Lu En left the ruins, still passing through the town of Eruma.

In this ruined town, all the way to the direction of the royal palace.

Ready to set sail!

Some preparations that should be made still need to be done in advance.


In Alabastan, there is no longer a place for Lu En to stay. In addition, defeating Ace has made him clearly aware of his own strength level.

It's time to return to the New World!

That's what Lu En was going to do.

Coming to the Great Passage for a long time, the new world, also made Lu En a little nostalgic.

Why did you leave the New World?

Because of the strength of the drought, the threat to Lu En is too great!



Lu En is confident that his strength no longer needs to be afraid of drought!


If you don't return to the New World at this time, do you still need to stay in the Great Passage for a year and a half?

Now, at this moment.

Lu Endu can't wait, and wants to stomp the drought's head under his feet!

"This time I came to Alabastan, and I really learned a lot. "

"Before I finally left, I never thought that I would get a red attribute card from Fire Fist Ace. The attack effect of the scorching is currently at a low level, and it is not yet clear what the development potential is. "

"If you have free attribute points, you can spend a little bit to improve the effect and try it. "

Lu En thought to himself.

Walking through the streets of Eruma Town, you can still feel the lifeless atmosphere that blows on your face.

This atmosphere has long been characteristic of Eruma towns.

Occasionally, you can see many residents walking around the streets, most of them with sleare faces, chapped lips, and lack of water resources, so they can only survive here.

Depart the town of Eruma.

It took Lu half an hour to see the outline of the capital city of Albana.

"Ace's trip, more than lucky!"

"The pattern of the new world will always be broken!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

There are some things that he has already seen clearly.

But why.

He doesn't stop Ace?

Quite simply, for one reason.

He had no reason to stop him.

There are some things that cannot be reversed until you see the results in person.


Ace wanted revenge on Teach, and it was inevitable.


Even Whitebeard can't stop Ace!

Lu En doesn't think so.

He can stop the other party.

Isn't it......

Do you really think that some things are so easy to change?

Are you kidding!

Whitebeard is Aceta's father!

Even his dad can't stop him!

Lu En and Ace only met once, and it was only a big battle, although there was a slight friendship. But Lu En doesn't think that this will stop Ace from taking revenge on Blackbeard.

"His dad can't stop him!"

"Which green onion am I?"

Lu En couldn't help but laugh.

It is precisely because of this understanding.

Lu En persuaded the other party a few words, and then stopped persuading each other.

Saying these dissuasive and unnutritious words, Ace can't listen to it, instead of bothering his words, it is better to let the other party do so, which is also the fate arrangement that the other party needs to bear.

You have to bear the consequences of your own choices!

This is what Lu En wants to say to Ace.



For people like Ace, it is impossible for him to be suppressed from his anger and hatred for Blackbeard and betrayal before he sees the results.

As for letting Lu En help Ace attack Blackbeard?

That's even more!

First of all.

Ace may not agree.


Lu En and Ace had only met once, and he had no reason to help each other.

What is the purpose?



Lu En returned to the palace.

In front of the royal palace.

When the guard saw Lu En, his expression became respectful: "Mr. Destroy the Sword Hao." "

"Yes. "

Lu En nodded, unhindered.

He set foot in the palace without any problems.


As the king, Kobra, Princess Vivi and others gathered in the living room.

"Mr. Luen, are you leaving?"

Kobra looked emotional.


Lu En nodded, not denying it.

Departure is imminent.

I came to Alabastan for the demon sword spring rain.

This time, not only did he get the demon sword spring rain, but his strength also ushered in a big leap. Lu En was quite satisfied with this, and there was no reason to waste too much time by staying in Alabastan.

"It's a pity, I would have liked to invite Mr. Lu En to the dinner that will be prepared for you tonight. But it seems that there is no such opportunity. "

"However, the next time Mr. Lune arrives in the Kingdom of Alabastan. I promise that I will solemnly welcome you and hold a banquet for you, Mr. Luen!"

Kobra said solemnly.

"Thank you very much. "

Lu En smiled.

Everything, of course, is still based on their own strength is strong enough.

to get all of these treatments at the moment!

"By the way, Mr. Luen, do you need to prepare supplies for the voyage? "

Wei Wei looked at Lu En, her pretty face was a little timid.

"Thank you. "

Lu En nodded.

Under Vivi's arrangement.

Less than ten minutes.

The supplies were fully prepared and, as ordered, all delivered in the direction of the sailing ship that Luen had docked on the coast.

You don't have to let Lu En do it himself!

Here, Lu En felt it.

What is called the most noble treatment!

Now Alabastan's attitude towards Lu En is simply not too respectful.

And before you are ready to set sail.

In Lu En's heart, he had already prepared the place where the next stop was about to arrive.

The capital of the seven waters!


This is where Lu En needs to rush to the next stop.


The Capital of the Seven Waters, in the direction of Alabastan's return to the Chambord Islands, is an inevitable trend to return to the New World and pass through the Capital of the Seven Waters.

Lu Enke has not forgotten.

Jesus cloth this guy and explained that he was going to weigh the strength level of the other party's son.

For such an easy thing, of course Lu En will not refuse!

If nothing else.

The Straw Hat Pirates, it should be this time, they will continue to stay in the capital of the seven waters.

When everything is ready.

Lu En told Kobra, Vivi and the others.

Directly from the royal palace.

Step on the moon and quickly step into the sky and rush to the shores of Alabastan where the sailing ship is docked.

Watching Lu En's departure.

Cobra, Vivi and the others were amazed.

Until now.

They still can't figure it out.

How strong is Lu En's strength?

It's an unknown!

But they can be sure.

Lu En is countless times stronger than anyone in the Kingdom of Alabastan, and he is definitely a terrifying existence that their entire Alabastan cannot compete with!


Gaka and Bell returned.

With a look of horror and shock, they hurriedly told Kobra truthfully: "King Kobra, two kilometers away from the town of Eruma, that area is spacious and flat to lie in. "

"After Mr. Luen, fight another terrifying sea thief. And the area in that area will be directly collapsed, and only a mess remains!"

"A kilometer radius!"

"Reduced to ...... Ruins"

The words fell!


Kobra and Vivi were shocked on their faces.

A kilometer in circumference, reduced to ruins?!

What a terrible battle this is?!

They simply can't imagine it.

Lacking imagination, they didn't dare to imagine how fierce the battle was at that time!

In the end, the sword master Lu En was destroyed, and the victory was won. Moreover, it was by crushing means that he defeated the other party and won the final victory!"

Gakka continued.

"Destroy the Sword Hero's ......"

"Fortunately, we have always been firm in our belief that we cannot be provoked. Otherwise, the Kingdom of Alabastan will inevitably usher in an unprecedented catastrophe!"

"A humanoid catastrophe!"

Kobra said with a palpitating look on his face.

He was very happy.

Fortunately, a strong man of this level has no idea of ruling Alabastan.


He really couldn't think of how he could save Alabastan!

In the face of this terrifying monster, I am afraid that they will not be able to shake it even if they use the power of the country!

"This is the taboo existence of the Great Passage......"

"Destroy the Sword Hero, Mr. Lu En!"

Vivi, Ikalem, and the others had awe-inspiring eyes.

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