The idea is that the center of the city may be the hiding place of Zihuang, because the strong smell of peony and peony flowers has already told Lin Yichen the answer.

And the reason he never discovered it was because of the purple spiritual power on the ground.

The purple spiritual power on the ground should be set up by Zihuang, some kind of spiritual power similar to human blindness.

But the Purple Phoenix is ​​so powerful, a divine beast that only appears once in ten thousand years, how could it set up a blind eye in the center of Jindu City with so few monks.

Lin Yichen was particularly curious about this. He knew in his heart that Zihuang must be hiding in the center of Jindu City due to some special circumstances.

And now he is going to figure out the reason why Zihuang is hiding in the center of Jindu City.

He used his spiritual power to test the purple spiritual power and found that although this spiritual power was strong, it seemed to have a weak and sick air in it.

Lin Yichen carefully observed the aura in the center of the city.

Then he led Jinshang to an unknown alley, and together with Jinshang, he cooperated with his tracking spell and successfully destroyed the aura set by Zihuang in the center of the city.

Lin Yichen and Jinshang only felt the ground under their feet shaking, as if something was about to surge out of the ground.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and a strong wind blew. The wind was extremely strange, as if it appeared suddenly.

But Lin Yichen and Jin Shang didn't know that this situation only occurred in the space where they were, which meant that this situation only happened to them.

Outside the alley, the people in Jindu City did not feel the earth shaking, nor did they feel the sky being blocked. Everything happened in the alley where Lin Yichen and Jin Shang stayed.

After the wind blew for a while, Lin Yichen and Jin Shang's eyes suddenly darkened, and they were taken into a cave.

Lin Yichen, who was blown into the cave, fell down and squatted down. He held his butt and straightened up. By the way, he also groped for Jinshang in the dark and picked him up from the ground.

After the two people stood up, they opened their eyes wide and slowly adapted to the darkness in the cave.

The two of them supported each other and walked together because the visibility in the cave was too low and Lin Yichen was afraid of being attacked by someone.

Therefore, he lit up a lamp for himself in his hand to illuminate the way forward for himself and Jinshang.

With the light, the two of them could finally observe the situation in the cave.

This cave is extremely wide and extremely high, as if this place is not for people to live in.

For normal people, this place was too big. Lin Yichen and Jinshang continued to walk forward, and then they saw a scene that made them both incredible.

The purple phoenix was lying directly in front of the two of them. I had not seen it before because the purple phoenix was too huge and the light in Lin Yichen's hand was not enough to provide such great visibility.

So both of them walked several steps without noticing the existence of Zi Huang. The reason they could see Zi Phoenix now was because they had already walked very close to Zi Phoenix.

Even if they took two more steps forward, they could step on the huge wings of the purple phoenix lying on the ground.

When the two of them saw Zi Huang, they reacted very quickly. He quickly retreated at the same speed, which was comparable to an arrow leaving the string.

But it was too late, Zi Huang had already discovered the two of them.

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