scorch, which is listed as an attack effect.

That is......

In Luen's attack, it contains a scorching attack effect, which can cause a certain scorching effect to the enemy. Just like seismic fluctuations.

As for how effective the scorching attack is.

Lu En still needs to try before he can accurately recognize.

Is this newly acquired attack effect so effective when used in the process?

"You can give it a try. "

Luen's gaze moved from Ace's body.

Looking at the side not far away.

Lift the demon knife in his hand Spring Rain.

Gently slash with a single sword.


A sharp slash pierced through the soil in front of you.

Except for seismic fluctuations.

And blessed with burning!

Without using too much force, the power of this slash was very weak.

It only caused a crack of several meters.

Step by step.

Lu En stepped forward, observing the slashing rift in the ground.

In addition to the cracks in the surrounding area of the slash hit, the soil cracked one after another due to the seismic fluctuations of compression. In the midst of these soils, Lu En saw.

There are some scorched marks!


Lu En's eyes flashed, and his smile became brighter.

Just as expected!

The two attack effects can be stacked!

This slash, in addition to blessing the seismic fluctuations.

It also adds an extra scorching effect!

This is what makes Lu En excited.

The attack effect can be stacked, which undoubtedly has a big improvement on Lu En's strength. Although the current damage of the burn is not too high, it can be increased in level.

It's not hard to imagine.

Burn is also a very terrifying attack effect!

"The harvest is huge!"

Lu En smiled.

This made Ace beside him confused and completely confused.

What's going on here?

All of a sudden.

Ace captured it clearly.

There was also a little scorched soil in the scar caused by Lu En's slash just now, which made Ace's pupils shrink, a little frightened and suspicious.

What the hell is this?!

Unexpectedly, it makes him feel so familiar!

Isn't that ......

His power to burn fruit?

Why, it will appear in the opponent's slash!

This moment.

Ace was stunned.

His mind also became blank and confused.

What's going on?!

All of this experience today is washing away Ace's worldview.

"You, your attack ......"

Ace opened his mouth and looked at Lu En.

"Amazing abilities, right?"

Lu En smiled and didn't explain much.

"A mysterious monster!"

So, in Ace's heart, Lu En was labeled with such a label.

Not only is the strength terrifying, but the means are mysterious!


Ace suddenly suspected that when the other party was fighting him, he really might not do his best and go all out. The other party, perhaps, still has reservations.

"Such a freak, he is a Xi?!"

"These guys from the red-haired pirates are really blind?"

"Let a monster with such terrible strength serve as a small Xi?"

Ace was indignant.

These guys from the red-haired pirates are simply too insidious!

He had a hunch.

How many people are misled by the name of Xi!

"Thank you this time!"

Lu En looked at Ace, and slowly took the demon knife Chunyu back to his waist and carried it.

"Thank me, thank me for being a benchmark to measure your strength?"

Ace rolled his eyes.

Seeing Ace's expression.

Lu En thought for a moment and spoke again: "From my personal point of view, I don't want you to meet Blackbeard, because you are very likely to lose, and because of your defeat, it will cause a series of even more terrible consequences!"

"If you choose this path!"

"So this one!"

"It must be borne by yourself!"

The words fell.

Ace was silent for a moment.


He stood up from the ground, stretched out his arms, shielded his right hand from the sun in the sky, and said bluntly: "People, it is impossible to know the answer to something that has not been tried, right?"

Yes, in the same way, people need to bear the consequences of their choices. I think you should be ready to take the consequences. "

Lu En nodded.

Don't be persuaded!

Just a few words.

Lu En understood.

He wanted to dissuade Ace unless he broke his legs.


It's impossible to stop Ace from finding Blackbeard!

Even if he broke Ace's legs, he was afraid that it would be difficult to stop the other party from trying to solve Blackbeard's thoughts.


There is no reason for Lu En to stop Ace so strongly!

Inexplicably, all of a sudden.

Lu En thought about it.

On the Moby Dick, meet Whitebeard!

Stronger than Whitebeard, is it really incapable of stopping Ace?

Of course not!

It's just that Whitebeard chose to let Ace go and let Ace go on a rampage!

Any consequences......

With his white beard, he bears it for Ace in the back!

That's all!

That's right.

People who have not experienced setbacks will always have difficulty growing!

This time, maybe it was also Whitebeard who gave Ace a chance to grow up.

But this chance!

The impact and consequences are unimaginable!

Although, before that, Whitebeard had a sense of foreboding about Ace going to sea.

But in the end.

Whitebeard still let Ace make his own choice, and didn't really interfere in it.

"You are really strong, it is really surprising that the red-haired pirates can have an Xi like you. Wait until I've settled this matter and return to the New World. "

"I will definitely rush to the red-haired pirates in person and have a drink with you!"

Ace laughed loudly, as if he had forgotten about his previous defeat.

"I'll wait. "

Lu En laughed.

Turn around.

He waved his hand and didn't choose to linger too much here.

Gradually, the area left the area.

From Ace's sight.

Lu En's figure gradually disappeared.


Ace looked thoughtfully at the scene full of holes around him.

Kilometers away!

They were all beaten to the ground and collapsed!

Seeing this, Ace couldn't help but shake his head and laugh, and glanced at the place where the package had been placed before, and the huge package had naturally already disappeared.

"It seems ......"

"It's time to get out of Alabastan, too!"

Step by step, he left.

Leave only ......

This horrible place of ruins and mutilation!

Just look at the ruined ruins at the scene.

Who can imagine.

This is just the remnants of the battle between the two people!

This scene.

Falling into the eyes of the navy such as Smoker and Dusty, who were thousands of miles away, made their throats dry, and their faces still had deep horror and were speechless.

"Colonel Smoker......"

Dusty's words trembled, and her legs went limp.

"Go back the way you came!"

Smoker felt palpitations, took a deep breath, and forced his inner emotions to give orders.

This battle.

Let everyone present remember it deeply!

And it also made them deeply realize that in this sea, there are some terrible monsters, and they are two completely different people!

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