Lin Yichen looked at Jinshang and Huxi beside him and said,

"Then the three of us will go in and see what this time and space gate is all about."

Originally, the three of them were preparing to use their spiritual power to set off, but Lin Yichen suddenly remembered something.

He said to Jin Shang and Hu Xi,

"One of you is a sword spirit, and the other is a mythical beast."

"What if you two are knocked out of your true form and injured when you pass through the space-time gate in human form?"

"In order to prevent you from getting hurt, you two should stay in the spirit stone."

With that said, Lin Yichen took out the spirit stone from his arms and entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Yichen brought Jinshang and Huxi to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Yichen also wanted to introduce Jinshang and Huxi. Xi met Murong Qing. The last time Jinshang suddenly entered Lingshi, he hadn't introduced them to each other yet. He looked for Murong Qing's figure in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and then saw Murong Qing in a corner.

Lin Yichen tiptoed. He walked over and patted Murong Qing awake.

Murong Qing sat up, with a bad look on his face and a hint of impatience in his tone.

He said,"What's wrong? Why are you here at this time to disturb my dream." Lin

Yichen also knew that he came at the wrong time and said quickly,

"Senior, don't be angry, I brought two people to accompany you to relieve your boredom."

When he heard that someone was coming to accompany him, Murong Qing's face looked much better, then he looked at Lin Yichen and said,

"Who is it? Let me see who is here to relieve my boredom."

As he said that, he raised his head and glanced at Jinshang and Huxi.

Jinshang felt Murong Qing's eyes, and his heart was filled with fear of this old man.

Last time, Lin Yichen temporarily placed himself in the spirit stone, and then met this Old man.

He was familiar with himself, and he talked too much. He offended this old man, and unexpectedly he was silenced.

It was pity that he stayed in the spirit stone for several hours and didn't say a word. It really suffocated him to death. This was a nagging conversation.

It wasn't until Lin Yichen called him out again that the sealing spell became ineffective.

Therefore, Jin Shang was extremely afraid of this old man when he entered the Lingshi again this time, for fear that he would be silenced by this old man again.

Hu Xi just It’s different.

Hu Xi was originally the powerful divine beast Purple Phoenix in the Divine Beast Realm.

And because Hu Xi had already experienced many things in the Divine Beast Realm, his heart itself was much stronger than Jin Shang’s.

Therefore, when Hu Xi saw When he arrived at Murong Qing, he didn't show any different expression.

Then Hu Xi introduced himself first and said,

"I am Zihuang from the Divine Beast Realm, and my name is Hu Xi."

Then it was time for Jinshang to introduce himself.

Jinshang walked slowly and leisurely to the side of Murong Qing. He lowered his head and said,

"My name is Jinshang, and I am the sword spirit of Lin Yichen."

As soon as he finished speaking, he ran away from Murong Qing like he was running away from some monster.

Murong Qing looked at Jin Shang who hurriedly ran away from him, and a smile appeared on his face.

He thought to himself, this young man and his apprentice They are really similar.

Back then, his little apprentice was also afraid of him, and he didn't dare to talk too close to him.

Now, he is no longer the master he was back then, and his apprentice has become Mengshi Tianzun. Nothing can go back. , but the memory left to people still exists in people's minds.

Just like this time, Murong Qing remembered his apprentice as soon as he saw Jinshang.

Jinshang looked just like his original apprentice, the same simple, the same Innocent.

Murong Qing raised his eyes and looked at Jinshang again, just like he looked at the young and energetic apprentice before.

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