In the Tianyuan Domain, the divine beast Purple Phoenix appeared once before. That time was when Lin Yichen was still in the wilderness.

That time, the Purple Phoenix only appeared for three days. During those three days, all the monks in the Tianyuan Domain who were above the Sky Mirror went to look for the divine beast. Unfortunately, nearly a thousand people died in the Birdsong of the Purple Phoenix..

There are still many people who have lost themselves in the demonic energy of the Purple Phoenix, and their realm has plummeted since then, never reaching their former strength.

Those who survived were also devoured by demonic energy because of impure thoughts during the conclusion of the contract, and eventually became the living dead.

Therefore, this time the Purple Phoenix appeared again, not many people came to look for the Purple Phoenix.

Firstly, because the Purple Phoenix is ​​too powerful, and secondly, because of the examples of these high-level monks from ten thousand years ago, the current monks lack the courage to conquer the Purple Phoenix.

Last time, Lin Yichen stayed in the wilderness and didn't know about the birth of Zihuang. This time, Lin Yichen encountered luck again, which was Lin Yichen's unique luck.

There are fewer people snatching the Purple Phoenix this time, and Lin Yichen's chances are greater.

Moreover, there is no other person in Tianyuan Domain who has the same power of gods and demons as Lin Yichen. He is the best candidate among the monks formed by Zihuang.

This is destiny!

Lin Yichen carefully searched for the scent of Zihuang in the air of Jindu City again, smelling it as he walked.

After walking a few steps forward, Lin Yichen smelled the faint scent of peonies and peonies in the air again.

He quickly used his spiritual power to capture the only trace of smell, and stored the smell in the palm of his hand with spiritual power.

Lin Yichen put his palms together, and then he continued to search for the smell in Jindu City, but after walking around Jindu City several times, he found no trace of the purple phoenix.

However, Lin Yichen discovered a pattern, that is, when he found the center of the city, the smell here was always stronger than elsewhere.

The smell here is even stronger than the smell in all places in the city. Logically speaking, this should be Zi Huang's hiding place.

But Lin Yichen looked around, and found that except for the street vendors and the people of Jindu City walking on the road, there was no other living thing in this place.

After searching for it for a few more times, even Lin Yichen was confused. Does this Purple Phoenix really exist in Jindu City? Why have I been searching for so long and not even seen the shadow of the divine beast Purple Phoenix?

Lin Yichen once again returned to this place with the strongest flavor.

He found a stall and sat down, sitting on the stool of the stall and panting wildly.

Lin Yichen has been running for several times in a row without resting. Although monks do not need to exert physical strength, Lin Yichen is still very tired from moving without interruption for such a long time.

Just when Lin Yichen was sitting on the stool to rest, he suddenly discovered something different about the ground.

He found that the ground here was faintly glowing with purple light.

This purple light was so inconspicuous that even a person with such a high cultivation level, Lin Yichen, did not notice this strange place when he was not sitting on a stool and was slightly closer to the ground.

He slowly raised his hand and felt the spiritual power that was integrated with the ground.

Suddenly, he had an idea in his mind, but this idea shocked Lin Yichen extremely, making Lin Yichen feel his scalp numb from the depths of his mind and soul.

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